February 22

SNS29: Saturday Night Special – John Bentley

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Saturday Night Special


Join us today for the Saturday Night Special with John Bentley from Power 2 Transform...

In tonight’s 29th Saturday Night Special John Bentley and I talk about his views on leadership, both good and bad.  John shares some of his top tips on what makes people follow a leader.  John and I also talk with you about how your mindset controls what you do as a leader.

Join in on the Chat below.

00:00:00 Welcome to tonight's Saturday Night special with John Bentley from power to transform Here on the inspired stewardship podcast. I'm John Bentley from Power to transform and I challenge you to influence yourself and become a better leader. One way to be inspired to do that is to listen to this. The inspired stewardship podcast with my friend Scott. Mater behavior is believable, and I like to say behavior is a choice and who chooses your behavior? I do. And then behavior on a continuum has had a payoff for cost, so I choose my behavior payoff.
00:00:48 It's helpful to me and others. If it's a cost, it's hurtful to me and others. Welcome and thank you for joining us on the inspired stewardship podcast. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to be, then you must learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true calling in. The inspired sturgeon podcast will learn to invest in yourself, invest in others and develop your influence so that you can impact the world. In tonight's 29th Saturday Night Special, John Bentley and I talk about his views on leadership both good and Bad and John share some of his top tips on what makes people actually follow a leader.
00:01:39 John and I also talked with you about how your mindset controls what you do as a leader. No one area that a lot of folks need some help with is around the area of productivity. Getting not just Maur things done, but actually getting the right things done can be really, really tough. I've got a course called Productivity for your passion that's designed to help you do this. And then they hold you accountable and walk with you so that you can tailor productivity not just to be getting more done but actually getting the right things done.
00:02:20 What's more, we take the approach of looking at your personality and how you actually look at things in the world and Taylor the productivity system to your personality. Because the truth is, a lot of the systems that are out there are written really well for somebody with a particular personality type. But if you have a different approach to things, they just don't work. But there's tools and techniques and approaches that you can take that will work for anyone and we help you do that in productivity for your passion. Check it out over an inspired stewardship dot com slash launch.
00:02:58 John Bentley from Powers Transform is a self described recovering helicopter parent. I get that one and sometimes bratty two year old leader, and I think some of my employees back when I was on corporate, would have described me the same way. So he's on a mission to develop healthy leaders that build trust, lead cohesive teams and facilitate successful change. John discovered early on in his Air Force career that, well, let's just say when he was put under pressure, his leadership style sometimes left a little bit to be desired.
00:03:34 And John found that the best leaders intentionally influenced themselves and achieved the best despite the chaos that could exist around them. And John is now set out on a mission to help develop leaders so that they can master self leadership. And three, these skills become the leaders that others trust and willingly follow. John, welcome to the show, Scott, thank you so much at the pleasure to be here today, and I look forward to sharing with you and your listeners. You know, We talked a lot in that Inter about leadership,
00:04:07 both of your own back in the day and then now, with what you're doing, developing other leaders and as someone who coaches leaders, let's kind of start there. Leadership is one of those things that I think there's probably a CZ many definitions that as many schools of thought on leadership is there is people that say that they teach something about leadership out there. So what's your definition when it comes to leadership? John? It's pretty simple, Scott. It's intentionally choosing behaviors that create a foundation of trust where everyone willingly investor talents to achieve better results faster through and with others.
00:04:45 Okay, so when you when you think about that as a leader, I mean, you're you're highlighting trust. You're highlighting other people investing in the situation, you know, whatever is going on, what what are some of the things that that kind of our, I guess, indicators that that we can see in ourselves or others that maybe we're on that kind of definition that you're laying out? Yeah, I think what comes to mind for me as you see, people who truly respect each other in the talents that they bring to the project of the process or the team and threw that respect its they actually love differences because what you do differently,
00:05:28 a strength you have compared to what I are others have actually eliminates any individual weaknesses. So mutual respect is one and then another one that I really like is this mutual purpose? We all have an agreed upon gold, and we want to help each other succeed and achieve that. Go. So some of the behaviors that you start seeing people have high levels of report. They know how to relate to people according to their needs. And you know, howto cooperate with people who are different from them. And they can clearly speak up and share their messages without fear of her pipe Reprisal or someone telling him it's stupid.
00:06:06 No, that never happens. Surely you jest uh, you know, I think one of the things that's interesting is that that people, you know, if you ask somebody if you just walk up to people that have been working, they've been in corporate, they've been, you know, even in their own business, and you ask them, Hey, talk to me about a good leader in a bad leader in your life. Most of us can point to somebody and go. There's an example of a good leader.
00:06:33 There's an example of one that was not so great, so kind of expand a little bit. Maur. On what behaviors in skills do good leaders. You know what? What is it that they have? What's the mojo that lets us point that somebody and go, You know point? That's a good leader. Well, I'm glad you asked that question, because when I teach leadership and do workshops, one of the activities I love to start with, it's put people in groups and get them to identify the characteristics,
00:07:03 traits, strengths of the leader they trust. And the five or six that float to the top, always or vulnerability, that they're willing to admit mistakes. They're not afraid to ask for help. They know they don't have all the answers. Listing is a is a big one that they know that you care about them as a person. You understand them now is the leader. I may not agree with you, but being just valued and understood creates more trust. And here's a biggie. They want to know that the behavior that is congrats with what you profess.
00:07:36 In other words, am I walking my talk? And here's what I learned from the great leaders that I work with who helped me grow the most from pointing out my weaknesses or things that were causing me harm or hurting others as they provide truthful and kind feedback and get that truthful in kind feedback. I looks found on that for just a moment, if you don't mind. Sure, if you're just truthful, I'm just gonna really tell you what I think. I don't care how you feel. My my goal is to win blame,
00:08:04 Punish, say face. And if I'm just kind, then I really skirt around the issue like I'm walking on eggshells because I don't want to hurt your feelings or someone else's seedlings. And so being able to come and talk about the facts and let you see how your behavior is impacting yourself and others in a truthful in kind way is to me one of the number one trait the leader can have. Yeah, I think that the other one you mentioned there of kind of walking your walk the integrity question. I know for me a lot of times whenever when I think of good leaders,
00:08:39 you know, that's one of the things that that I've always thought of is even even if I don't necessarily agree with everything. I know what I'm going to get, you know, because they say it. They mean it. They walk it day in, day out. You kind of see him. The way I put it is they're the same person on the stage as they are off the stage. No, I love that. John Maxwell is, ah, mentor of mine, and he's an example of that where I've I've been in a very small group with them after hours,
00:09:10 with only a couple of you know, about 80 100 of us, none to see him in a very intimate setting. He's the same guy a CZ when he's up in front of 50,000 people talking, Um, and that that to me means a lot because it's like, Okay, I can actually trust that you you mean what you say? Well, you're reminding me two of the quote that I hear so often that behavior is believable and I like to say behavior is a choice and who chooses your behavior.
00:09:38 I do. And then behavior on a continuum has has a payoff for a cost. So I choose my behavior. If it's a payoff, it's helpful to me and others. If it's a cost, it's hurtful to me and others. And you're reminding me of Alan Mulally, the Ford CEO that took over in 2006? If you remember the story,
00:09:57 they were gonna lose about $12.7 billion a year, just a little bit, just a little bit right.
00:10:04 And in 2010 he had turned it around with a net income of six billion. But but here's where.
00:10:09 Your story of integrity and my same off the stage is I am on the stage, comes into play first meeting Alan had with his senior leadership team.
00:10:18 They're bringing in their reports, which are green, amber, red, green. Things were good. Amber.
00:10:24 It's so so red. We were hurting. We need to solve this. 80% of what those leaders report it was grain.
00:10:30 Hey, Alan called a time out and he said, You know what? I know that this can't be true.
00:10:35 We're getting ready to lose $12 billion your reporting 80% green, he said. I expect honesty and I will honor honesty from you.
00:10:43 Let's go back and get it straight. So they come back to the meeting. Here's here's the test.
00:10:49 First person presents their 80% read. What is Alan do? He said, Thank you. Thank you,
00:10:54 Steve, for your honesty. Everyone else around the table, What can we do to help Steven solve its problems and get the green?
00:11:01 You know, again, I had a history where I worked in corporate and listers have heard pieces of this before,
00:11:07 but one of the things that I share is I kind of got a little bit of a reputation of being the guy that some people loved having me at their meetings,
00:11:17 and some people would never invite me to their meetings because I was the guy that would stand up in the meeting and go,
00:11:24 Okay, there's an elephant in the corner, or aren't we gonna talk about the elephant? You know,
00:11:28 here's the situation. Let's address it a supposed to kind of sweeping it under the rug and playing, and I wasn't rude about it.
00:11:37 you know, it wasn't mean and it wasn't blame. I didn't say I didn't stand up and go,
00:11:41 Steve, to use your Steve's an idiot. Look at what he's. It was. Hey, here's a problem.
00:11:46 Let's fix it. You know, let's do something about it. Let's address it. It was always funny to me till then,
00:11:51 reflect on the people that loved having me at the meeting and then there were other people that it was like they never invited me.
00:11:58 I never made any of their meetings because they knew I'd say it if that makes sense, Well, it makes perfect sense because what you're really sharing with me are the people that wanted you at their meetings,
00:12:08 valued how you could spot something and be willing to talk about a situation that, if it wasn't resolved,
00:12:15 was gonna negatively impact where we're going and the others. So they were solution focused versus the other group.
00:12:21 That was problem or you, you know, they skirted again. It was they were just kind, not truthful,
00:12:26 or, in your case, you were truthful and kind, so that's beautiful. So if you're in a position of leadership yourself and you've ever had one of those moments like we talked about in the intro where your leadership style that day was maybe a little less than you wanted it to be a little less than stellar.
00:12:44 John, could you share some of the top reasons that a leader can can lose their ability toe, possibly influence others and then maybe some things that they can do to kind of prevent that from happening?
00:12:57 Scott. It really starts with ego and ego, depending on how you want to look at it, it's been quoted as edges got out our edges greatness out.
00:13:07 So from a leadership perspective, it edges greatness out into me. It comes from two mindsets, either pride or fear.
00:13:16 Now pride is an overly high opinion of yourself. You know, exaggerated self esteem. You're arrogant in the behaviors that we can see from someone.
00:13:24 It's very prideful, is boasting. They want to take all the credit they're showing off. They're doing all the talking,
00:13:30 demanding attention and trying to force you to do things their way. Fear, on the other hand, is an insecure view of yourself.
00:13:38 It's about protecting you, and some of those behaviors include hiding behind your position I am the leader because I said so.
00:13:45 It withhold information, they intimidate others and they make all the decisions and accept no feedback. So those are two of the biggies and an example that comes to mind with that is the Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn.
00:14:00 Do you remember a few years back boats? Wagon was hit with a huge lawsuit over $10 million what that came from is if he was a tyrant,
00:14:11 he did not accept failure at all. And he required his manager's to berate people and the little people who made mistakes.
00:14:20 So he wanted to be number one in the auto industry worldwide. Well, what happened? People quit reporting mistakes.
00:14:26 They falsified reports because they didn't want to get beat up or berated. That all came from his fear and ego.
00:14:33 And one way to overcome that is really through self awareness and asking people for feedback. One of the things I love to do is ask three questions quarterly to my boys,
00:14:42 who I take out on the listing lodge. What? What does it behave? You want me to stop?
00:14:47 That's impacting you on the team negatively. What if some behaviors you want me to start it will help the team.
00:14:53 And what behaviors do you want me to continue? That will continue to help the team. And then I shut up and listen and work to do those things when they're reported to me.
00:15:02 One of the things to point out because I use the same three questions when I was in leadership and I will warn people,
00:15:10 especially if you are taking over in a leadership position or new to a leadership position. Um, and maybe that culture of the company has not been as open.
00:15:21 Be. Be very careful that would you ask those questions that you do actually listen, And then you do actually act on it because usually the first time you ask those questions,
00:15:33 you don't actually get the complete honest truth because they're testing you. They want to make sure and they're not.
00:15:38 You know, there's a little fear involved again, especially in if the corporate culture is not such to facilitate that,
00:15:46 you know, really can be fearful because they've seen bad examples before. But over time, as they begin to see again,
00:15:54 go back to what you were talking about, your vulnerability listening can group being integrity, being doing what you say and being truthful and kind as they begin to see that repeated.
00:16:05 Then they'll begin to trust and open up and share. Maura and Maur. Um and I know I know I got some really great feedback from folks when I asked for those questions and often thinks that I was unaware of,
00:16:18 you know, So it opens your eyes. Many eyes are better than yours, that's for sure. Yeah,
00:16:24 those blind spots are so important for people to point out to assist leaders, especially if we're willing to do something about it.
00:16:31 And the one thing I always like to do is I would take the dad and write it down and present that back to the entire team.
00:16:37 Because one thing I've also learned I can't change 45 behaviors at one time. But if I could choose one behavior for each for them those 1st 2 and continue the 3rd 1 and asked the team to give me feet forward on that,
00:16:49 how can I do better at this than I'm letting them know? I listened. I shared back, and now they're helping me get better on just one or two of those behaviors,
00:16:57 and then they're more apt to the next meeting. Provide me, Maura, and better honest feedback, right?
00:17:03 The other tweak that I'll add to that is, you know, and you just kind of mentioned it,
00:17:09 but but to expand on that, I I was very, very clear because I was ah, in what they called a senior director position.
00:17:17 And then there were directors that reported to me that had people reporting to them so, you know, once removed And one of the things I told all of my directors is I'm like,
00:17:27 if you if this is something that I've said, I'm going to stop doing or start doing or you continue doing doesn't matter.
00:17:34 It falls in all three blanks, and you see me not doing that. You know, if I said I'm going to stop and then you see me do it,
00:17:41 you not only have my permission, you have my I want you to call me out on it. You know,
00:17:48 politely. You have to be rude about it. But just tell me. Hey, you said you were gonna work on that,
00:17:53 You know that? That's something that you did because basically, by giving them permission to call you out,
00:18:02 um, people, you know, again they're going to test the waters. But once they understood that I was sincere about that and would be like,
00:18:11 Oh, you're right. I'm sorry. I'm working on that messed up. Let me go back and try again.
00:18:17 They you know, they really appreciated that. And guess what? I also made faster progress, you know,
00:18:23 because once they started calling me out on it's like, OK, I really got to stop doing it.
00:18:27 It's just I have to walk the walk because they're gonna call me out on it. If I don't.
00:18:32 Well, it's so awesome when you want people to help you be accountable to what you say you're gonna do.
00:18:38 And when they give you feedback and you thank them, then that also puts another layer of trust That trust just becomes more true than ever before.
00:18:49 So good on you for doing that and and running with that, If more leaders did that, it's amazing how organizations would get things done faster at a lower cost.
00:18:59 Absolutely. Yeah, well, and the flip to is what I noticed. Is it so as a leader.
00:19:07 You know, you talked about the fact that one of the things we have to do is give feedback to our point employees,
00:19:12 you know, feedback, That is, that is truthful and kind. I discovered that as I exhibited this behavior,
00:19:20 they became more open to the feedback that I had to give them to because it was no longer, you know,
00:19:26 it wasn't a one way street had an opportunity to give me feedback, too. So, you know,
00:19:31 it opened up that ability to say, Hey, here's an area where I've noticed There's Cem, Cem,
00:19:36 Cem, difficulties, some challenges. What can we do to fix this? What could we do to work on this?
00:19:40 Because this isn't gonna work the way it is today. Um, and And they would become much more open to working on themselves because they saw you as the leader working on yourself a swell.
00:19:53 And I love how you focused on the issue and not the person and didn't blame you. Simply stated the facts and then ask the questions to create buying an ownership.
00:20:02 What can we do to resolve this? So that is awesome. Says cocky about that, John, what are some of the techniques or principles that a leader needs toe learn or develop or master to be ableto overcome.
00:20:17 You know the negative responses that we can have some times where you know something goes wrong. It's easy to get angry.
00:20:25 It's easy to get short tempered. It's easy toe have the temptation to react in a negative way. What are some of the things that we need to develop so that we can move forward effectively instead of of reacting negatively?
00:20:37 If you don't mind, I'm gonna share with you three don'ts that that leaders don't need to do. And I learned this when I first became a leader because,
00:20:44 you know, it was about me. It was commanding control, and I had all the answers and I went to appear and said,
00:20:50 You know, I've got this issue with my team and she said, Well, I know John, you know what?
00:20:55 Well, I know you're struggling. I know you're trying to do everything yourself, and I just want to tell you you're part of the problem,
00:21:02 and she paused. And it kind of struck me, she says. And you're also part of the solution.
00:21:08 So through that I went back and reflected. And here's the three don'ts. Number one. Don't be the Lone Ranger.
00:21:15 Your job is to get results to others, not do everything yourself, trying to take on every task yourself.
00:21:20 What does that lead to? Burnout destroys trust among subordinates. So the key to achieving greater things is the delegation delegation has many benefits.
00:21:30 First, you'll increase your trustworthiness as a leader and have extra time for the task you're required to perform and additionally delegating tasks the team members develops their ability improves her self esteem and leads to better ideas.
00:21:43 The problems now the second don't, which has very good at don't jump to solutions. You see, when you jump to solutions and react on impulse,
00:21:53 you waste time, frustrate others, especially when the solution is wrong, which a lot of times mind was.
00:21:59 My solution was wrong. So what I suggest is the next time a problem occurs unexpectedly, just stopping think instead of pointing fingers are flying off the handle instead,
00:22:08 trying to solve it on your own. Proposed the problem to the whole team, asked them for solutions because that lets you gather data,
00:22:16 look for possible causes and when they come up with the information, they want to help do it and have buying to solve it.
00:22:22 And last but not least, if you do the 1st 2 I guarantee you what's gonna happen is you're gonna suffer in silence,
00:22:28 so don't suffer in silence. So when things go wrong and we know it will, don't withdrawn, become quiet.
00:22:35 If it's your nature to deal with problems on your own, the silent route will only eat you alive.
00:22:41 So what I ask you to do is talk about those ideas openly. Give them the opportunity to make a difference and they will do it because here's what I know.
00:22:50 Start by ditching the leadership don'ts and accept that you do need others. And also remember, employees want to help.
00:22:57 Okay, Yeah, that's kind of, uh, one of those conversations that I would often have with my directors because inevitably,
00:23:05 you know, one of the conversations that you're having with them is they're having a challenge with one of their employees.
00:23:11 It happens because they're people, and that happens. And inevitably, one of the first things I would say is if they were kind of grousing about how negative this situation was with this employee was,
00:23:26 Do you really think they show up at Monday going man, I'd really like to stink in my job this week.
00:23:31 You know, Boy, I hope I fail at everything I do. You know, I don't think anyone shows up at work feeling that way.
00:23:38 So there's obviously a gap between you know, A and B. They don't have the right skills. They don't have the right support.
00:23:46 You know, they don't something, you know, there's a missing piece. Let's find what that pieces.
00:23:52 And truly, if it is at the end of the day, if we do, what we discover is this just is not the right position for them.
00:23:58 Yeah, OK, then that's fine, too. We confined that either a new position within the company or even let someone go.
00:24:04 That's not It's not that that's never on the table, but that's not what we start. Let's get there after we've proven everything else is not able to get there because sometimes I think it's easy as a as a leader to think Well,
00:24:18 jeez, this person just doesn't know. They just don't care. Probably not true Well, and is you've heard the quote many times and there's lots of articles on it is employees don't leave cos they leave bosses.
00:24:34 And I think one of the biggest lessons I learned through completing the crucial conversations course, the vital smarts and in facilitating it for years with the Army is learning to master my stories.
00:24:46 And so what I understood is the path to action for behavior is we see and hear something. So Mary shows up late three times this week.
00:24:57 I create a story as mayor really doesn't care about her job, she doesn't want to be here. I don't know if I can trust her.
00:25:01 That creates an emotion, which I then act on in a way that is not helpful. So by learning to say Mary Long,
00:25:08 you did with your questioning Mary, you've been late three times this week. I'm starting to think maybe you're having difficulty getting toe work or something going on.
00:25:18 How do you see it? And then, boom, You just hush. It's not getting into tip toe around it.
00:25:23 It's not berating and blaming. It's trying to get her to share her story because it may be that she has a mother who's in a home and has to be taken care of early each morning.
00:25:34 And she's the only one that that the mom will take medicine from right. And then now you get to the truth.
00:25:40 Now you can resolve it. So that's been one of my big lessons is when I start having an emotion,
00:25:45 it's gonna cause me to react instead of respond. I stopped myself and try to say What else may be true So we've we've touched on this a few different ways,
00:25:55 but but let's kind of unpacking a little further. I think one of the things that that we've talked about when we're talking about good leadership and good leaders is that good leaders have a teachable mindset.
00:26:07 They have, Ah, they're open minded. They're open to feedback. They're vulnerable. These these sorts of things all describe openness in different way.
00:26:16 So how can that kind of openness, that kind of vulnerability create trust in the folks that were leading as leaders lost share story with you A few years ago,
00:26:30 I was saying regional human resource development manager and our entire training budget was to bring human resource specialists from around seven states into our location to train them.
00:26:43 So it was really a travel dollars. Well, during sequestration, we lost that entire budget, which meant our training program stopped and my team got a little worried.
00:26:55 You know how we're gonna add value. And they turned to me for ideas and I have to share with you.
00:27:01 I was. I was kind of stumped, too. So that was really the one question I I ask is,
00:27:06 Well, what can we do to add value and through understanding that setback, the outcome we came up with was to create scenarios that were based on work that allow people to critically think about do their job but also evaluate how well they were doing.
00:27:26 The outcome not only reduced HR recruitment errors in the process, it also avoided a $350,000 in travel costs.
00:27:37 And here's what I learned from that is that leaders need others toe win, and when is an acronym that focuses on welcome,
00:27:47 diverse thinking? Because when you welcome diverse thinking, you come up with the best answers with a limited amount of information you receive it also let us have healthy conflict around the idea of how to best do it and include the customer that we were gonna be serving.
00:28:02 So we had a lot of the diverse ideas. And if we're gonna have diverse ideas, guess what else I must did.
00:28:08 I choir with curiosity and curiosity, is designed to help you learn Maura about something So the gold starts with a pure motive to lead that leads to truth,
00:28:21 produces results in strengthens relationships. So we set out to again inquire with curiosity with each other to know how people felt thinking,
00:28:30 thought about it, and then the last piece that really summed it up that allowed us to execute it.
00:28:35 The end, which has never stopped serving. So to effectively develop and deliver the training, we relied on each other strengths as you and I discussed before.
00:28:45 In fact, I had one person that was the subject matter expert on recruitment matters, while another person wrote the case studies to make it seem like real work,
00:28:54 and it engaged the participants to think critically. Then I had another team member that wrote valid test questions that caused them to think about it,
00:29:03 to provide the answer and then last but not least the other team member put it all in an automated learning system,
00:29:09 so we were able to get it to flow and accurately track the information. So welcome to verse thinking,
00:29:15 inquire with curiosity and never stopped serving others, especially in difficult times. Excellent. So as we as we kind of wrap up here,
00:29:26 John, the one question that I try to ask everybody is about stewardship. I mean, the name of the show isn't is inspired.
00:29:36 Stewardship. Stewardship is kind of how I focus my coaching and what I do, but at the same time kind of like leadership back in the beginning,
00:29:44 I've discovered over the years that that word means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.
00:29:48 So with that in mind, would you share what stewardship means to you and how that has impacted your life?
00:29:56 Yes, sir. I'm gonna look at it from a leadership perspective and stewardship. To me as a leader means simply having the responsibility to take care of people.
00:30:06 Yeah, and I use that because the best leaders I've worked for there's two things they did for for us to take care of us,
00:30:15 and it was, they developed our emotional and mental well being. And by doing so, they helped us become more engaged,
00:30:24 more accountable and get this the best version of ourselves. And I'd like to share a story with you if I may.
00:30:33 And it was when I was leaving the Air Force in 1992 with 10 years because they weren't promoting me fast enough.
00:30:39 So talk about ego, right? He could have any, and I was also getting a $25,000 bonus for leaving.
00:30:45 So it's solve all my problems at 31. And when I walked out of the commander's office, known as a HR office in the private sector,
00:30:53 the most respected individual in the 1200 person organization called me. And when I got to him, he had a Coke can and he was shaking it.
00:31:01 Course you can imagine what I was thinking and he said, John, you're leaving out Air Force never to return.
00:31:07 So that was April of 92 was gonna be getting out in December, and I actually served 21 years and retired.
00:31:14 And he said, I've got a life lesson. I want a teacher and I don't have much time to do it,
00:31:18 he said. You got all the talent. The world talent will get you nowhere unless you learned t lead yourself.
00:31:25 You'll never earn the right to lead others. And he handed me the coat can. I said, Open it I said,
00:31:29 No, I'm not opening that. He said, Why not? But what's in it will spew all over me and you know it gets sticky and it'll be nasty.
00:31:35 So I took the Coke can and said, John, that's what you do. I did this in a truthful and kind way.
00:31:40 That's what you do when things don't go right and things don't go your way, he said. See,
00:31:47 again, you've got all the talent in the world. But if you can't learn to lead yourself, you won't earn the right lead.
00:31:52 Others you'll struggle. You'll be frustrated and you'll limit your opportunities for success. So say he spoke into May,
00:32:01 something I didn't recognize and because I truly respected him and he did it in a truthful and kind and caring way.
00:32:07 I received it and that started me on my journey to understand why I spiraled out of control when things got difficult.
00:32:16 So it's fortunate I got promoted and got to pull the paperwork and stay in the Air Force. But I did it because of men and women like him who knew how to care for me in a way that will let me accept it,
00:32:29 act on it and become better. Yeah, I thought that was you said you were leaving after 10 years.
00:32:37 And then you said you served 21 years, and I'm like, Wait a minute. But you you,
00:32:41 Magister with fright and stay in. That's awesome. You know? Of course I'm I'm located outside of San Antonio.
00:32:47 So Air Force is sort of near. And, dear toe my heart here because we get we get a few Air Force people through San Antonio one or two.
00:32:56 Yes, sir. S o. Most of most of them come through here one time or another and go through Lackland.
00:33:04 So, um, and there is I've had the pleasure of doing science fair in San Antonio for years,
00:33:11 and a lot of our volunteers or Air Force guys. So, uh, I've gotten to get to know someone personally,
00:33:17 and there's some fantastic leaders within the Air Force, but I think the the advice that they gave you was so good of talents.
00:33:24 One thing. But talent is not the long term route to success, because you can, you know,
00:33:33 again, it's sort of the difference. I'll take the sports analogy for a minute of you can have the best player on the planet on your team.
00:33:41 But if they hog the ball and never pass it, never try to help anyone else and nobody else wants to help them.
00:33:47 And they are part of a unit. Those teams usually don't win championships, or at least not often.
00:33:53 You know, you can have the team made up of people that aren't the best players on the planet but are still good.
00:33:59 I mean, they're not, you know, again. It's not slouch player, but they play together as a unit and as a team again.
00:34:06 San Antonio. I'm in San Antonio's Four Spurs. That's one of the things they're known for is Popovich builds a team.
00:34:12 He doesn't want a bunch of solos. He wants a team, and because of that, they've won a couple of championships over the years.
00:34:19 That's right, that they all know their strengths. They play their roles, and they make each other better.
00:34:25 And that's true leadership to I guess you can find out more about John and his service is over it.
00:34:33 Power to transfer form dot com That's power the number to transform dot com. He's also active on Twitter at Power to Transform.
00:34:44 Or you can find him on linked in as John Bentley John. Is there anything else you'd like to share with the listener?
00:34:52 Yeah, thank you for being here today, and the one resource that I I use is that book I wrote called 52 Ways to motivate Yourself.
00:35:01 It can find out on on Amazon, and it's a one year journey for living, a positive life in a complicated world.
00:35:08 And I've got feedback from leaders who are using it in their team huddles on a weekly basis, cause it's made up of a quote 150 words to get thinking started to create conversation,
00:35:18 three action items and then the rial. The real transformation happens when you respond to the reflection questions so they could find that it amazon dot com,
00:35:30 just by searching for 52 ways to motivate yourself and if they want to go to my website is you've already mentioned Power two.
00:35:36 That's the number to transform dot com. They can download a two page document where I share the five imperatives from mastering self leadership.
00:35:47 And of course, I'll have links to all of that over in the show. Notes at inspired stewardship dot com es and s 29 Thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship Podcast.
00:36:05 As a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listen. But act on what you've heard and find a way toe live your calling.
00:36:17 If you enjoyed this episode, please, please do us a favor. Go over to inspired stewardship dot com slash iTunes rate all one word iTunes rate.
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00:36:46 your talent and your treasures develop your influence and impact world

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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Behavior is Believable.  Behavior is a Choice.  Who chooses your behavior?  You do.  - John Bentley

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Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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