September 20

Episode 961: Invest in Others – Interview with Roy Heintz Author of Lead Like a Coach – Part 2

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Interview, Invest In Others


Join us today for Part 2 of the Interview with Roy Heintz, author of Lead Like a Coach...

This is Part 2 of the interview I had with speaker and author Roy Heintz.  

In today’s interview with Roy Heintz, I ask Roy to share with you why most people don’t want a boss, they want a coach.  I also ask Roy the key principles we need to focus on to have a coaching mindset.  I also ask Roy to talk to you about how you can lead even if you don’t have a formal leadership position.

Join in on the Chat below.

Episode 961: Invest in Others - Interview with Roy Heintz Author of Lead Like a Coach - Part 2

[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: Thanks for joining us on episode 961 of the inspired stewardship

[00:00:05] Roy Heintz: podcasts. I'm Roy Heights. I challenge you to invest in yourself, invest in others, develop your influence and impact the world by using your time, your talent and your treasures to live out your calling. Having the ability to lead like a coach is key.

[00:00:25] And one way to be inspired to do that is to listen to. The inspired stewardship podcast with my friend, Scott Maderer

[00:00:33] I think bosses are transactional leaders. They really are about achieving certain numbers and managing tasks within their job and measurement occurs. They measure performance. And but the result is more of a negative review.

[00:00:55] Scott Maderer: Welcome and thank you for joining us on the inspired stewardship podcasts.[00:01:00]

[00:01:00] If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to be, then you must learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true calling in the inspired stewardship podcast. We'll learn to invest in yourself, invest in others and develop your influence so that you can. The word

[00:01:20] and today's interview with Roy Heights. I asked Roy to share with you why most people don't want a boss. They really want a coach. I also ask Roy the key principles that we need to focus on to have a coaching mindset. And I also asked Roy to talk to you about how you can lead, even if you don't have a formal leadership.

[00:01:43] One reason I like to bring you great interviews. Like the one you're going to hear today is because of the power in learning from others. Another great way to learn from others is through reading books. But if you're like most people today, you find it hard to find the time to sit down and [00:02:00] read. And that's why today's podcast is brought to you by audible.

[00:02:04] Go to inspired to sign up and you can get a 30 day free trial. There's over 180,000 titles to choose from. And instead of reading, you can listen your way to learn from some of the greatest minds out there. That's inspired to get your free trial and listen to great books the same way you're listening to this podcast.

[00:02:31] Roy Heintz is an Arthur professional speaker and senior business executive in Atlanta, Georgia. He has become synonymous with champion success for over three decades as a basketball coach, business leader and professional speaker for corporations, organizations, and professional and intercollegiate athletic teams across the nation and around the.

[00:02:53] His dynamic and entertaining speaking style matched with his inspirational teaching has made him a much sought [00:03:00] after speaker lead. Like a coach is his first book, but he is currently working on two more book projects, a personal development book and an accompanying children's book for over a year. He has also had a weekly video series across the social media platforms, which is also called.

[00:03:16] Lead like a coach. Currently, Roy serves as senior executive leader and national director of service excellence for Atlanta's reliable roofing, a national roofing company, his knowledge and experience and leadership, culture development, customer experience, excellence, and organizational development and training is helping them grow rapidly and serving the multifamily housing market across the United States.

[00:03:40] He is married to Sharon and they have a daughter, Sarah and a son-in-law Ryan as well as two incredibly awesome grandchildren, Emily and Andrew. Welcome to the

[00:03:51] Roy Heintz: show, Roy. Oh, it's great to be here, Scott. Thank you so much for the opportunity. Absolutely.

[00:03:57] Scott Maderer: I'm looking forward to talking to you today. [00:04:00] So in your book lead like a coach, you talk a lot about why many people don't want a boss.

[00:04:07] They want to coach when it comes to business, when it comes to life. So what's the difference in your mind between somebody who's a boss and somebody who's a coach.

[00:04:16] Roy Heintz: Scott, thank you for asking that. I get that question a lot and I think it's a real important distinction. I think bosses are transactional leaders.

[00:04:26] They really are about achieving certain numbers. And managing tasks within their job and measurement occurs, they measure performance. And but the result is more of a negative reaction or a punishment. If the person that they're leading. And I put that in quotation marks that they're bossing.

[00:04:51] It's a negative thing, but I think leaders and coaches are there leaders that our coaches are really more [00:05:00] transformational leaders. They're leaders that, again, really build a relationship with their people and they build through that relationship, a deep sense of relational trust between each other and then their whole goal is.

[00:05:16] How can I help you as your leader and how can I coach you up to be the best person and the best employee that you can be. And there might be measurement in there, but that data is simply helping the leader code. Help their person get better and do identify areas where they might need to change tactics, where they might need to develop some more skill and help them to grow and improve and develop themselves that way.

[00:05:49] So I think it's a huge distinction. We have a lot of people that have taken on a leadership title and that mantle, but they're too [00:06:00] much of a boss and in today's workplace. 85% of our people are disengaged, Gallup polls, us stat, and 15% of them actively disengaged. And when that's the case, you've got to understand that we have too many bosses and what the people really want.

[00:06:21] Today's millennial workforce, which will be 75% of our workforce in the year 20, 25. They want coaches, they don't want bosses.

[00:06:31] Scott Maderer: Yeah, one thing to mention on millennials because everyone hears millennials and usually they think. Kids or at least people of a certain age too. And the millennial generation is turning 40.

[00:06:44] People forget they're there. They're not the kids. That's my son is not a millennial he's gen Z, he's, there's another group coming behind them.

[00:06:51] So if, let's take that as a given, having that coaching mindset and approach them would help us develop others.

[00:06:57] You've laid out why last week and this week both. [00:07:00] So what are some of the key things? If somebody bought into that and they were like, okay, I don't want to be less of a boss. I want to be more of a coach. What are some of the top principles or mindsets or approaches that the. Really focusing on to get that coaching

[00:07:14] Roy Heintz: approach.

[00:07:15] Sure. Last week, Scott, I shared it and I'm, and I'd encourage people to go back to that episode to hear a little bit more in detail. But I think this is what I've tried to cover and convey in my book is that if people in leadership positions would be more of a coach, they're going to have a greater success in engaging their employees.

[00:07:36] And consequently, they're going to see a greater level of productive. So the lead, the Lea led in the title lead like a coach is an acronym. The L stands for look ahead. So what a leader that's going to coach has to do is they have to have a vision for who they want to be as a leader and as a person. And then they have to establish a [00:08:00] vision for the group or the company that they lead.

[00:08:03] And then they have to in building that relationship that we just talked about with their people, they have to clearly understand what the vision is for those people, where do they want to go in their life in their career? And that's the key point that starts. As if I was leading you, Scott, you don't really care how much I know until you know that I really care about you that old saying they don't care how much, until they know how much you care and share a Batchelder turned around the Popeye's company.

[00:08:36] By with this philosophy, she said, you've got to know them to grow them. And part of that, Being having a clearly communicated vision that is communicated with regularity and then aligning everyone's work to that. The second characteristic is making your sure your people know their role and understand their job responsibilities, [00:09:00] which is in their job description.

[00:09:01] I think that's vital. And not only that they understand it, but they feel fully equipped to do their job in a leader. That's a COVID. Make sure that they have the ability to do their job and to do it well. And then once we have that, you can let your people be empowered to do their job. Today's workforce doesn't want to be micromanaged.

[00:09:25] They want to be led and coach that's very clear, but as they do their job, and now that you've gone through their job responsibility, And the leader has laid it out very clearly. So if this is your job, this is what I would expect that to look like on a daily basis. Now we can allow our people to take action, but we also work together to create standards of measuring.

[00:09:51] In your job. If you're doing your job at a high level, what are the standards of measurement that you're doing on a daily basis? [00:10:00] And you create a scorecard or a scoreboard? John Maxwell said that doing business without a scoreboard is like bowling without pens. And so it's very. Important that there are there, that there is statistical data that the person and their leader can look at.

[00:10:18] I think that has to be daily minimally. It should be weekly, I think a month gets too long, but then it allows you now to see where is my person that I'm leading, falling a bit short, where can I train them a little bit more? How can I affect them? One of the formulas that I love to use. Yeah, I got from Zig Ziglar years ago and it is a attitude times, effort, times skills equals performance.

[00:10:49] And so as a leader coach in our company, I'm looking at a person's attitude. I'm looking at their effort. Those are the only two things that the employee can [00:11:00] control on a daily basis. All any of us can do is control our attitude and effort on a daily basis. But as a leader, now I'm looking at their skill level.

[00:11:09] So statistically, if they're falling a bit short, I've got to ask myself their attitudes, great. They're really working hard. How can I bring up their skill level? And when you put all those together, it's performing. And then I think the last thing that a leader has to do, and it's the D in lead is develop a dynasty.

[00:11:29] I define a dynasty as a company or an organization that sustains excellence over a long period of time. And to do that, a leader has to establish a culture of excellence. And by the way, it starts by developing a culture of hard work. But then to establish a culture that is focused on doing excellent work on a daily basis and when, and also pouring into and raising the.

[00:11:58] The employees, people [00:12:00] that we lead that will then carry the ball and take over some of that leadership in an athletic dynasty, on a sports team. That's a dynasty. It's not necessarily coach led, certainly they lead. But what happens in a dynasty is the other players are saying men no. This is our standard of excellence.

[00:12:22] This is our standard of performance. And this is how we do things here. And so I think that's a real key in that mindset and approach from a coaching standpoint, in whatever organization that we're a part of and have the privilege to lead.

[00:12:37] Scott Maderer: So let's we've been talking a lot about leaders and changing the leader's mindset and there's probably someone out there listening right now. Who's maybe working in an organization. They aren't in a leadership position, they don't have that quote title, but, and maybe they're working for somebody who doesn't exhibit that attitude and that mindset, [00:13:00] and that's fairly likely.

[00:13:02] So how can they step up and begin to influence within their organization in a positive

[00:13:08] Roy Heintz: way? Oh, that's a great question. I love the way you framed that Scott, because. That's really what happens there. There's probably somebody above them. That's in has that leadership title. They were quick to accept that mantle, but they probably aren't exhibiting.

[00:13:24] We see that statistically, they're probably not exhibiting the positive lead, like a coach type mentality, but then they have people underneath them that desperately yearn to be a leader. And have a positive impact on the group or organization that are part of I want to point out that you made the distinctive leadership is not a title.

[00:13:46] Leadership is influencing, impacting, inspiring other people. So what I would tell a person like that, if they're, and I'm just going to, again, use air quotes. If they're quote, just another employee. [00:14:00] You still have the opportunity for influence and impact in your workplace. So what I want to encourage them is to grow themselves and develop themselves in such a way that they can help make a difference.

[00:14:16] And here's, I just talked about that formula attitude, times, effort, time skills. If you come to work every day and you have a great attitude and you have a great work ethic, You are going to influence the people around you. Matter of fact, I want those kinds of people around me on a daily basis, because then I'm going to be more productive.

[00:14:36] I was very intentional as a college basketball. To him to bring people into my program that had an unbelievable unquenchable work ethic because they infected our program with that. So if you're just working and you're not a leader, understand that you, if you bring a great attitude and a great work ethic, you can influence other people.

[00:14:59] [00:15:00] If you If you do great work and you are working to constantly learn and grow and develop yourself that's going to be seen by your coworkers and what's going to happen is now they're going to want to have that same kind of growth mindset. So never underestimate the opportunity that you have.

[00:15:21] To influence an impact others' lives around you. It is not about a title it's having influence and impact with anyone around you and you can make a difference.

[00:15:32] Scott Maderer: So last week you mentioned, finding mentors is one of those things that, that people can use for growth and development. And one of the things I've heard, and this is an extension of the last question, because I hear people that aren't in a formal leadership position. Maybe don't have a title and they'll often tell me that, I'm.

[00:15:53] Ready to be a mentor for other people, I don't know enough. I'm not good enough. I'm not what, I don't have the title. I [00:16:00] don't have the whatever. So what advice do you have for somebody who's feeling that struggle of? I think I'd like to mentor others, but I'm not ready yet.

[00:16:07] I don't know

[00:16:08] Roy Heintz: what to do. I love that question. I think the first thing I want to point out is. Many times when we think about the word mentor, what we're thinking is I'm going, I'd like to meet with you every week or every month. To pour into you. And what I want to make a really quick distinction is yes, that is a mentor does that there is a mentoring relationship where they meet weekly or monthly with somebody to do that.

[00:16:38] But typically that is either the person saying, would you please mentor me or you believing in someone and going to them and saying, Would you be open to allowing me to mentor you? Now? I say that because if someone feels unprepared or unqualified, what I would encourage them to do is really just consider [00:17:00] areas of knowledge.

[00:17:02] And maybe even expertise that you have as a person and in those areas of knowledge or expertise, it might be at work. It might be a hobby like fixing cars or playing a sport, get together with other people. And say, Hey, can we get together and discuss this topic? Or maybe can I work on cars with you?

[00:17:27] And or maybe we hear somebody is working on a car or restoring a car. And we say, Hey, I love working on cars. I've restored my own vehicle, Mike, when do you know, can I come by Saturday? You're going to be working on a car Saturday. And just being with them and having that time with others now in a work environment, it might be a knowledge of a software package that the company uses and it's getting together with other people, discussing the topic.

[00:17:57] Trying to sharpen each other and [00:18:00] improve each other's skills. It's not just a one way thing. And by doing that, you develop the ability to think and discuss and dialogue with others. And then ultimately you will be prepared. You will be able to maybe pour into someone else when either they ask you to do that.

[00:18:20] Or you can see someone that's new in your company. They really don't have the skill level that you have. And you're a little bit more comfortable because you've built that skill of dialogue and discussion and maybe even teaching and instruction to say, Hey, If you'd I'd be glad to show you after work.

[00:18:41] If you can stay 30 minutes more, I'll show you how I use this software package or I'll show you how I do this at work. And we're in our company. I'm doing that certainly with people that I lead, but I love when more experienced employees are doing [00:19:00] that with others. And I think it's really important. The last.

[00:19:02] Is the desire to pour into other people has to start with the question. Can I, would you be open to me sharing this idea because they're only going to receive it to the level that they want to receive it. And I think sometimes when we say somebody feels unprepared to mentor they get so excited at an opportunity and they might come at somebody so hard that there's a resistance or reluctance.

[00:19:27] To have that kind of relationship. So I would say those things to prepare, to be a mentor, but don't use that as an excuse, not to pour into other people, because I think there's no greater thing in our life than to serve others by influence and an impact in them where we feel led to do.

[00:19:48] Scott Maderer: You can find out more about Roy and his speaking and you can book him Of course I'll have links to that over in the show notes. Roy, is there anything [00:20:00] else that you'd like to share with

[00:20:01] Roy Heintz: the listener? I'd like to thank them for listening today and encourage them that if I said something that really struck a chord with them, any in any way, Don't just put it away, but act on it and act on it today.

[00:20:15] A lot of times we, if we're listening to learn and I love to listen to podcasts, including this. I listened to this podcast and learn from it. But you only learn by taking what you hear and applying it quickly. And so I'd encourage you to do that. If the listener hasn't bought my book yet, I'd appreciate it.

[00:20:32] If they'd consider doing that on Amazon and then read it, apply it to their lives as leaders, and then write a review. If the book meant something to them. And then if you're as part of an organization that would like me to speak to your group or in any way, as you said, just reach out to me through my website because I'd love to speak to your group if we can make it work.

[00:20:55] Scott Maderer: Thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship podcast, [00:21:00] as a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively. But act on what you've heard and find a way to live your calling. If you enjoyed this episode please do us a favor. Go over to inspired rate.

[00:21:22] All one word. ITunes rate, it'll take you through how to leave a rating and review and how to make sure you're subscribed to the podcast so that you can get every episode as it comes out in your feed until next time, invest your time, your talent and your treasures. Develop your influence and impact the world.

In today's episode, I ask Roy about:

  • Why most people don’t want a boss, they want a coach...T
  • he key principles we need to focus on to have a coaching mindset...
  • How you can lead even if you don’t have a formal leadership position...
  • and more.....

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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I think bosses are transactional leaders.  They are about achieving certain numbers and managing tasks within their job. - Roy Heintz

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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