Join us today for Part 3 of the Interview with Dow Tippett, The Barefoot Speaker...
This is Part 3 of the interview I had with speaker, author, and martial artist Dow Tippet.
In today’s interview about developing your influence with Dow Tippet, the Barefoot Speaker, I ask Dow to share with you his definition of leadership and what that means to you. Dow and I also talk with you about what the 7 daily choices are and how they show up in your life. I also ask Dow to share with you how these choices can help us build our influence and lots more.
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In today's episode, I ask Dow about:
Some of the Resources recommended in this episode:
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We face a world that has broken us in ways that sometimes we don't even recognize, and the only way to get past that brokenness is to come back and learn again how to make good choices. And change who we are and change the world around us. - Dow Tippett
You can connect with Dow using the resources below: