Join us today for an episode about the chicken and egg of action and belief...
Today's episode is focused on Romans 12:2 and how transformation of our minds can come from both within and without. How sometimes you act on your belief but how it is often more useful to believe because you acted...
In this episode, we cover the feedback loop that is the framework for the podcast: Invest in Yourself, Invest in Others, Develop Your Influence, and Impact the World. And we relate this to the only partially true idea that you must believe you can do something before you can do it. We talk about some of the different kinds of belief and I give you homework to help you change some of your limiting beliefs.
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In today's episode, I talk with you about:
If you want to live a life that matters, don’t start when you get good; start now so you become good. – John C Maxwell
Some of the Resources recommended in this episode:
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