September 19

Episode 1221: Invest in Others – Interview with Maggie Perotin coach using the Dream-Plan-Do Model – Part 2

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Interview, Invest In Others


Join us today for Part 2 of the Interview with Maggie Perotin coach using the Dream-Plan-Do Model...

This is Part 2 of the interview I had with speaker, coach and entrepreneur Maggie Perotin.  

In today’s interview with Maggie Perotin, Maggie shares with you why she works with high-performance entrepreneurs and what that means to them.  Maggie also shares with you how she made the transition from corporate worker to entrepreneur herself.  I also ask Maggie about her approach to coaching called the Dream–Plan–Do model.

Join in on the Chat below.

Episode 1221: Invest in Others - Interview with Maggie Perotin coach using the Dream-Plan-Do Model – Part 2

[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: Thanks for joining us on episode 1,221 of the inspired stewardship podcast.

[00:00:06] Maggie Perotin: I'm Maggie Perotin. I challenge you to invest in yourself, invest in others, develop your influence and impact the world by using your time, your talent and your treasures to live out your calling. Having the ability to dream plan and do is key.

[00:00:24] And one way to be inspired to do that is listen to this. They inspired stewardship podcast with my friends, Scott Maderer.

[00:00:35] The dream is your ideas. And because everything starts in our brain, right? And our brain has this great capacity of dreaming. That's what makes us human and having goals and aspirations. But at the same time, we have this primitive brain that allows that keeps us alive, but also self sabotages.

[00:00:57] And as you

[00:00:58] Scott Maderer: welcome, and thank [00:01:00] you for joining us on the inspired stewardship podcast, if you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to be, then you must learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true. In the inspired stewardship podcast who will learn to invest in yourself, invest in others and develop your influence so that you can impact the work.

[00:01:24] In today's interview with Maggie, Perton Maggie shares with you, why she works with high performance entrepreneurs and what high performance means to them. Maggie also shares with you how she made the transition from a corporate worker to an entrepreneur herself. And I also asked Maggie about her approach to coaching called the dream plan.

[00:01:43] Do model one reason. I like to bring you great interviews. Like the one you're gonna hear today is because of the. In learning from others. Another great way to learn from others is through reading books. But if you're like most people today, you [00:02:00] find it hard to find the time to sit down and read. And that's why today's podcast is brought to you by audible.

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[00:02:34] Maggie Perton lives in Canada, in the Toronto area with her blended family and four kids. She is a self-development geek, loves nature, traveling and good food. She holds an executive MBA from Jack Welch management Institute and has over 14 years of experience in various corporate leadership positions as an international business and leadership coach, Maggie helps service based entrepreneurs make the income they want [00:03:00] in their business and become outstanding leaders in the process.

[00:03:03] Through her dream plan, do coaching model. She supports her clients in becoming confident CEOs by aligning their mindset, business skills and high performance habits. This allows them to transform their business from an unreliable source of income to a client attracting diamond. Welcome to the show, Maggie.

[00:03:24] Maggie Perotin: Thank you. Thank you, Scott. For having me I'm happy to.

[00:03:26] Scott Maderer: So last week, one of the things we talked about was this idea of being high performance and you mentioned having high performance habits, and I know you work a lot with service based entrepreneurs. What does high performance mean to those entrepreneurs? And what are some of those habits that you were talking about that helped them achieve.

[00:03:50] Maggie Perotin: Okay. So I think like what it means to before they work with me and what it means after they work with me, it's two different things because, [00:04:00] and maybe it's my interpretation. I always say, Hey, like English is not my mother tongue. So sometimes the way I underst. Sense certain terms might be a little bit different.

[00:04:09] Because sometimes I find people who think of high performance of somebody who just goes all the time and never stops and achieves and so on. And for me, that's, this is not what high performance means. Okay. So what it means for me is yes, achieving a lot, but because you're effective. With your time, you're intentional about it.

[00:04:30] You have habits that support it, but at the same time, you're high performing because you slow down, you take care of yourself. You're fully you're healthy. You're rested. You're. Creative solution based brain is operating at its highest level and you are able to accomplish much more in less time, even than some other people working just hard.

[00:04:57] Okay. So that's what it means for me. [00:05:00] And yeah, when I work with my clients and The way I went on that path of high performance. I actually burnt out in my corporate role. So like about few years back in one of my, I was second kind of middle management at the time. It was it was a situational thing, whatever we were asked to do too much for no matter how performing we were, it was just not.

[00:05:24] People to deliver whatever we had to deliver. And that led me to burned out and led me to rethink the way I work, what I wanna do in Swan. And I signed up for some high performance coaching. And when I started to implement those habits in my life, and again, it's not just about. Yes. Some of it is planning.

[00:05:45] Some of it is being very intentional, how you spend time focusing on the most important things, but there is a lot of self-care in it too. Because again, when we're busy and our brain is [00:06:00] engaged more at that fight and flight response, oh my God. Everything is burning everything. And so on. We're actually not creating the best solutions, whether it's for our business or for our lives and the brain that does actually needs time.

[00:06:14] And it needs quiet and needs that time to think and so on. And you can only do it when you're intentionally plan for it. When you are proactive. Because if you just hope that this will happen, right? It's oh, I'm just gonna do it. When I have time. You'll never have time. Like life will happen to you all the time, but when you're proactive, less of that will happen.

[00:06:36] Less fire since one So with my clients, we implement step by step, small habit by smile habit, depending on where they are and what they need right when they start with me tho those high performance habits. So they can really tap to as much of their potential in their brain as possible.

[00:06:57] So they're slow down and they truly [00:07:00] effectively use their time in their business. Strategically grow their business, not just by spinning in a hamster wheel. Every day. Yeah, it's. One of the things that I talk to people about is I work in productivity and getting things done with some of the cl clients that I work with.

[00:07:17] Scott Maderer: And. Usually when they come in, they define it as I want to get more things done. And my reframe is no, you don't, you actually just wanna get the right things done. Yes, exactly. and usually you do that by letting go of some of the wrong things it's not by piling more on it's by getting rid of some stuff that you get more done.

[00:07:38] Which is ironic because it feels like no, I just have to keep adding things to my plate, but. Yeah. Most of us, our plate is way too full already,

[00:07:47] Maggie Perotin: so yeah. And that's where that's exactly that's where people, when they start, they get like the productivity or high performance wrong because they think through the tips or habits, they will just do [00:08:00] more of stuff.

[00:08:01] Where it's no, it's not just that, as you say, it's also getting rid of stuff that does not matter. It doesn't move the needle as. Like at all or not enough. And then, or it moves it in the wrong direction or, yeah. and then picking the things that aligned with where you wanna go that are, that will get you there the fastest and just focusing on them without burned out without working 24 7 and.

[00:08:27] And also again, like creating that self care routines and habits. So then you can actually really come up with the best solutions possible. So you mentioned a little bit about how you transitioned from working in a larger corporate position and now working for yourself in both of those situations, how did you find yourself?

[00:08:53] Scott Maderer: Serving and investing in others. Because usually as a coach, that's part of what drives us to coaching [00:09:00] is that idea. We like helping other people. It's almost universal yes. In coaching. So how did that kind of show up in both places for you? So

[00:09:10] Maggie Perotin: that's actually what drove me to being a coach because so very quickly in my corporate career, within couple of years, I became a people leader.

[00:09:19] in different positions, but starting from like a junior team leader. And my last position was the director of operations when I had 30 people. And then we supported like 450 others in north America. And through that, of course I had some great mentors and that experience, but. The part of leading people was always my favorite part of every position I've been.

[00:09:45] And don't get me wrong in the corporate world. Leading people is usually your side gig and everybody else wants you to do all the other things. And not just lead people, but that was. The ed one. And as a leader [00:10:00] in the corporate world, how you serve people like, and this is my opinion.

[00:10:05] and not only mine personal opinion is that you truly, when you become a leader, it's all about the people you lead and not about you, right? You're no longer single contributor, individual contributor, your job. Let others succeed. Yes. If you have a team, it's all about the team, but that's your job.

[00:10:27] So the way you serve them is by listening to them and getting their opinion and things, because they're doing the work, not you, in helping removing the roadblocks that they stumble upon. So there can be successful. So ultimately the team is successful and that's truly, and helping also. In their personal career.

[00:10:50] So it's not I always told my team don't be scared of coming to me and telling me you're ready for more. And if I can help you get there within my [00:11:00] department, of course, I wanna keep you. But if not, because there isn't an opportunity, I will help you grow within the company because I'm not chaining you to the desk.

[00:11:08] Like I wouldn't do it to myself. I'm a person who likes to grow and I would hate to be held bogged by. So for me, that's also a leader's duties to help. Yes. The team succeed and people in that team succeed, but also personally because it's all about. We love to grow as human beings, right?

[00:11:28] And the moment we stop growing, we have that nagging thing in us. We're not happy. Why would you have not happy team members? Help them be happy and hire somebody else who we will be happy and will replace them right. In that particular role. And so when I went through the burned out. And I realized that I don't necessarily wanna grow even further in the corporate world.

[00:11:54] Like for me it meant more stress more [00:12:00] too high of a price to pay for the growth that I wanted for myself. And, but also the balance that I wanted for my family and me. And so then when I started well, okay, you're you don't wanna grow in the corporate world. What are you gonna do? The passion for leading people led me to coaching.

[00:12:19] It's yeah, I wanna do more of that. Not less of that. And the higher I went in the corporate world, the less. The less time I even had. For coaching and developing people. So that sort of led me there. And you know that you are coach yourself. So for our clients serving our clients it's oh, it's helping them succeed.

[00:12:39] That getting them. To the results that they want. And that's so fulfilling when you see your client a starting, because when they come, they're not always in belief that they can get there. They just need help.

[00:12:52] Scott Maderer: Don't even yet really know what there is. They just know that, oh, sometimes it's not here

[00:12:57] Maggie Perotin: sometimes.

[00:12:58] Or they're [00:13:00] there is very small because it's based on what you can believe's that's all I can see right now. Yeah, exactly. So then when you start seeing them to a gain that. Dancing themself and then blow the results out of the water and then start believing bigger and saying, oh my God, I can do it.

[00:13:17] That's the best feeling ever selfishly. It's like such a fulfilling thing. And then I think that's how we serve as coaches.

[00:13:26] Scott Maderer: So when somebody maybe somebody hearing this has the opportunity or the feeling that they wanna, maybe they're a leader in a corporate position.

[00:13:37] Maybe they're just at home and it's in their family. And they want to help serve others or help develop others or mentor others. We use different words for it in different context. But usually what I hear from people is I can't do that yet. I'm not ready. I don't know enough yet.

[00:13:54] I'm not good enough yet. I'm not whatever. What advice would you have for somebody that's hearing [00:14:00] that in their head right now?

[00:14:02] Maggie Perotin: I can say, you're ready. You're always ready to be a mentor because the only way you can become a mentor by actually mentoring people and getting the thing and the thing, sometimes we think that we need to know it all and be like, miles ahead of somebody we mentor.

[00:14:17] We don't have to, we can mentor person. Who's just two steps behind us because if we can. Speed up those two steps for them. That's already helpful. And we, when we truly wanna help and we come from that clean place of serving the other person, having somebody where even you can bounce idea off and just give you a different perspective and see the things you don't see, because as human beings, we all have blind spots, right?

[00:14:46] Even coaches need coaches because even though we know when we can help. Ourselves a little bit better than maybe non coach, because we have all those tools. We're still human. As you say, we're still not perfect. We still have our blind spots. [00:15:00] So you can be a mentor and especially in your family, like whether to your kids or maybe a nephew, or maybe even a, a family member who's the same age, but just is going through situation that maybe you've been, and you helped yourself.

[00:15:14] I would say you are ready. You can be a mentor as long as you can listen. Truly listen, ask questions, and then give your perspective on that. You can be a mentor to somebody. So

[00:15:29] Scott Maderer: in your coaching I noticed that you frame it as the dream plan, do coaching model. Yeah. How do you define that?

[00:15:41] What do you mean when you say that? And how do you use that with clients to help them achieve their goals?

[00:15:46] Maggie Perotin: What I mean by that is the dream is your ideas. And because everything starts in our brain, right? And our brain has this great capacity of dreaming. That's what makes us human and [00:16:00] having goals and aspirations.

[00:16:03] But at the same time, we have this primitive brain. Allows that keeps us alive, but also self sabotages. And as you, sometimes you say when we focus on dreams for longer than five minutes, very often that negative brain will start chirping. Oh, you're not gonna have apply.

[00:16:21] You're not ready. You don't know at all, you shouldn't be a mentor yet. And so on. So with my clients, I help them a dream come up with ideas with the goals that they want. And then we work on making decisions about those goals from the place of possibility, from the place of belief that they can achieve it, that they can get where they wanna get and beyond.

[00:16:46] And yes. We will allow the negative brain to come in and assess the risks because it's important, right. Or prepare for certain things, but still make decisions and take action from the belief and not disbelief. So that's [00:17:00] first step now, the plan portion. Is very often what, especially entrepreneurs who serve as base business owners skip, they're like, I have this great idea.

[00:17:09] Let's do it. And then they go into implementation without taking some time to plan and that can cost them a lot of time. A lot of stress, sometimes a lot of sun money because they didn't take time. To plan to engage again, that creative solution based brain. So I help my clients. I teach my clients to you have an idea, you believe in it and from their creative plan, how am I gonna implement it?

[00:17:38] And it. If it's a simple thing, you don't need to spend hours creating plans. It's not about make work project, but it's through, okay. If I have this, what do I need? Maybe there's some skills that I need. Maybe there's some technology I need to prepare. Maybe there is whatever I need. Some collaboration, connections [00:18:00] made, whatever it is, right.

[00:18:01] It allows you to. Then when you go to execution, be so much more effective with it, avoid so many fires, avoid so many emergencies. Yes, they will happen, but you can be prepared for most of them or avoid a lot of them just by taking some time to plan and then execution. So when we go to doing and when executing, that's where good habits.

[00:18:27] High performance habits allow to maximize the time you have for your business. You wanna spend in your business and implement well. So that's the model, how it works.

[00:18:39] Scott Maderer: You can follow Maggie on Twitter as stairway underscore the number two, the numeral two she's also on LinkedIn is Maggie. Perton spelled P E R O T. I. Of course you can find out more about Maggie and her coaching Maggie, is there anything else you'd like to share [00:19:00] with the listener?

[00:19:02] Maggie Perotin: I would. Reach out. Let's have a conversation. I love to if there is anything that spoke to you over the last four episodes that you just wanna chat about, not even become my clients, just reach out. You can find me on all those social media or on my website survey to

[00:19:21] I would love to have a chat.

[00:19:23] Scott Maderer: Thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship podcast, as a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listen, but act on what you've heard and find a way to live your calling. If you enjoyed this. Please do us a favor. Go over to inspired rate.

[00:19:51] All one word iTunes rate. It'll take you through how to leave a rating and review and how to make sure [00:20:00] you're subscribed to the podcast so that you can get every episode as it comes out in your. Until next time, invest your time, your talent and your treasures. Develop your influence and impact the world.

In today's episode, I ask Maggie about:

  • Why she works with high-performance entrepreneurs and what that means to them...
  • How she made the transition from corporate worker to entrepreneur herself...
  • Her approach to coaching called the Dream–Plan–Do model...
  • and more.....

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The dream is your ideas, because everything starts in our brain.  Our brain has this great capacity for dreaming.  But at the same time we have this primitive brain that also self-sabotages. – Maggie Perotin

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Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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