February 5

Someday’s Not on Any Calendar

Stewardship of Time


This post was originally posted on ChristianStewardshipCoaching.com April 8, 2015.

A recent reading from Jeremiah 31:31-34 really struck me.

The part that struck me however was the first part where it says:

Jeremiah 31:31-34

“The Days are surely coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.”  Basically that says “someday I’ll do this.”

It was written to the people of Israel after they’d been conquered by Babylon and hauled off into exile. Here’s what’s interesting to me.  

I’ve heard that from lots of people throughout the years….


Someday I’ll open my restaurant…

Someday I’ll find time to spend with my family…

Someday I’ll have enough money to tithe….

I’ve even said them myself…the litany of someday. 

Someday…Someday I’ll do this….

But I’ve looked at tons of calendars throughout my life and I’ve yet to see one with Someday on the calendar.

But I’ve looked at tons of calendars throughout my life and I’ve yet to see one with Someday on the calendar

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See that’s human. 

We make vague promises and plans and oh so often we don’t follow through.

We say we’ll act…but we never get around to it.

I know I’m guilty of this not just some days but most.

Sometimes even when we do act it’s simply done out of a sense of obligation instead of a sense of a serving heart too.

But God’s someday is different.

His someday isn’t on a calendar either but it does come.

Often in a time we don’t expect and sometimes in a way we don’t particularly choose, but it does come.

This idea of God’s someday coming for us is the very thing that we call God’s grace.

God doesn’t have to wait for our someday to come before he reaches out and makes his covenant with our hearts.

We can know with certainty that God’s someday will always come through God’s loving grace not our doing.

God doesn’t make vague promises without a real sense of getting things done.


God’s Someday always come.

So what do you think? Are you going to do something...Someday?

About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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