March 21

SNS33: Prepare versus Panic

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Saturday Night Special


Join us today for the Saturday Night Special I talk about the difference between being preparation and panic...

If you've been affected by Covid-19 know that I hate that it's hurt so many people.  But at the same time we have to deal with the reality and not panic.  This episode might help.

In tonight’s Saturday Night Special I talk with you about the reason that panic doesn’t help but preparation does, how to react now if you haven’t prepared, and why you can use today’s panic to fuel your preparations or your panic.

Join in on the Chat below.

00:00:00 Thanks for joining me on tonight's Saturday Night Special Episode 33 Hey there, I'm Cassidy Cash, the host of that Shakespeare Life. If you'd like to impact the world one day like Shakespeare, one way to do that is listening to this. It's inspired stewardship Podcast with my friend Scott made her of having impacts to your budget into your income in a way that you weren't prepared for. What if you haven't prepared toe work from home? What if you haven't prepared to have people near you affected by this? And let's face it,
00:00:45 that's really something that none of us can ever truly prepare for completely. How do you react now? Welcome and thank you for joining us on the inspired stewardship podcast. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to be, then you must learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true calling in. The inspired search of podcast will learn to invest in yourself, invest in others and develop your influence so that you impact work in tonight's Saturday night special. I talk with you about the reason that panic doesn't help,
00:01:26 but preparation does how to react now if you haven't prepared and why you can use today's panic to fuel your preparations or to fuel your panic. But only one of those is good. No. One area that a lot of folks need some help with is around the area of productivity. Getting not just Maur things done, but actually getting the right things done can be really, really tough. I've got a course called Productivity for your passion that's designed to help you do this. And then they hold you accountable and walk with you so that you can tailor productivity not just to be getting more done but actually getting the right things done.
00:02:16 What's more, we take the approach of looking at your personality and how you actually look at things in the world and Taylor the productivity system to your personality. Because the truth is, a lot of the systems that are out there are written really well for somebody with a particular personality type. But if you have a different approach to things, they just don't work. But there's tools and techniques and approaches that you can take that will work for anyone, and we help you do that and productivity for your passion,
00:02:47 check it out over an inspired stewardship dot com slash launch. Right now is one of those times where it's first to get very easy to see the difference between preparation and panic. Here, where we live, where I live in the United States, like so much of the world, we're in the midst of dealing with Cove. It 19.
00:03:12 And what's interesting is I've seen around me example after example of the difference between preparation in panic. And the truth is,
00:03:25 it's It's really understandable when you look at it when we have something that is out there that creates a sense of fear.
00:03:34 There's really kind of three reactions that you can observe in people. The first reaction is the people that look at the situation and they say,
00:03:45 This is This is horrible. This is going to be the end of the world. This is a disaster and they get very emotional and very afraid,
00:03:53 and I want to be clear. I'm not saying that this is wrong or bad response, and in some way,
00:04:00 or it's a negative thing. But what I will say is it's one that doesn't allow you to make good decisions.
00:04:09 You fall down into an emotional state where your decision making is made at a very primal level. You probably heard of the fight or flight response.
00:04:20 Well, the truth is, it's not fighter flight. It's fight, flight or freeze. And And when you get into this panic mode,
00:04:28 what happens is neurobiological e your body deals with it with fight, flight or freeze. If you've ever been in an emergency situation,
00:04:38 not like the one we're dealing with now, but something like a fire in your household or or some other emergency around you.
00:04:46 You will observe that some people react calmly collectively, and some people react very emotionally and panicked, and some people will actually freeze in place and not react at all.
00:05:00 They talk about the fact that during the evacuations off of a plane or a boat during a disaster that some people actually have to be prompted to get up,
00:05:10 unseat, belt themselves and leave the plane. Even though there's fire coming or something else. That is an observable CIA ble danger.
00:05:19 It's it's bizarre that that happens that way, but that fight, fight or freeze response is very normal And during a time like this,
00:05:28 if you're in that emotional panic state, that's what's gonna happen. And, you know, fight literally looks like fighting other people.
00:05:37 Flight looks like panicked, running away or hiding from everything and doing nothing to prepare, hunkering down in a not safe way but in a panicked way.
00:05:50 This is where, oftentimes, doing things like way over buying happens, and it will create a shortage or run when,
00:06:00 perhaps there wouldn't have been won without the panic. I've seen that happen with gas. I've seen that happen now with toilet paper and other products,
00:06:10 and it it creates a false reality because people are making a decision not out of thought, but out of fear.
00:06:21 The second reaction that people will often have during this time is the opposite of panic, where they basically kind of try to say it's not happening.
00:06:32 They try to keep going with business as usual, because they either don't believe that there's an emergency. They don't believe the need to take precautions or because by ignoring it,
00:06:46 they can somehow pretend like that reality doesn't exist and keep moving forward. But that sometimes actually ends up harming them.
00:06:57 and harming others. As someone who is in one of the risk groups where if I get this virus,
00:07:03 it's going to be very serious because of having a long history of lung problems. That means that when others act that way,
00:07:13 it's a It's an actual danger to me. And and that's one of the things that you'll see people push back against his house.
00:07:19 Selfish. It is to act in that way. But I also recognize the fact that people aren't doing it thinking of it that way.
00:07:26 They're not thinking of it is selfish. They're not thinking of it, is dangerous to others. They're trying the best they can to protect themselves.
00:07:34 It's another version of panic. It's panic, not out of fear, but out of this belief that if they act like nothing's wrong,
00:07:43 then nothing will be wrong, which, unfortunately, it's not true in the world that we live in.
00:07:52 And the third reaction, the one that I want to call out, is one of acting out of a place where they recognized the emotion.
00:08:04 They recognized the emotion they're feeling. They recognized the emotion that others are feeling. They acknowledge that motion emotion.
00:08:11 They take it into account. They even use that emotion as one of the parts of their decision making.
00:08:17 But they also seek factual information. They actually try to react out of, ah thought process as much as they can.
00:08:26 And believe it or not, you can even during a case of true panic. But it's it's hard,
00:08:32 and what it requires is that you've prepared before You panic because the interesting thing is, if you if you practice emergency management,
00:08:44 if you practice fire drills, then what happens during a real fire is people actually react. More people at least react with appropriate reactions.
00:08:54 Not everybody but Maur. And that's really what you want. You want as many people as possible reacting appropriately during a disaster.
00:09:04 But what about what about if you haven't prepared ahead of time? What if you haven't run the drills?
00:09:10 What if you haven't put your financial house in order, and now you're either without a paycheck or facing the possibility of having impacts to your budget and your income in a way that you weren't prepared for?
00:09:27 What if you haven't prepared to work from home? What if you haven't prepared to have people near you affected by this.
00:09:36 And let's face it, that's really something that none of us can ever truly prepare for completely. How do you react now?
00:09:46 Well, the truth is, you aim for that third reaction if you can, you begin to gather the things that allow you to be safe.
00:09:55 You can go to ready dot gov and they have a list of things that you should try to have on hand all of the time.
00:10:02 And the truth is, you may not be able to get all of that stuff today. But if there's some of it that you can,
00:10:09 even some preparation is better than none. You take a step back and you recognize the emotions that you are feeling and that others are feel.
00:10:18 You know, you look to the reality and you try to take the precautions that you can for you and your family,
00:10:28 the precautions that are reasonable, that take an effect that help prevent the spread of this virus. In other times,
00:10:39 that helps prevent the spread of fear. If there's a way you can help others and reach out around you and take care of the people around you,
00:10:50 you want to do that as well, because the truth is one of the best ways you can actually help others.
00:10:58 And calm yourself is by preventing the spread of the other virus, which is the virus of panic. Because hysteria and panic breeds off of hysteria and panic,
00:11:09 it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. If you're shopping, don't panic shop by the things you need. But don't buy out everything that others need.
00:11:22 You know, one of the funniest means I saw going around that's actually remarkably accurate is to the person who's buying up all of the hand soap you do realise to stop the spread of the virus.
00:11:33 Other people have to be able to wash their hands, too, and see, that's the truth. It's not just about being prepared for today.
00:11:42 It's about being prepared for the future. And the last thing is, you can use what's happening to you today to allow you to begin to recognize where there's problems in your life,
00:12:00 where there's something that needs to be worked on and fixed. You can step back and identify what's really important to you.
00:12:08 Taking care of your family may be really important. Being able to provide for your family may be really important.
00:12:15 Maybe you recognize that the job that you've been doing isn't exactly what you feel called to do. Maybe you recognize that there's an opportunity to serve and help others in a new way.
00:12:27 Maybe this is giving you the time toe actually do some of those things that you said you want to do,
00:12:34 but you've put off and put off and put off. Maybe you need some help figuring out how to get your financial house and order.
00:12:42 Maybe you need some help trying to figure out how to best manage your time. Now. Don't get me wrong If you're in a situation where you've lost all income and you're truly in an emergency,
00:12:54 reach out to look for your employer benefits. If those air available government assistance. If that's available to you,
00:13:01 look for the opportunities to defer things like your taxes differ things like your student loans. Put those things on hardship deferral.
00:13:11 Come back and focus on taking care of your four walls, the lights, the shelter, the transportation,
00:13:19 food, these things. But you can still use this time to recognize the fact that when you come out of it and we will come out of it.
00:13:30 When we get on the other side and your job comes back and your incomes comes back, maybe it's time to step back and look at what you can do to change things so that in the future you won't be in this disaster.
00:13:44 And if you're one of the folks that is still working, maybe you're working from home for the first time in a long time.
00:13:50 Maybe you're dealing with the fact that you've got income coming in. It may even be reduced income. But you you've got the things in place that are allowing you to actually survive right now.
00:14:03 But you need help because you're recognizing in this you haven't done is good of a job of preparing financially you haven't done is good of a job of learning how to manage your time and your communication,
00:14:17 and you haven't really spent the time in the effort putting these things in place. But now you recognize the need to do that.
00:14:26 Then let me know. Reach out to me and let's set up a 30 minute time to chat and to talk about what coaching would look like and how that can help you during this time,
00:14:38 because the truth is there's always an emergency, and it really doesn't matter if you've lost your job. If it's just you are.
00:14:46 If it's you and 1000 other people, it really doesn't matter if it's a worldwide situation or if it's just a local disaster,
00:14:54 like a hurricane or earthquake or tornado. In all of those cases, you recognize that that that disaster,
00:15:02 that emergency can become fuel that makes you prepare for the future in a way that you would never have prepared before.
00:15:12 And if you find yourself in that situation, shoot me an email at Scott at inspired stewardship dot com.
00:15:18 And we'll set up a time to chat and talk about what coaching would look like, because I know that in that situation,
00:15:26 coaching can help allow you to prepare instead of panic, both now as well as in the future. Thanks for listening.
00:15:41 Thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship podcast. As a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listen,
00:15:51 but act on what you've heard and find a way toe live your calling. If you enjoyed this episode,
00:15:59 please, please do us a favor. Go over to inspired stewardship dot com slash iTunes rate all one word iTunes rate.
00:16:12 It will take you through how to leave a rating and review and how to make sure you're subscribe to the podcast so that you can get every episode as it comes out in your feet until next time investor time,
00:16:27 your talent and your treasures develop your influence and impact world.

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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Panic is highly contagious, especially in situations when nothing is known, and everything is in flux. - Stephen King

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Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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