December 7

SNS18: Saturday Night Special Wendy Gentry

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Saturday Night Special


Join us today for the Saturday Night Special with Wendy Gentry from Baker University...

In this Saturday Night Special Wendy Gentry joins me on the Inspired Stewardship Podcast to talk with you about empathy.  Wendy and I talk about understanding yourself, understanding others, and why this is so important.  Wendy also shares her heart about Instructional design and shares a great opportunity for you if you have hopes of building an online product.

Join in on the Chat below.

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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I want them to be the hero of their story.  I want to be their guide in it, they have to become their own hero. - Wendy Gentry

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You can connect with Wendy using the resources below:

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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