July 2

SNS 152: Saturday Night Special – Interview with Rachel Murphy author of I Am Not Your ATM: A Practical Plan for Teaching Your Teens to Manage Money

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Interview, Saturday Night Special


Join us today for the Saturday Night Special with Rachel Murphy author of I am Not Your ATM: A Practical Plan for Teaching Your Teens to Manage Money...

In this episode Rachel Murphy and I talk with you about raising money smart teens...

In tonight’s Saturday Night Special I interview Rachel Murphy.  I ask Rachel to share how her journey led her to writing a book on teaching teens how to handle money.  I also ask Rachel to talk with you about some of the good (and bad) ways we teach kids about money.  I also ask Rachel to share how her faith journey intersects with her call to write this book.

Join in on the Chat below.

SNS 152: Saturday Night Special – Interview with Rachel Murphy author of I Am Not Your ATM: A Practical Plan for Teaching Your Teens to Manage Money

[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: Welcome to tonight's Saturday night, special episode 152.

[00:00:05] Rachel Murphy: I'm Rachel Murphy. I challenge you to invest in yourself, invest in others, develop your influence and impact the world by using your time, your talent and your treasures to live out your column. Having the ability to leave a legacy of emotional, spiritual, and financial wealth with your family is key.

[00:00:21] And one way to be inspired to do that is to listen to this. The inspired stewardship podcast with my friend Scott Maderer.

[00:00:31] And for us we just start out small. We start out with like little bitty things. Like you're spending money to go get ICS when they're fifth, sixth grade and then every year we reevaluate. Let what else can we add? And we raised their salary for that it's money that we were spending anyway on them, but we make them the manager of it, the steward of it.

[00:00:56] Scott Maderer: Welcome. And thank you for joining us on the inspired stewardship [00:01:00] podcast. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to be, then you must learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true caller. In the inspired stewardship podcast, you will learn to invest in your.

[00:01:15] Invest in others and develop your influence so that you can impact the work.

[00:01:22] And tonight's Saturday night special. I interview Rachel Murphy. I ask Rachel to share how her journey led her to writing a book on teaching teens, how to handle money. I ask Rachel to talk with you about some of the good and bad ways that she's discovered. We teach kids about money. And I also ask Rachel to share with you how her faith journey intersects with her call to write this book.

[00:01:47] Rachel has worked with young people for almost 25 years as a youth director, a foster parent, a mentor to young adults, and is a mom of five children from ages eight to 24. Through the years, she became [00:02:00] aware of how many teens are lacking easily taught life skills that would help them as they launch out on their own.

[00:02:06] Her family started raising confident teens to help teach life and leadership skills to teens and their parents. She is the main host of the raising confident teens podcast. Rachel is also the author of the newly released book. I am not your ATM, a practical plan for teaching your teens to manage money.

[00:02:23] Welcome to the show, Rachel, thank you

[00:02:26] Rachel Murphy: so much for having me whole Saturday night special thing. It makes me feel like Either going to the gun range or we're going to meet up with a bunch of senior citizens for the early bird.

[00:02:38] Scott Maderer: well, both of those work okay. Maybe you're going to the gun range with a bunch of senior citizens that would work too.

[00:02:45] I'm in Texas. So that would not be an unusual event to be like, yeah, let's take the, let's take the seniors to the gun range. Let's go. I have never had anyone compare it to either of those, but that'll work. That'll work. So we're glad to have you here. [00:03:00] Rachel, I talked a little bit of the intro, but I didn't go into as much detail as I think there is there you're an entrepreneur, you've done your own business stuff.

[00:03:11] You've got a history of that. You're also a parent. How do those kinds of being an entrepreneur and being a parent, how have those intersected and overlapped and led to the way that you approach money with your own kids?

[00:03:26] Rachel Murphy: Our first go round of, as entrepreneurs was rough that's probably where most of our philosophy was formed.

[00:03:37] So the industry we went into had big startup costs. It was relatively new. We didn't know what we were doing. We had no mentors, we did everything wrong. and we made lots of mistakes. And those dis those decisions affected our lives and our kids' lives for years. And it could have very easily destroyed our marriage.

[00:03:58] So with our own [00:04:00] kids, I just wanted them to learn all the practical money skills that they could while they were still at home. And they had us to guide them through any situation they might come across where it was safe not like once they get out on their own, oh, look, here's credit card offers, and no one's warned them. No one's told them anything. Otherwise I'm just trusting the luck that they're gonna get out there and they're gonna not make too big a miss and hopefully figure it out, and,

[00:04:29] Scott Maderer: and they're gonna choose your nursing home. So you want 'em to know what's right?

[00:04:32] Yes. . So tell us a little bit, tell me a little bit more about that first entrepreneurial journey and how you think it did affect the family dynamic.

[00:04:41] Rachel Murphy: When we were young, we were in our early twenties and we started a local internet service provider, which for us older folks That was how you got on the internet.

[00:04:55] Like it was more complicated than it is now. You'd have to unplug your phone. [00:05:00] Everybody had wall phones, you'd have to unplug your phone and plug your computer into it, to dial in. And it would make this horrible noise. And once the internet was popular, nobody could get ahold of anybody because everybody was always on

[00:05:13] there.

[00:05:13] Scott Maderer: The phone lights are tied

[00:05:14] Rachel Murphy: up. Yeah. Yeah. That was a hard couple of years cuz once we got into it, it was almost like we can't get out. Cuz we, we weren't getting into a pile of debt and it just became deeper and we were putting it on credit cards and eventually we just had to come to the point.

[00:05:37] We, we ended up selling it. Someone bought it from us, but we, our personal debt from it was we had $50,000 in debt. And. Having to dig out of that. We have lots of great stories and remember the 1500

[00:05:55] Scott Maderer: car, it was an

[00:05:56] Rachel Murphy: adventure, right? it was an adventure. And [00:06:00] I'm not upset that we went through it because we learned a lot.

[00:06:06] And, but I wouldn't wanna do it again. and I wouldn't want my kids to have to go through that if I could avoid.

[00:06:14] Scott Maderer: How old were the kids at that point?

[00:06:17] Rachel Murphy: When we had the business, the oldest was, it was when, the time he was a baby until he was three or four. But the other kids raped the consequences as they were little, as they were coming up, they read the consequences of having to dig out of it.

[00:06:39] A lot of kids. The guy in the white truck comes to the neighborhood, playing his songs the ice cream man. We our kid didn't know that was that guy sold ice cream. We didn't tell him that's the music, man. He just likes his playing music for the kids in the neighborhood.

[00:06:57] And then my brother came over one day and [00:07:00] oh, the ice cream man's coming, let's go get ice cream. I'm like, why did you tell him that

[00:07:05] Scott Maderer: Okay. How do you think that affected the good side and the bad side of the kiddos? Was it did it work? Obviously it's worked out now, but at that time what do you think was going on?

[00:07:22] Rachel Murphy: They were little, so they didn't know any different really which was a blessing.

[00:07:27] And if I had my choice. Going through hard times when they're little or when they're big, I'd rather have gone through when they're little. But they're very frugal. And some of that is the way we teach money like they know the value of money cuz of the way they've learned it themselves.

[00:07:49] We weren't traveling the other day and my husband stopped to get some coffee at the gas station cuz he was really tired and he was trying to stay. [00:08:00] And my 14 year old is sitting in the car looking he's like why is dad getting coffee in there? He's McDonald's is attached to the gas station.

[00:08:11] And it's a dollar I'm like what? 14 year old cares that the coffee is only a dollar of McDonald's, so how old is the three year old. He is

[00:08:25] 24. And he's out on his own. Yeah. He's out on his own. Do you think it have you talked to him about what he does, remember if anything, about, about that period or does he not really remember anything or does he remember stories?

[00:08:43] Yeah, he re he remembers stories and he remembers, we just didn't do much cuz we didn't have any money and he's like the older the younger kids do get the benefit of that. And and he grew up to be a serial killer, I mean [00:09:00] that not getting ice cream from the ice cream man has just destroyed his life.

[00:09:03] Scott Maderer: No, he's

[00:09:04] Rachel Murphy: in therapy. No, he's fine.

[00:09:07] Scott Maderer: It's okay. I tell my son part of my job as a parent is to make sure he needs therapy by the time he's 35. So it's I actually think that's part of our duties, so that's okay. I think

[00:09:15] Rachel Murphy: we all probably should get therapy. Absolutely. We should. The longer I live, the more I realize we all need

[00:09:21] Scott Maderer: it, oh, absolutely. I agree with that. I'm actually a very big proponent of getting counseling. Whether you feel like you need it or not, you probably need it. Yep. But my all joking aside my point to saying that out loud is for parents that are maybe going through that right now and struggling with that and have kids at home one of the pushbacks.

[00:09:42] You get about things is that we need to create experiences for the kids and they need all of this when they're younger, but he went through that and it sounds like he's turned into a pretty good young man overall. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Don't feel the [00:10:00] expectations of what society tells you, you, your kid has to have that's something that's personal But don't feel like what everybody says you have to do, you have to do.

[00:10:11] Rachel Murphy: And there might be seasons where you say for this year, we're not doing much we're gonna make our own fun. I think kids, when they get older, they will appreciate more the sacrifices you made and the that you are willing to be disciplined.

[00:10:26] Scott Maderer: So why do you think money is such an overlooked topic when it comes.

[00:10:33] At family time at school time, those sorts of things. Why is money not really talked about?

[00:10:38] Rachel Murphy: I think this question has a lot of different reasons. A big reason it's not taught in schools I think is because it's not a subject that's on the achievement test and the achievement tests are how we're graded as teachers, how we're graded as schools.[00:11:00]

[00:11:00] I have friends who are teachers and they tell me all the time how bad it is and it's getting worse and that they're just teaching them to pass the test. That's what they're doing and for families, I think many times my generation at least was not taught how to handle money at all by their parents.

[00:11:22] And they feel inadequate. They feel like I wasn't taught, how am I gonna teach it? Or I might not be winning with money myself, who am I to give anybody advice? And so they feel like I just can't do it myself. But as it's mostly just behavior. Cause parents just feel like.

[00:11:49] I'm not good enough to teach it. And it's not really, it only requires a little bit of learning and it's mostly be teaching behavior and habits.[00:12:00] But it's important, but it's not urgent. So that's another thing like it's so far off long range, like I'm dealing right now with something that's right in front of me and.

[00:12:16] I don't wanna think about that yet, but then if you turn around and they're gonna be ready to move out, you're not careful. It's I see it a lot in parents when their kid is a senior in college and they're like, they're going to college next year. We have no plan. Like they don't have college savings.

[00:12:34] They don't have a method of how they're going to work this out. And. They just kept putting it off and putting it off it's easy to do it's with the important, but not urgent things.

[00:12:47] Scott Maderer: Yep. Yep. In fact, that's the most overlooked category. If you think of about the four quadrants, right?

[00:12:54] We deal with the urgent, not important, and we deal [00:13:00] with the urgent important, but we don't necessarily deal with. Important, but not urgent very well. Right at all. Yeah. For those of you that don't know that matrix of the four quadrants that's put urgent and I import urgent, not urgent on one axis and important and not important of the other.

[00:13:18] And you end up with four squares. And the not urgent, not important. Most of us are pretty good about not doing too terribly much of that. That's the just total time waster activities, but it's. It's that one that we were just talking about of the it's important, but not urgent is the most overlooked category.

[00:13:37] And there's a lot of big things that go in that category. So if somebody's hearing this and they're like, okay, I've got I got a kiddo, they're preteen, they're a teen they're coming into that age. Or even a younger child. If you wanna touch on that as well, how should they begin?

[00:13:54] Or what are some of the things that they can do to begin. Bringing their kiddos [00:14:00] along with money. So that when it is that moment of they're out on their own it isn't just see ya. Good luck. Which happened to a lot of us, I think.

[00:14:11] Rachel Murphy: Yeah. I think the first important thing to remember is begin with the end in mind what is your goal?

[00:14:18] Because that's gonna be different for different people. If you have a special needs kid, your goal is not gonna be, let's teach them about investing. Your goal is gonna be let's teach them how to make change. It's just like any, anywhere in life. If you're trying to get somewhere, you have to have a map.

[00:14:38] If you don't have a map, you will find out you're somewhere way off when you get to the end. And you'll be like, this is not where I wanted to go, but if you didn't have a plan, how are you supposed to get there? So I think the first step would be sit down and write out what does this look like for my family?

[00:14:57] Like where, [00:15:00] what does a successful adult financially look like to me? Can they do a budget? Can they understand credit card interest? Can they buy a car? It's gonna be different. You're gonna have different goals. And just think about what's the most important for you and just start working from there and start thinking, how can I practically teach this to them now, while they're here?

[00:15:25] Kids don't like lectures, teenagers do not like lectures. They respond better to this is a real life example. So that's how I teach. I teach, make it practical for 'em like turn over part of the budget to them. If it's something that they're interested in A lot of people do clothes.

[00:15:47] Let them handle the clothing budget. They'll be less likely to waste money on clothes that they're not gonna wear. If they're the ones Ling the clothes and for us we just [00:16:00] start out small. We start out with like little bitty things. Like here's spending money to go get ISIS when they're fifth, sixth grade.

[00:16:08] And then every year we reevaluate, let, what else can we add? And we raised their salary for that it's money that we were spending anyway on them, but we make them the manager of it, the steward of it, so that it hurts more cuz if I don't spend it here, I could save it for something else.

[00:16:31] And that's a concept that a lot of kids don't get until they're on their own because they never had to do it. Mom and dad always just opened the wallet when. Needed anything.

[00:16:40] Scott Maderer: That's the title of your book? Treating your parent like an ATM. Yeah, and actually we did that with my son where we turned over part of the budget and we still put limits on that where we like with clothing we still said you do have to buy a certain amount of clothing.

[00:16:58] You're not gonna wear the [00:17:00] old ratty jeans until you. They've completely fallen apart. You do actually have to replace them at some point. He's a boy. He didn't care. And and then we also said we get veto power. There are some things that, you know, you wanna buy that shirt?

[00:17:14] And the answer is no you can't wear that now. He was actually really good about it, but we still laid those ground rules. And and like you said, we let him know if. If you're frugal with it. You get to do something with the extra. And he actually bought a he was big into computers.

[00:17:33] He bought his first computer with money. He saved from. Being frugal with the budget going and buying clothes at the thrift store instead of at the name brand store. And he's it's the same outfit. I don't care. It's yeah, save me a few bucks. I'm good. And so the $40 jeans for $10 instead of $40 or whatever that kind of thing.

[00:17:57] So it is interesting how, when you [00:18:00] give 'em that responsibility and that reward, they begin to modify. The questions change because they feel like it's their money. They can do something with it, right? Yeah. What are some of the stories that you have that as you were working with your kiddos on money that maybe surprised you, or some unique events that happened?

[00:18:19] Rachel Murphy: I didn't realize how much they would like to have control. I guess subconsciously I knew that teenagers like to be in control, but. They love it. They're like, we're gonna do this with our kids. Cause no teenager likes to go say I have to ask my mom for money, oh, we're all going out for ice cream.

[00:18:42] Let me go ask my mom for some money. That's I feel like a little kid when I have to do say, oh, okay. Yeah. They just pull their wallet out and see how much they got in there. And. I guess I, I didn't that's one thing I didn't anticipate was how much they would like it. [00:19:00] They feel like adults and this is something we can give them.

[00:19:05] There's so many other things we can't give them that they want as teenagers, no, you can't stay out all hours of them, no, you can't. Do all this other stuff, but

[00:19:15] Scott Maderer: this is something you can't have your boyfriend or girlfriend come over and spend the night. That's not loud, yeah. But if they're, if they start doing crazy stuff, obviously you need to pull back and say, you need to reevaluate this, cuz you're not being responsible they need to have the ability to make decisions for themselves. And I think that a lot of times we don't let them like.

[00:19:43] Rachel Murphy: I remember as a kid, no offense, mom and dad, if you hear this, but our lives were pretty structured. I grew up in a pretty fundamentalist background and I had trouble making decisions as an adult [00:20:00] cuz I never did it. I wasn't allowed to decide things and my parents did let me actually Earn money and buy things.

[00:20:12] I did do that as a kid, but in a lot of things, I wasn't allowed to make decisions. So I feel like the more decisions they're allowed to make that are safe the better decision maker, if they're going to become, it's just a practice thing skill. What are some of the mistakes they made with money that.

[00:20:33] Scott Maderer: And how did y'all handle that when they cause guess what, they're gonna screw it up when they first start practicing it. So how did y'all handle it when they did make a mistake?

[00:20:43] Rachel Murphy: Yeah. I try to be fair. If it's some, a legitimate, something comes up that nobody saw coming then yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna find the way to, to meet that need or my kids are pretty.

[00:20:58] For the most [00:21:00] part they're pretty conservative, probably just because of the way they were raised. But I have one that likes to spend a lot of money on airsoft stuff. And sometimes I think he spends money on that when he should have put more to close, like you said And I just say what you'll be wearing those clothes for a while.

[00:21:23] Like as long as they're not falling apart, like you said He's figured out that he could stretch him longer. if,

[00:21:31] Scott Maderer: if he doesn't slide across the floor on his knees

[00:21:35] Rachel Murphy: yeah, but I heard him the other day saying, Hey, I'm gonna call my friend he's his feet have grown a lot recently. And see if he's got any shoes he's outgrown that I could.

[00:21:44] There you go that's. Yeah, that, yeah. Yep.

[00:21:48] Scott Maderer: Yeah. that's like going to the thrift store instead of the name brand store, same sort of idea. That's awesome. I actually had two students that I taught that were [00:22:00] so big that they used to get their shoes from the spurs organization in San Antonio because wow.

[00:22:04] They, they wore, they were both basketball players and right. Went to the spurs camps and that, and the spurs actually have a thing where cuz game shoes, they only wear once. So they could pass them down to the basketball players that, that they could fit. But of course, obviously that's not everybody.

[00:22:20] So I, before we move on and ask a few questions that I like to ask all of my guests, what else do you think is really important to share from the book or about the book?

[00:22:34] Rachel Murphy: Yeah. I never thought I'd write a book. It was, it's totally a God thing. I. I don't get a lot of enjoyment out of writing.

[00:22:44] A lot of people do. I'm good at it, but I don't like, Ooh, I wanna sit down and write, but I just like last year, I just felt like something in my spirit said, turn this into a book. And I know it had to be God, cuz I don't, I would've never [00:23:00] said that to myself. And when I sat down to write you sit down and write and you got a thousand words.

[00:23:04] Okay. I can't think of anything else, but then just whenever something else would come to mind and I'd just start writing about that. And then 30,000 words later, I have a book. But I I heard about this concept from Mary Hunt. Do you remember Mary Hunt? Chief skate monthly. She's not as popular as she used to be, but she wrote a book similar to this, but she didn't go into a lot of details.

[00:23:30] And I spent years figuring out how does this work for my family using her book? And what does this look like practically? And I thought this method is so great. And I know that there's a lot of other people out there who need details. Like I can do the, I understand the concepts and it sounds good, but please detail this out for me.

[00:23:53] And so this is the book I wish I had when I started. It's what I wrote. [00:24:00] What do you think the most important takeaway from the book is for parents?

[00:24:05] Just start, because if you look at the statistics the average person can't come up with a thousand dollars for an emergency.

[00:24:16] And we're seeing all of this heartache with this COVID lockdown. People just don't have any margin and if Even if you just learn one thing to change your, it could change your life just, but it it's only a few concepts really that you need and you don't have to get 'em from me.

[00:24:39] There's so many books out there. There's so many videos. We have so much more than we had when I was a kid. If you wanna learn about money just listen to podcasts you can grasp so much I don't care where you get it from somewhere. And just start doing the small steps and those small steps [00:25:00] will add up and change your.

[00:25:01] Scott Maderer: So one of the questions I like to ask, all of my guests is my brand is inspired stewardship and I run things through that lens of stewardship. So for yet as I've talked to people, I've discovered that different people hear different things when I use the word stewardship.

[00:25:17] So for you, what does the word stewardship mean? And what has the impact of that word been on your life?

[00:25:25] Rachel Murphy: Yeah, stewardship. It could be bad or good. We often think it's a positive word but there's that story in the Bible of the lazy steward. So obviously we could, it could go either way. I see it as being a manager for someone else, and I think that's freeing because I don't have to worry about it.

[00:25:48] It's not mine. If he tells me to do something, I just have to do it. I just have to do what he says. It's like when you work for a company and the boss tells you to do something [00:26:00] with write a check for this. It doesn't really hurt you because it's not your money. . We often think of stewardship as just finances, but there's so much more to it than that it's really our time or which is something I'm I really struggle with.

[00:26:21] I've been doing time blocking and time tracking, and I'm like, I feel like I'm really busy and don't have time for everything, but I really do waste a lot of time. It was like last night to last night I was on Facebook and I got sucked into this post. They post those posts of people that did amazing things like during the war.

[00:26:44] It was this post on this female spy. And I'm like, this is so interesting. And then I like Googled her and I started reading all about her. And then I was reading about all the other women's spy I'm like, where did, how did I get off on this? [00:27:00] It was, it's not necessarily a bad thing that I was doing.

[00:27:03] But it wasn't necessarily the, my most important thing that I should be doing. So that's something I struggle with. And also, you

[00:27:13] Scott Maderer: know, it definitely wasn't in that important urgent category.

[00:27:16] Rachel Murphy: No, it's just, there's introduc me a fascinating category where Rachel gets sucked in and I'm only allowed so many minutes a day to be fascinated.

[00:27:24] Also for me, health is a big just being stewards, our health, cuz like as entrepreneurs, it is so easy to get sucked into that hustle culture. Like I've gotta do this. Everybody else is doing this. If you only work 24 hours a day, you'll be great. It's yeah. and,

[00:27:43] and there's seasons where you have to go through that.

[00:27:46] Like when we were doing the book. Sure. We were up late editing every night because that's the only time we could get it done because we have kids. But I have got to the point where I'm just like, Rachel, you have got to get seven, eight hours [00:28:00] of sleep at night, or you're just not, I wanna be a good old person.

[00:28:03] When I'm old, I wanna be crazy. . And that's just not healthy. If you listen to the society in the world and they're all saying you've gotta post this many times a day and you've gotta do SEO and you've gotta put yourself out there and do all this stuff. And I was really struggling with that.

[00:28:27] And right about the time the book came out, I was. What am I, what should I be doing? And then I felt like I just said I can do more in five minutes than you can do all year so I've just tried to every day, just say, God, what do you want me to do today? And not be so worried about myself just do what I can do.

[00:28:50] Cuz as a parent, it is so easy to bring yourself out. That answer your question. That's just what I'm dealing with. I think it's a it's as you go [00:29:00] through life, you struggle with different things what works for you now won't work for you tomorrow necessarily.

[00:29:07] Scott Maderer: Yeah.

[00:29:08] Marshall Goldsmith has a book. What got you here? Won't get you there. It's technically it's a leadership book, but that idea is still the same. I think for our life too we get to certain levels and it's but what got us to that level? Isn't exactly. What's gonna get you to the next level.

[00:29:25] Whether that's the level in parenting and business and leadership and whatever, you've gotta learn new skills and new abilities to get to the next level as well. And you can't

[00:29:35] Rachel Murphy: compare yourself to other people cause their journey's not your journey

[00:29:38] Scott Maderer: well, and where you are is different.

[00:29:41] Another for it in other words, a lot of times we compare our beginnings to someone else's middle. That's bad. And then B, even if we compare a beginning to a beginning, we're actually not starting from the same place. So cuz we have different backgrounds and histories and everything else as well.[00:30:00]

[00:30:00] So here's my favorite question that I ask everybody. If I invented this magic machine and I was able to pluck you out of the chair where you set today and transport you into the future a hundred to 150 years. and through the magic of this machine, you were able to look back and see what you've left behind in terms of ripples and impact all of those people that you've touched.

[00:30:25] What do you hope the impact that you've left behind is

[00:30:28] Rachel Murphy: I would hope that people said that I loved well and that everybody I came in contact with their lives were changed for the better. About when I get to heaven, I hope I meet people who said, Hey, my mom read your book and it changed our lives. Sorry. it's okay. Cause finances are the [00:31:00] biggest stress for so many people like three outta four people say you. The stress they have is caused by finances. If we can just eliminate some of that, just like our marriages, our families

[00:31:16] could be a better world.

[00:31:18] Scott Maderer: So what's coming next for you as you work on this book the journey, what's what's on the roadmap for you?

[00:31:27] Rachel Murphy: That's a good question. Like I said, I never thought I'd write a book if you had asked me this question a couple years ago, I never would've thought. I'll have a book written. I'll be speaking on podcasts. The truth of the matter is as a kid, I was incredibly shy. I cried every day at kindergarten, cuz I didn't wanna talk to people God has other plans sometimes than you have.

[00:31:56] And when he it's a process [00:32:00] and as it's revealed to you, you're. When it's right, it's just easy you know the saying, God, we make plans and God laughs you know, this was never my plan. But I'm enjoying just talking to people and just sharing my heart and. And I can see myself doing that.

[00:32:22] I don't mind going out and speaking and doing that. We talked a little bit before we recorded the other day about construction, cuz we've both done construction and I'd really like to, I'd really to help people build their own houses. It's another goal of ours to you could build cheaper than you can buy these days and.

[00:32:49] It's a DIY world. You can learn how to do anything. we wanna do classes where we teach people how to build timber frame. They build tiny houses and not [00:33:00] have a big mortgage. That's another goal of ours. I just, I I'd like to do more foster care adoption is big in our hearts cause we're a foster family, adoptive family and.

[00:33:15] I would like to do more training for teenage foster kids, cuz they really don't have the skills. I go, oh, I just guess I'll just see where I go. The way is not yet clear, but I've learned. Cuz when we first started a couple years ago, this all started as we just wanna teach kids life skills, this how it started.

[00:33:42] And we didn't know what we were doing. We just started making little videos. That's how we started. And then it turned into the podcast. And then people said, what about money? So turn into the book. And it's just, I've learned that if you just start taking action, [00:34:00] then it becomes a lot clearer where you're supposed to go next,

[00:34:03] Scott Maderer: easier to steer a moving car than a part.

[00:34:07] Right.

[00:34:07] Rachel Murphy: Yeah. So I'm just trying to take action where I think I was supposed to be going. And then just to see where it takes me.

[00:34:13] Scott Maderer: you can follow Rachel on Facebook and Instagram as Rachel Murphy coaching, or find out more about her services and the book over on the website. Rachel Murphy, coaching.com. Of course I'll have links to all of this over in the show notes as well. Rachel, is there anything else you'd like to share with the listener?

[00:34:32] Rachel Murphy: Yeah. I've made,

[00:34:34] Scott Maderer: so Rachel, is there anything else you'd like to share

[00:34:37] Rachel Murphy: with the listener? Yeah. I've set up a special page just for listeners. If you do it to Rachel Murphy, coaching.com/stewardship. I'm gonna have some free resources on there. My top three books, I recommend for teens parents of teens and. Like a spending tracker, if you're like, Hey, I'd like to start doing that, turning [00:35:00] over stuff to my kids, but I really don't know how much I'm spending.

[00:35:03] I got a tracker on that. You can print out just every time you spend something on them, write it down, and then that'll give you an idea of stuff. You could start turning over.

[00:35:10] Scott Maderer: Those are some great resources and of course, I'll have a link to that page in the show notes as well for folks. Thank you so much for being here today.

[00:35:18] It's awesome stuff that you've shared.

[00:35:20] Rachel Murphy: Thank you so much for having me. I had a great.

[00:35:22] Scott Maderer: Thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship podcast, as a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listen, but act on what you've heard and find a way to live your calling. If you enjoyed this. Please do us a favor. Go over to inspired stewardship.com/itunes rate.

[00:35:50] All one word iTunes rate. It'll take you through how to leave a rating and review and how to make sure you're subscribed to the [00:36:00] podcast so that you can get every episode as it comes out in your feed until next time invest your. Your talent and your treasures develop your influence and impact the world.

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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I actually have some friends who have read the book who put an empty chair next to their desk and put a big sign there "Ask me anything- love Jesus" - Kim Avery

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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