June 11

SNS 149: Saturday Night Special – Interview with author, podcaster, and speaker Dom Brightmon

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Interview, Saturday Night Special


Join us today for the Saturday Night Special with author, podcaster, and speaker, Dom Brightmon...

In this episode Dom Brightmon and I talk about excellence and growth...

In tonight’s Saturday Night Special I interview Dom Brightmon.  I ask Dom to share why he wrote his books and started his Going North Podcast.  I also ask Dom about the keys to becoming an elite performer.  I also ask Dom to share with you how you can become more confident even as an introvert.

Join in on the Chat below.

SNS 149: Saturday Night Special – Interview with author, podcaster, and speaker Dom Brightmon

[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: Welcome to tonight's Saturday night, special episode 149.

[00:00:04] Dom Brightmon: I'm Dominic, Dom Brightmom and I challenge you to invest in yourself, invest in others, develop your influence and impact the world by using your time, your talent and your treasures to live out your calling. Having the ability to improve consistently over time is key.

[00:00:22] And one way to be inspired to do that is to listen to this. The inspired Stewart. Podcast with my good friend, Mr. S and M himself, the sensational and a magnificent Scott.

[00:00:35] and the best thing that really helped turn it around for me in networking, especially as a person who likes to regain energy and likes to have alone, lone times the best. Even though a lot of folks who regain energy by being alone, they hate small talk. They like to get deep, like another reason why sometimes it's diverse even do better on podcasts because Hey, it's like they get deep into the stuff, that in there.

[00:00:58] Scott Maderer: Welcome. And thank you [00:01:00] for joining us on the inspired stewardship podcast. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to do. Then you must learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true calling in the inspired stewardship podcast. We'll learn to invest in yourself, invest in others and develop your influence so that you can impact the world.

[00:01:24] Into night, Saturday night special. I interviewed Don Breitman. I asked Tom to share why you wrote his books and started his going north podcast. I also asked Tom about the keys to becoming an elite performer, and I asked him to share with you how you can become more. Even as an introvert one area that a lot of folks need some help with is around the area of productivity.

[00:01:50] Getting not just more things done, but actually getting the right things done can be really. I've got a [00:02:00] course called productivity for your passion. That's designed to help you do this and then to hold you accountable and walk with you so that you can tailor productivity, not just to be getting more done, but actually getting the right things done.

[00:02:17] What's more, we take the approach of looking at your personality and how you actually look at things in the world and tailor the productivity system to your personnel. Because the truth is a lot of the systems that are out there are written really well for somebody with a particular personality type.

[00:02:35] But if you have a different approach to things, they just don't work, but there's tools and techniques and approaches that you can take that will work for anyone. And we help you do that in productivity for your passion. Check it out over@inspiredstewardship.com slash launch. Dominique Dom, Brian. DTM is a certified leadership training with the [00:03:00] John Maxwell team best-selling author and host of the going north podcast, a podcast committed to featuring Arthurs from around the world to promote the power of the written word and inspire listeners to publish books of their own.

[00:03:14] His mantra is advance others to advance yourself.

[00:03:18] Welcome to the show dog.

[00:03:21] Dom Brightmon: Thanks, Scott. Glad to be your baby. The I a show. The is the, is

[00:03:27] Scott Maderer: Hey, wait a minute. You can't change the name

[00:03:30] If y'all, haven't already figured this out dumb likes to have fun. So this has gotta to be a fun episode. I think so. Yeah. Tom, talk to us a little bit about. We just talked to the intro about some of the stuff you do and the podcast and the you've got several books out and all of this.

[00:03:49] Tell me a little bit about your journey how you gotten to the point today, where you're doing speaking, you're doing writing and you're doing all of the things and a little bit about how your [00:04:00] faith played itself out within that.

[00:04:01] Dom Brightmon: Yeah, sure thing. Thanks a bus golf Ram yeoman's show, man.

[00:04:05] He aspires to a ship, our baby in a it's going to be fun on all the buns, baby, all the stewardships for all the stewards, but a about me. Funny enough actually grew up as a church boy and. I was probably like one of the places I spend most of my time, if wasn't at school or outside, play my friends occasionally inside gaming with big bro, it would be in a church on Sundays, specially since my father was a veteran who served in world war II, he was a 82nd airborne paratrooper and also in the Korean war.

[00:04:37] And he was very spiritual and they loved it's a real. Be in church and he wanted me to make sure I was in church too. So Sunday school, all the way up to the end of service. So eight o'clock, 8:30 PM. Sir. Sound buddy. Pastor looks at his watch. It's a joke, Tom is a constant,

[00:04:59] Scott Maderer: [00:05:00] especially.

[00:05:00] Dom Brightmon: Oh, yeah, exactly. The ice cream wasn't even involved yet.

[00:05:04] That's how long

[00:05:06] Scott Maderer: they weren't even bribing you with snacks. Okay,

[00:05:09] Dom Brightmon: exactly. Yeah. Got to love the early torch to build character, but yeah, especially building character, actually, that was where I discovered my gift for public speaking. And when I got into my teenage years, it looks like, Hey, you got this great voice.

[00:05:22] Then they asked me to be a narrator for one play, not an orb Jesus for a few other ones. They've recorded a couple of. Tom. That's how I was like, wow. Okay. All right. A family gift and. Lo and behold senior year high school. It actually was my advantage because funny enough, all of us didn't pass high school because of the public speaking class.

[00:05:43] We had one, but the problem was we only had one test that semester for the third semester because the teacher that took over was the principal's wife and that's teach. They originally had. She actually got fired halfway through the class. So I was like, oh yeah, exactly. [00:06:00] Solvable didn't graduate because of a public sweet glass, 40 enough, because we only had a written test, no actual practical examination

[00:06:08] Scott Maderer: tests without actually speaking.

[00:06:10] You just took a written test. Okay. Yeah, exactly.

[00:06:12] Dom Brightmon: Yeah. Yeah. As

[00:06:15] Scott Maderer: a former school teacher who taught science, I don't think that would necessarily work all that well, but

[00:06:20] Dom Brightmon: whatever.

[00:06:20] Gotta love it. What do I know? Yeah it's a resting world. Got to look real, love it. It makes her good. God said later though. And had good top concept later, took me through college and actually got into a wonderful birthday gift. I like to call it my setback sandwich year of 2012, where.

[00:06:40] Sir. And 21 on my 21st birthday that's September and was on weights it security class and got into a car accident. But sadly enough, a month before my father, he went out for just a regular usual drive out to the grocery store, whatever, and he got lost for 36 hours and we're like, what the heck is going on?

[00:06:59] [00:07:00] And he was all the way out in silver, spring, Maryland. They were like, why are you there? And he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. So having to be the, be now, basically caregiver for him. And on top of that, the thing is a lot of books may try to separate their personal and professional life. But the thing is.

[00:07:19] It's still one life. We have to live in this timeframe anyway, and your purse was going to see what's your professional and whatever. Abs your professional life bits is going to seep into your personal life. And it did for me. So I got called into my boss's office and she read off a list of things where folks were a little disappointed in me, a certain era of some miscommunication issues.

[00:07:40] And I was like, oh crap. Oh, what happened here. And so after having that realization, I decided to keep working extremely hard and I actually found my own metaphorical makers, acres of diamond. In the LeadersUp section of the library, read a book by John Maxwell. And that was [00:08:00] the 1st of May to come because the thing was, I worked in the library that's on for up to five years, but I didn't love reading that much because most of what I read was just textbooks and I've read occasional comic books every now and then that was fun, but I never.

[00:08:17] To really develop a sudden the focus, me to really focus on thinking bigger and actually taking more intentional steps, more intentional directions in my life. And when. That one book that really put me on the path to read multiple books and I try to lease, read 30 plus books a year now because of it.

[00:08:36] And it's all because that one for bringing out a wonderful father still also had a wonderful mother and a big brother too, who am encouraged me and helped me along the way in just going through those setbacks and turning him into a set up for future success.

[00:08:52] Scott Maderer: So I want to circle back to something you said, so you worked in a library, but you weren't.

[00:08:58] Dom Brightmon: Yeah.

[00:08:58] That would [00:09:00] be a

[00:09:00] Scott Maderer: form of irony there. Okay.

[00:09:02] Dom Brightmon: It never would have

[00:09:03] Scott Maderer: guessed the right where when I was that age, nobody would let me into a bookstore or a library because of how many books I would walk out with. That was a big, I was a big reader and when I was in my twenties, Interestingly though.

[00:09:15] And so you found John John Maxwell. And you're a member of JMT. I am as well, the John Maxwell team and he's he's a pretty impactful. So just curious, what's your favorite book by him?

[00:09:28] Dom Brightmon: It's a semi tough question, but this one's still takes the cake. Is his a companion book to the law's book, the 21 qualities of in.

[00:09:38] At 21 indisputable clause of a leader, the gold green and black book. Like that one is probably still my favorite. Like Leadershift is probably a honorable mention because that one, yeah, that was a, definitely a close second with the album because I'm like, man, cause that book was powerful. But the qualities though, that one really took me to the next level.

[00:09:59] Like [00:10:00] I've really tapped into my Abby Verda energy by reading that book.

[00:10:04] Scott Maderer: So yeah. You mentioned are I mentioned earlier that you've written some books too. So what brought you as you were dealing with all of this, what brought you to decide that you wanted to write a book when you were 23?

[00:10:19] As you're coming through with father, with Alzheimer's covering from the wreck, all of that what brought you to actually writing a book yourself?

[00:10:27] Dom Brightmon: A solid question. The beautiful thing is about books, especially self-help books. Is that a lot of folks, depending on who you hang around, you eventually become turned from Guinea pig into actually an actual doer of your actual work.

[00:10:41] And how was still in that mini Guinea pig stage. I actually suck some of the advice from the book and joined an organization called Toastmasters international. And I joined that organization just to network with other people because I volunteered to run a public speaking seminar for my church [00:11:00] six. I guess six months after I joined and I'm like, all right, let me go ahead and network, see if I can build some relationships.

[00:11:06] See if anybody's interested in delivering a presentation. And after the presentation was a success, I'm like, wow. So do I stay, or do I leave Toastmasters? I accomplish my goal folks loved it had 90 attendees that day. And I learned a viable us Ned day as a quick sidebar. Don't put audits participation on the second half of Europe.

[00:11:27] Seminar, even though I doubt people do that nowadays effect that I, the seminar was like from one to three and the first 60 minutes was the key note. 95 people were in the room second half after the break and went down to 10 people because

[00:11:42] people

[00:11:43] Dom Brightmon: still are scared of public speaking that, that bad stuff, fear of public speaking is real.

[00:11:48] But anyways, after that seminar was a success. What's another club in his wonderful God named my Daniel Allah came in, he had the speech called act how to act like a neat leader. And he was about two years older than me at [00:12:00] the time. I think he was 23. I was 21. He delivered a great presentation. And I think he even mentioned mark 9 23 during that presentation about the belief.

[00:12:11] And I'm like, wow. Okay, cool. I liked this guy. He even had a book that he was selling apt in the back of the room after his presentation. Ah, what the heck I'll support a fellow millennials since we get a bad rap most of the time and yeah. And after. I was like, okay, cool. I went home and read it. I'm like how does the pitch Turner?

[00:12:30] And he's writing about the same exact stuff I'm reading about. So lo and behold, I'm like, that was like the first seed. About a good two years later, I read this wonderful book called the magic of getting what you want by David Schwartz. The same guy who wrote the magic of thinking big. And in that book, there was a wonderful activity called writing out your own obituary because one of the richest places in the graveyard that I'm pretty sure a lot of your listeners may be familiar with as the.

[00:12:57] Graveyard, because a lot of plate, a lot [00:13:00] of folks who leave this world without embracing the dreams and realizing you're manifesting their dreams. So going straight to that phase of like, all right, so let's go in reverse engineer. This thing, I'm a best-selling author, multiple books and doing all those other wonderful things.

[00:13:16] And then a few months later, I meet this wonderful lady at Toastmasters international. And I was handing out these reading lists of people called the 100 books or dynamic living. And when I handed her the list, she looked at it and was like, Hey, I like this list. Hey, where's your name at buddy? And I'm like, oh, it's at the bottom.

[00:13:31] Contact info business cards are so freaking 1990. And it's no, it's about you as an author. And I'm like, oh,

[00:13:40] exactly. It's oh I go back. I'm a write about. And she was like, Hey, how about a year from today? You become a published author. And I'm like, nah, I think I'm good. Okay. How about we both become published authors and I'm like, wow, this is Ricky. Cool. Nah, I think I'm good. And just not agreeing to that and tell [00:14:00] him my buddy butter.

[00:14:00] He actually called me out on a couple of days later door got Toastmasters speech because we actually, I had to give a presentation and have a Q and a session during the presentation. And my presentation had nothing to do with book writing at all, nothing at all. And it was the first and he was the first guy that asked the question to, and he was like, Hey Dom.

[00:14:23] So where'd you go write your book. And there's just this long awkward pause. Man, you can't tell people nothing nowadays.

[00:14:33] The

[00:14:33] Dom Brightmon: heck am I going to do here is all my God a year for the day. I'm going to write my book. And then after that folks were giving me an applause yeah, go ahead and do a buddy, go ahead and do it.

[00:14:43] And ran home. After the main was over wrote 14 pages of raw concept that became the last chapter, my first ever book going north tips and techniques to advance yourself. And it's just kept, I would say the rest is history. They got a, it really is. Rest is history. That's Stillmore history to [00:15:00] tell in a future.

[00:15:00] Scott Maderer: And now you have the podcasts going north too. So what's the connection between sitting down and starting to write that book? And now you've got the podcast going.

[00:15:11] Dom Brightmon: Oh, yeah. Interesting connection deed. Because funny enough, starting a podcast was actually in my wheelhouse of reality before even writing and publishing a book.

[00:15:23] I don't even know how that even. Happened to be honest since arms the book before the podcast, because the podcast I learned about them back in 2010, when a buddy turned me on. So when I was in college and I'm like, wow, this is some. And after hearing some guys do the way they do their show, I'm like, all right, I think I do this.

[00:15:41] I got a voice for it. And lo and behold, 2016 came October of that year, going north was published, got on TV, local news. Get on a little mini tour of promoting the book, did a couple of books. Signings got major support from my home church, my Miranda, [00:16:00] Baltimore county, Baltimore city Walbert junction area.

[00:16:03] And it was so good, but sadly, my father, who I was also taken care of, he passed away March of 2017 and I was dealing with some. And low and behold, I forgot that the thing is no matter how much anticipatory grief we have, when the grief finally happens, when you file those, that loved one is still going to be some new grief that pops up no matter how we prepare for it.

[00:16:29] And it hit me like a ton of bricks and I'm like, wow. So while I was knocked out for a good three months, My internal self and got guns into the meeting with the boss, with the day job and some more lack of self-awareness came up and I'm like, okay. All right, cool. I guess I got to shape up again. Oh, it's up.

[00:16:51] That, that led to another book. But before that, it led to the wonderful idea of finally started my podcast. And originally it was going to be called [00:17:00] the Mr. Muse can reads podcast because one of the blessings and curses of a creative mind is that you get to create this, all these ideas. That's the blessing.

[00:17:08] The curse is sometimes if you're not careful and you have so in the rain year and you'll get bored of your old ideas that. The oldest still has some gas left in the take. And one of my coaching buddies, I had coffee with. She was like, Hey, how about you call it the going north podcast? Because you got a brand here with your book.

[00:17:25] You always are all about going north. You always say going north and people ask you, how's it going? Why don't you call it that? And I'm like, wow, I'll go ahead and do that. And instead of just me rambling on the mic every week, I decided to interview fellow authors because one of the things I noticed is that.

[00:17:42] Oprah's not really doing a TV thing anymore it's like still the major dream it looks like, yeah, get on Oprah should come out of retirement just for you. Go ahead. And it's I'm not Oprah, but Hey, I'll just start a show to feature fellow authors, especially self published authors to give them a platform there, get their voices heard and get the [00:18:00] stories out there and give them a place to even practice public speaking and being interviewed.

[00:18:04] And. Exploded from there were like September, 2017 at launched. And my goodness. Four years of some change later, where it's wow, I got almost five years now. Five, 600 plus episodes in probably at the time when this launches and I'm on the road to interviewing over a thousand offices across the globe.

[00:18:28] So it's been one heck of a ride has been a beautiful experience.

[00:18:32] Scott Maderer: That's a, yeah, that's quite a journey. So you were going to do the podcast before the book, but ended up with the book before the podcast.

[00:18:40] And how many books do you have out now?

[00:18:42] Dom Brightmon: So far three there's a. Book, that's going to be out before 2022 is over as well. So yeah, still keeping the pin a heavy and the keys ready, Alicia,

[00:18:53] Scott Maderer: I point that out because you also, we're not going to be a published [00:19:00] Arthur either you push back on that idea and now you're up to three working on the fourth book.

[00:19:07] Dom Brightmon: Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah man. Sorry.

[00:19:10] Scott Maderer: How does that work out? It's not going to do it to getting four books out.

[00:19:15] How did that

[00:19:15] Dom Brightmon: happen? Actually cut ties and what the wonderful title of his show Scott's inspired stewardship because man, like when folks inspire you to steward your time properly, like good things will happen. And that's really what happened with me. I really consider myself being on the shoulders of judge because I've had my wonderful Paris, my wonderful family members that supported me, friends like colleagues and coaches, mentors, all these other wonderful people that have been courage me, and really been able to at least have different areas of expertise and just seeing them in action.

[00:19:53] Led to inspiring me and my actions eventually inspiring others because the thing is with being able to get that [00:20:00] inspiration, to store my time and finding even new talent for certain avenues led to these wonderful books. And that's why I'm going to keep on going. Yeah, that's how it goes.

[00:20:12] Scott Maderer: So when you've you've had the opportunity through your reading.

[00:20:16] Through studying through interviewing the guest on the podcast. What do you think are the keys to being a performing like that? Being an elite.

[00:20:27] Dom Brightmon: Ah, solid question indeed. And one of them, heck there's even there's five and it's in a nice, across to cold Mitch. So if there's any miss listeners out there named Mitch, you're gonna love.

[00:20:37] It's yeah, I'm famous buddy. Mitch doesn't even have to pitch baby.

[00:20:42] That's right. All the corn. So the M and Mitch, that stands for a Metsul awareness. It's all about mindset said, you hear that a lot in the entrepreneurial space. I even hear that a lot period nowadays, where a lot of folks, especially during the pandemic that was supposed to be two weeks, that [00:21:00] turned out to be two last three years where it's oh, we're still doing this thing.

[00:21:03] Oh, art didn't just pay its rent. It just came the takeover. I guess it's a manifest destiny style hub.

[00:21:11] Scott Maderer: It's living in the spare bedroom. I'm afraid right now.

[00:21:15] Dom Brightmon: Exactly. It was like, oh God. All right. And that just came on top of her body also having their issues beforehand. So this just helped that to skyrocket.

[00:21:24] And one of the major things is just making sure that you have a calm mind. Months while everybody else's lose. And there's if everybody was losing there, that doesn't mean you join the wonderful sheep. Hey, you just make sure you keep your head on straight and keep focus. You have a peace that surpasses all understanding from a wonderful faith.

[00:21:43] And that's one of the things I love about your show too. It was like, Hey, it's all about faith to faith in Jesus Christ. And that's what gives us that peace, that surpasses all understanding. So having that mental awareness, being aware of your current mind state, and always seeking to do [00:22:00] things that, oh, keep your brain healthy and making sure that you protect it from other influences and that's.

[00:22:07] Least to the eye in Mich, which has influence awareness, where you have to be careful of what you put in front of your eyes, which you put in your ears and which you're constantly, because what we listened to is what we eventually become. Heck even remember, once I'm back in 2012, I found his funny twins on YouTube called the Hodge twins and they were hilarious and they had a bit of a Southern accent add Alyssa to a lot of their concept for laughs.

[00:22:35] A little did. I know I actually had a little Southern Twain added to my wonderful toilet. So now he's I was like, oh wow. And folks like, Hey, where are you from? I'm like, I'm from some more, don't worry. Just because I put the tea in there. I'm still for Baltimore here. And they're like, nah, you prov. So where else?

[00:22:52] I say that for cause apparently Avocet accept from all the twins. So influence aware it is being [00:23:00] aware. What influences you, because what you put around yourself the most, which will eventually become. And of course, I believe this is actually one of the three T's for stewardship is time awareness.

[00:23:12] I call it time awareness as opposed to time management, because the thing is time management is really a fallacy. It's all about attention management, managing your attention, because we all have the same amount of time. It shows what are you doing with it? Are you allocating your attention to a certain amount of time on this project, that project, or trying to get the most out of your day, like setting out wonderful.

[00:23:34] Things on your calendar to get done and just focusing on where you're shifting your attention. And the C is for connection awareness, where you're actually connecting with wonderful people around you always networking. Like you're breathing almost just connecting with wonderful people, being a magnet for.

[00:23:53] Great people that come into your life. That doesn't mean you're going to get some, not going to get interesting characters that we're always going to have those, especially [00:24:00] nowadays, like to social media, where attention is of very Bible currency now. So connection awareness and the thumb to put it all together is.

[00:24:10] Awareness. Are you having habits that are going to be building towards a better future or are you really having daily habits that really set you up for success? Even having a miracle morning per se, where you. At least two hours earlier, before your first meeting in waking up in doing some exercise, some meditation, some prayer, getting some time with God and the book, the Bible, whatever you do to really set your day up for success.

[00:24:36] That's really the acrostic for some of the keys that elite performers have in their daily lives of the brought them to success that they have.

[00:24:45] Scott Maderer: So how do you see those playing out in your own?

[00:24:49] Dom Brightmon: Ah, solid question. So the habit awareness, what are the major things I had to change with habit awarenesses getting proper sleep.

[00:24:57] And the thing is like the thing, is [00:25:00] it a lack of sleep it's so bad for you because the thing is. Oh, because on top of being a caregiver for my dying dad at the time I had a full-time job with the library. Wow. Basically having another full time volunteer leadership job at Toastmasters. Cause I was overseeing 17 clubs in the Northern Maryland area and really just building up my leadership shop.

[00:25:24] Having to deal with in a way, losing two turnovers to losing two direct reports because I had, I started off with three, but lost one because her father passed away about a good three months into the year that I was going to be division director that year, then. Then her replacement is dad just got pancreatic cancer only a month in after taking up the jobs.

[00:25:48] So it's like, all right, I am not going to replace anybody else was going to do the work, but Darren self and that on top of the care giving and tagging, and for mom, when she needed a break, it was. [00:26:00] Go like maybe I'm lucky to get two hours of sleep some nights, especially with my dad was sundowning. And that led to me gaining a bunch of weight too, because the thing is with all that goat go, let's a bore dieting habits, poor sleeping habits.

[00:26:13] And when those two combine you'll gain so much weight, heck even Navan did a study back in, I believe 2007, 2000. Where the whole United States actually lost our fifth $50 billion in terms of productivity because people wouldn't get enough sleep because when you fall asleep at the wheel and you don't wake up in time, it's game over for you and possibly everybody else involved, especially if you're driving a truck, if you don't get enough sleep for yourself, like you're not going to be able to think at your.

[00:26:40] And if you don't get enough sleep, you'll most likely be very short with people. I'm a very calm dude, but sometimes my patients, isn't full. If I going to give a self that right time. So that's how it really plays in my own life. Just really just getting that wonderful sleep need and make sure it's actual [00:27:00] rest.

[00:27:00] Cause sometimes we go, and we don't actually. Take care of ourselves because self care is requirement. It's not getting the whole Mandy petty getting a manicure or pedicure. It's just about the basics. Are you drinking enough water? Getting enough sleep? Are you talking to wonderful people?

[00:27:15] That'll encourage you. Do you have a, someone to list a vent buddy? Like just those basic things that we sometimes forget as we're moving along so fast. Yeah.

[00:27:24] Scott Maderer: And you're actually calling me out. Cause we were talking before we started recording. And I mentioned after the recording, I'm probably going to go take a nap.

[00:27:31] Dom Brightmon: no, but it's

[00:27:32] Scott Maderer: the truth that's one of the things I like about being self-employed working from home is I can't actually take an afternoon nap or and it's I get to do that. I used to do that when I worked in corporate, by the way to. I actually had a little sign that I would put on my door that said, I'm going to take a nap for 10 minutes, and I turn off the lights in my office, close the door, pull the shades, put my feet up, close my eyes for 10 minutes. And people, my boss thought it was funny at first, but then he's [00:28:00] He's one of the most productive people I've got. So I guess I'm not going to complain too much if they're doing it.

[00:28:06] So yeah, I'm a firm believer in and sleep and naps by the way and naps. So you mentioned earlier, you're an. So I first off, I'm going to give you a chance to explain that introvert extrovert, but in ambivert. And then what cause you mentioned in Mich connection awareness, and you've also talked about people having a fear of public speaking.

[00:28:28] How does that all fit together with those, with people that are introverts extroverts what, how should they approach it differently based on their personality type and their wiring in that.

[00:28:40] Dom Brightmon: A solid question. I feel like that was the first time I actually got that question being interviewed, which is crazy to me, but the whole difference between the whole introvert extrovert ambivert thing.

[00:28:49] Let's start with extrovert. That's the classic one books like to focus on the extrovert? Isn't the answer is social failure, turtle and it's revert is basically something that basically [00:29:00] subtypes. Regains energy by having some alone time when they're by themselves, they regain energy a lot quicker as opposed to an extrovert.

[00:29:08] They're the person where they have to be around people to really gain more energy. So for the, especially in the pandemic, a lot of folks like check on your extrovert friends, they are not okay. And the introverts were going, I've been prepared for this my whole life.

[00:29:23] Yeah, exactly.

[00:29:25] Scott Maderer: It's like my wife bought me a t-shirt that says social distancing. I've been preparing for this my entire life. I'm good.

[00:29:31] Dom Brightmon: Oh, there you go. That's right. That's right. Dig as a soul dark Sherwin. The thing is the. Basically as an element of both of those things like myself, I regained energy by being alone, but also I can sometimes be energetic and social butterfly when I'm out and about with other people and in a John Maxwell's book, the 21, and it's beautiful because of a leader.

[00:29:54] He mentioned the wonderful story. Quite familiar with the two Scott about how his [00:30:00] father would always walk slowly through the crowd, learn people's names and spend some time with each and every single person. And heck even saw this growing up in church has to hold three 30 thing and applying that to my own life.

[00:30:13] Like learning more about my colleagues was during my day job. And then outside of work, getting more. Better as a networker and the best thing that really helped turn it around for me in networking, especially as a person who likes to regain energy and likes to have a lone, Tom's the fact that even though a lot of folks who regain energy by being alone, they hate small talk.

[00:30:35] They like to get deep, like another reason why sometimes it's diverts even do better on podcasts because Hey, it's like they get deep into the stuff right then and there, and really. Deep like that just helps me to really get an, a zone and walking slowly through the crowd. I added that to my own life and focusing on asking other people, Hey, how can I serve you?

[00:30:55] What can was been going well for you lately? Making it all about them and then [00:31:00] not making it, not all about me. So that way I'm just basically coming in as a possible messenger and Envoy, or just somebody the help and just learning more about people and then eventually helping them out down the road if it fits and that's really.

[00:31:15] All came together. And now with this whole wonderful age of the internet and starting that podcast at the right time, become a, become more of a magnet for people. Good and bad. Of course there's some folks like to market like crazy on LinkedIn, but that's a whole another podcast.

[00:31:33] Yeah. Say hi first,

[00:31:36] Scott Maderer: but we can help you get right. Number one on the. Yeah.

[00:31:40] Dom Brightmon: Oh, a favor. Oh yeah. Yeah. Like it's so badly, at least they hit you with the pitch right away with Facebook. It's even stupider because they ask you, what do you do? And I'm like, Okay, so you did not see all third John Maxwell team podcast though. Some are profile. Okay. All right. Cool. All right. [00:32:00] Whatever it says Facebook for a reason.

[00:32:02] There's some book in here somewhere read. Darn it.

[00:32:05] Scott Maderer: Yeah. Most people don't read your profile.

[00:32:07] Dom Brightmon: It's Hey, a face had Fred, Hey, let me say

[00:32:12] Scott Maderer: Yeah, I love it too. When Facebook's here's some friends suggestions. I don't know these people. Why are you suggesting

[00:32:19] Dom Brightmon: that

[00:32:19] have no clue any of these people are

[00:32:22] Scott Maderer: it's like Facebook always seems a little bit like that desperate person in high school. Yeah. What's everyone to be friends and it's no, I don't know them.

[00:32:31] So think about it. Thank you about that introvert and extrovert an ambivert, I'm also an ambivert. The same thing of I get energy from doing public speaking events, but then I need a nap afterwards. I want to go withdraw and get some alone time too. I have both of those tendencies.

[00:32:49] How do you think introverts and extroverts you referenced it earlier. You said introverts, aren't the loser friend. Everyone thinks of extroverts is having a lot of [00:33:00] confidence and being out there and doing all of that sort of thing. And introverts is not having it. First of all, I don't think that's a hundred percent true, but how can introverts get out of their shell and spend some of that time building network and being more confident.

[00:33:14] Dom Brightmon: Ah, yes. If networking is something that's definitely not your wheelhouse, I say, definitely join a Toastmasters club, your local Toastmasters club, especially now since folks are still doing it virtually in his hybrid clubs where they do a virtually and in person. And the thing is why recommend Toastmasters is because you're in a room with folks who are.

[00:33:35] Looking to get better. They want to have this. They have the same amount of goals. I just want to get better at public speaking communication leadership. Some may do it at a higher level than others, but Hey, with you're in a room with folks who are mostly aligned with the same goal and the same. Oh, and say values.

[00:33:51] Cause not everybody in toes messages as the same values, but making sure being in a place where that's a lope act and networking of Barbara French verts. Cause that's [00:34:00] really how I soared in Anbar because they had the voice for public speaking had the experience. And, but I went in there with the mission to network and the thing is like most clubs range from.

[00:34:11] 10 to 20 people. So it's not that bad. It's not like you're walking into a room of full of 5,000 raving lunatics, yeah. Hired two, a buddy hop, Bobby, let's get you in this pyramid. Let's heavy recruit 10 people and you get a BMW and a pet cat, like know to say that it ain't that type of

[00:34:27] Scott Maderer: dealers here for the free lunch.

[00:34:28] Sorry.

[00:34:29] Dom Brightmon: Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. They're not going to just, they're not going to just stand in front of you. Breaking all social distancing laws. And when you're reaching for your bag under your seat it's not like it's not that type of situation. And when you're in a place like that, especially when you starting off small, like that, you'll eventually reach out and get bigger and grow as you go along.

[00:34:51] So that's really it just get in places. That development is taking place like Bristol. Bellman's good for everyone. [00:35:00] Everyone needs personal development. And the thing is it doesn't have to be public speaking or leadership, even though everyone's a leader. If you step out your front door, metaphorically, heck even your front virtual door.

[00:35:10] And the thing is when you step out like that, you have to just really just be. You are. And as long as you go and come from a place of service and just focus on the big mission, heck even perse development, just cooking skills. That's the other, that's the other thing that's kinda underrated nowadays.

[00:35:25] That's why we have so many fast food places nowadays. Cause it's oh, I don't folks don't have the time or don't want to make the time. Or they just don't feel like cooking. So yeah.

[00:35:34] Scott Maderer: Yeah, that's actually another one of those things that the Pitt pandemic helped make people rediscover a little bit was cooking.

[00:35:40] That's why you couldn't buy bread baking supplies for so long when the pandemic first started, because it was very interesting to me that it was bread making stuff and toilet paper. Anyway that's a whole nother, I don't think those were connected, but there

[00:35:55] it's interesting what there was one, there was a run on at the [00:36:00] stores, but I'm over there buying eggs and milk, but anyway so you mentioned a couple of times For a library. We talked a little bit about working for a library and not being a reader, tie that in as well.

[00:36:15] We just talked about Toastmasters, but how do libraries fit into, I think that's a kind of a neglected resource nowadays and in many ways,

[00:36:25] Dom Brightmon: Yeah, solid question. Glad you brought it up too, because you're so right about that. A lot of folks they think, oh, library has got the card catalogs and the old ladies with the ponytails that are mean and tell you to shush.

[00:36:39] Nah, it's not, it's actually not that way. Nowadays in 2022, actually the library, especially public libraries and community areas. They are a major resource. For the community, especially libraries like in the Baltimore county and Baltimore city areas, because the thing is library is a more than books.

[00:36:59] A lot of folks [00:37:00] use the meeting spaces in libraries for meetings at community events, some libraries, even as smaller meeting rooms, for those who need to do study rooms, I have small one-to-one meetings or small groups of two to four people as well. And on top of that at a deeper level, some of the. Items that we decide to get.

[00:37:19] We had over 200 Chromebooks bought about a good two years before the pandemic started. And when the pandemic started in that summer, we added another 200 Chromebooks to the collection. Added another 200 WAPA hotspots, because shortly before the pandemic started, we had a couple libraries that were testing out a good 20 to 50 hotspots, I believe.

[00:37:41] And that was a big hit and folks needed internet. That was one of the major things like speed. Internet became a major utility for a lot of people because Hey, you can't really. Get on zoom, especially with your camera on, if you don't want to have high speed internet. And if everybody is using the internet, won't good luck.

[00:37:58] So being able to [00:38:00] supply folks with technology that they probably can't afford regularly, they're just living paycheck to paycheck are always living in the registrar and to feed themselves in their kids. And speaking of feeding libraries also became at least a good 10 of, especially in Baltimore county became.

[00:38:16] Meal places like for kids get free lunches from, because a thing is in certain communities during school, getting those lunches, those were the only times that some kids would be able to eat. And when the pandemic hit, they wouldn't have a meal. So we also became drop-off points. For parents to pick up free meals for their kids as well.

[00:38:36] So library is a definitely relevant and they're more community hubs for supporting the community. Heck even entrepreneurs like entrepreneur academy is something that started a few libraries in the Baltimore, Maryland area as well. So it's all about. Community service and upping the community advance and survive and sustain itself.

[00:38:55] And heck even at bands beyond where they currently are. So it's not your old [00:39:00] classic CAD law with the lady selling shush. It's basically a wonderful set of books to collaborate, connect, and advanced together.

[00:39:07] Scott Maderer: And I know a lot of libraries now, too. Access to know back to the books and the card catalog.

[00:39:14] They also have access to those sorts of resources often electronically. So there's ways. The book on an audio book or a electronic copy of a book and check it out as opposed to having to purchase it. Which people forget as well. I know like our local library down here, they have more books available electronically than they do physically in the library now because it's just easier for them to lend them out that way.

[00:39:42] Dom Brightmon: Oh yeah. So darn true. So dark.

[00:39:45] Scott Maderer: So I've got a few questions that I like to ask every guest, but before I move to those, is there anything else that you want to share with the Lister about the podcast or about any of the things we've talked about so far?

[00:39:58] Dom Brightmon: I think we covered most [00:40:00] of it. Hey, they going north podcast itself features all this all across the globe, so Hey, definitely check it out.

[00:40:05] Scott's going to be on it when his book comes out. So looking forward to that one, it's going to be the opposite side of the game and him in the hot seat.

[00:40:12] Scott Maderer: So hopefully in 2020. That's the plan. So one of the questions I like to ask all of my guests my brand is inspired stewardship. You've referenced it a couple of times during the interview, talking about what stewardship is, but let me ask you explicitly, what is stewardship to you and what is its impact been on you?

[00:40:31] Dom Brightmon: Solid questions stewardship to me. Taking your life and using it to be of good service to other people. Because my father himself, he, like I mentioned earlier, he was all about being in the church. He was actually a pastor's kid, funny enough, and being a veteran on top of that, he actually stayed pretty energetic most of his life.

[00:40:52] And even up to his early eighties, he was still lifting boxes for the food pantry. At the church and just having one of [00:41:00] those role models like that as a person to really emulate in terms of their work ethic. He used his time on earth. I remember one time when he. Take me back home from school one day and I was, and he looks so dark side of the day.

[00:41:14] I'm like, dad, why are you still helping them out like that? Like you're retired now. And it was like, Hey, God's been too good to me for me not to be good to other people and use my life to serve other people. And when he said that, that stuck with me for a long time, That's really one of the reasons why my, one of my life models is advance others to advance yourself because we're better together.

[00:41:38] And stewardship is all about using your life to help other people with their lives.

[00:41:44] Scott Maderer: Okay. And how do you think that's affected you? How has that view effected you?

[00:41:48] Dom Brightmon: Now that views effect to be in so many positive ways, because it focuses on dropping ego from time to time. Because the thing is when you have a few wins under your belt and you're like, Hey, I'm [00:42:00] kicking the mountain.

[00:42:01] And then it snows on the mountain and the mountain breaks in tune erupts and turns to a volcano like, oh, I guess the duck tell you the mountain and it folks build you up. And it's be careful about them building up to it because they're going to tear you down. Instead of 15 minutes of famous, 15 seconds of fame, they can tick tock.

[00:42:17] So making sure it keeps myself in check and making sure that I still remember to serve other people cause that like it's like the whole term self-made millionaire self-made period library. No, one's really self-made we're all made by each other. Like my books and my podcasts that wouldn't happen. If there wasn't publishing companies, paper printed from trees, a podcast host having a wonderful computer internet connection, like all these folks from day in thought of from day one and still using the technology today to where we're having this conversation.

[00:42:52] Cause I believe you're out in Texas. Right?

[00:42:54] Scott Maderer: Yeah. Yeah. You're in Baltimore and I'm in Texas. So I traveled to Baltimore enough. I had a Baltimore [00:43:00] accent for a little while, too. You were talking about getting the Southern accent. I had the opposite. I had the opposite. Yeah, it was. It's very interesting to have someone say y'all with a Maryland accent.

[00:43:11] That's all. The Maryland teachers thought I was funny. Cause I'd say y'all, but I'd say it was more of a Baltimore act and they're like, that's not right. That's just not

[00:43:20] Dom Brightmon: right.

[00:43:21] That's not right.

[00:43:22] Scott Maderer: Something's wrong with that. But anyway yeah, cause I did spend, I spent actually I liked, I loved Baltimore. I spent quite, quite a bit of time up there when I was working for educational testing service. A lot of time down on the inner Harbor and different parts down there.

[00:43:40] Italian quarter down there, they've got good ice cream and good food. And what'd you travel for work. That's what you measure the success of the trip bias, how good the food is.

[00:43:48] So the only teaming as the only factor of work travel. So I've got my version of the writing, your eulogy question that I'd like to ask you. Now [00:44:00] if I had this magic machine and I could pluck you out of the seat where you sit today and transport you to the future, maybe a hundred and 150 years. And you were able to look back on your life and see all of the ripples and the impacts and the influences that you've left behind.

[00:44:16] What impact do you hope you've had on the world?

[00:44:18] Dom Brightmon: Maybe that was a powerful question because a lot of folks don't even ask questions like that one, cause it's really future truth thing. And my future truth that I hope for myself, a hundred, hundred 50 years from now is that the fat lineage is still going effecting wonderful people across the globe.

[00:44:36] Not only my books are still around to help other people live their lives and people could be like, Hey, like this guy right here, dumb Brightman, like dude actually had wonderful books out there helping people with like his podcast is still out there. It's live from infiltrate, your brain cloud-based radio.

[00:44:53] Like it's still out there. So where we can still go back to his old corny ways and his family is still [00:45:00] corny too. They still drop us a corny jokes every now and then. And they call themselves the corny. Colonels and just really just seeing a positive influence and even a library of my own Hecky. It doesn't have to have my name on it, but a library of my own too.

[00:45:14] That's another thing down the road was libraries are freaking amazing in just being able to have one of my own nets, actually helping folks in the community as a resource. That would definitely be one of the major things I would love to see your love to have that my future Dom's get to see.

[00:45:30] Scott Maderer: Okay. So what's coming next for Dom, as you continue on this journey of living out your call and impacting the.

[00:45:39] Dom Brightmon: Ah, yes, what's next for me? You got this wonderful big projects. The big project I'm taking on, it's going to be my third solo book, but my fourth book is I did a multi-author books. My third book, it's going to be called book, cast it, or shall I say pod book it the three phases to greatness by.

[00:45:59] Writing your book, [00:46:00] launching a podcast and creating a legacy. That's going to be a book, audio book, and online course. So that way folks can get some tools on how to start a successful podcast, run it and interview wonderful folks. And that's going to be a big project and look to do some more speaking for Q3 and Q4 and 2022, because this is going to be a great.

[00:46:21] Second half of the year. That's right. Second half of the year, the first half. We'll see. We watched Jesse, we've seen it's like lemon, the other half is going to be grapefruit.

[00:46:29] Scott Maderer: Oh that'll be great for

[00:46:32] Dom Brightmon: you. Okay. That's a citrusy.

[00:46:33] Scott Maderer: Oh, you can find out more about Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. He's Dom bright gun. And that's actually spelled B R I G H T M O N. My accent shows up and people can't figure out what I'm saying. He also has a YouTube channel on that name, under that name as well. Of course, the best place to find out more about him or find out more about the going north [00:47:00] podcast or any of these new projects he's got coming out is over on his website.

[00:47:04] Dom brightman.com. And of course I'll have links to all of that over in the show notes, Dom, anything else you'd like to share with us?

[00:47:10] Dom Brightmon: Sure thing. I just want her, my listeners say that you matter, like use taking out the time, stewarding your time to listen to this wonderful podcast and supporting Scott and what he's doing you matter.

[00:47:21] And I'm sure you're getting some great concept. Cause a mascot is dropped in great content. So no matter what happens, no matter what setbacks may come remind yourself that you matter, because if you're living and breathing, you definitely matter. Never forget that because sometimes. With life, it tends to hit us so hard.

[00:47:37] We tend to forget that we actually matter that we have true value of true value. If you take something of tracking your victories in a victory log and being grateful for those like track those victories, track those wins and go back to the measure. Journal approved that, Hey, I've done some wonderful things in my life that I truly matter.

[00:47:57] So remind yourself that you matter. [00:48:00]

[00:48:00] Scott Maderer: Amen to that.

[00:48:01] Thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship podcast, as a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listen, but act on what you've heard and find a way to live your calling. If you enjoy this episode. Please do us a favor. Go over to inspired stewardship.com/itunes rate.

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The best thing that really turned it around for me in networking especially as a person that regains energy by alone time is the fact that even though a lot of people that gain energy by being alone hate Small talk. – Dom Brightmon

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Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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