May 31

Episode 881: Invest in Others – Interview with Catherine Cantey– Part 2

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Interview, Invest In Others


Join us today for Part 2 of the Interview with Leadership Coach Catherine Cantey...

This is Part 2 of the interview I had with speaker and coach Catherine Cantey.  

In today’s interview with leadership coach Catherine Cantey, I ask Catherine about her definition of stewardship.  I also ask Catherine to share how leaders can identify and develop their successors.  Catherine also shares some tips on how to help and mentor others when you feel unprepared.

Join in on the Chat below.

Episode 881 Invest in Others - Interview with Caterine Cantey– Part 2
[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: [00:00:00] Thanks for joining us on episode 880. One of the inspired stewardship podcast.
[00:00:07] Catherine Cantey: [00:00:07] I'm Katherine Kanzi. I challenge you to invest in yourself, invest in others, develop your influence and impact the world by using your time, your talent and your treasures to live out your calling. Having the ability to lead yourself and others is key.
[00:00:25] And one way to be inspired to do that is to listen to this, the inspired stewardship podcast with my friend, Scott Mader.
[00:00:34]and is that theme that we want to see and, if they say you need to improve delegation, but it's only a one-time, that's something. But if you say the word delegation two, three, four times within that 360, sounds like a great opportunity because if they. I see that as an opportunity for you to improve and you can bring them on that journey to make that change and have that perception change in parallel with your behavior.
[00:01:00] [00:01:00] Scott Maderer: [00:01:00] Welcome, and thank you for joining us on the inspired stewardship podcasts. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to be, then you must learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true calling and the inspired stewardship podcast. We'll learn to invest in yourself.
[00:01:19] Invest in others and develop your influence so that you can impact the work
[00:01:26]today's interview with leadership coach Catherine Canty. I asked Catherine about her definition of stewardship. I also asked Katherine to share how leaders can identify and develop their successors. And Catherine also shares some tips on how to help and mentor others when you don't feel prepared. One reason I like to bring you great interviews.
[00:01:49] Like the one you're going to hear today is because of the power in learning from others. Another great way to learn from others is through reading books. But if you're like most [00:02:00] people today, you find it hard to find the time to sit down and read. And that's why today's podcast is brought to you by audible.
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[00:02:35] Catherine Canty is a tenacious connector and a recovering banker. She is a leadership coach helping high potential managers turn into senior leaders. And our sales program for business to business selling is creating exceeding results. Catherine is a wife and a mom and cares about closing the broadband gaps in rural communities.
[00:02:57] Welcome to the show, Katherine,
[00:02:59] Catherine Cantey: [00:02:59] thank you so [00:03:00] much for having me. I've really appreciate you having me as a guest. Thanks Scott.
[00:03:04] Scott Maderer: [00:03:04] One question that I try to ask. All of my guests is about their definition of the word stewardship. This is one of those things that, obviously it's part of my brand inspired stewardship, but I've discovered over the years that different people think of that word in different ways.
[00:03:22] So what does stewardship mean to you and how has that impacted your life?
[00:03:28] Catherine Cantey: [00:03:28] To me? Stewardship is showing up and. Trying to do the right thing, helping other people and paying it forward. And it may not be with a big job title. It could be with a big job title, but you could be just a member of the community and you see an opportunity to be able to help someone else.
[00:03:46] And I think it's another form of leadership being able to show up in. Assist people who need help offer help if they need it and be okay if they don't want to receive the help. So this has been a big thing for me [00:04:00] is. We've talked about in the past that I'm a high D on the disc personality and I like to get results.
[00:04:05] So a big part of this leadership journey, stewardship journey is being okay that not everybody wants the same results that I do. And it's hard because I see opportunity in everything. And, we flipped tons of houses over the years and you could put me in a cardboard box and I'm like, Ooh, this house has potential.
[00:04:24]The roof's falling in the foundation needs to be repaired. And it has one chimney that's still standing in. And I say, oh man, we could totally do a lot with this. Good bones. Yeah. I'm like, oh man, we could save the chimney and build a house around. So yeah, just see a lot of potential out there and wanting to help get results, but not everybody's there.
[00:04:42] And I've got to be okay with it and just help the people that you can. Cause there truly are. If you're, if I've found that when I tune in and I listen. There are so many people who do want to have help and they do want to work with you that there's tons of abundance there for that. And let's just focus on [00:05:00] that and not focus on the few that we can't help but help those that we can.
[00:05:05] Scott Maderer: [00:05:05] So speaking of that, when you're working with leaders and they've discovered perhaps that, maybe they're getting older or they're getting in a position where maybe they're going to be promoted or move on, how do you help them identify and develop others as their actual successor?
[00:05:25] Catherine Cantey: [00:05:25] Great question.
[00:05:26] So just a few weeks ago, I had a CEO reach out to me and. His board asked him who his successor is. And he told me his immediate response was. I don't have one because nobody can do the job that I'm doing. And, we want to think that way, but if there's one thing that we've all learned when we leave an organization one way or another is we're all replaceable and that's, that can be very humbling, sometimes easier
[00:05:56] Scott Maderer: [00:05:56] than others, but we're all [00:06:00] replaceable.
[00:06:00] Catherine Cantey: [00:06:00] We're all replaceable. They may need three people to replace you, but you're replaceable. So yeah. Keeping that in mind. So then he says, okay, so after I got over the, I don't think I'm not replaceable, what am I going to come up with? He said, I've got a few people that I think would be good candidates, and I can teach them to day, working with people in this office and the reporting and the meetings.
[00:06:23] And I can handle that, but I want to see. How they want to grow as a leader and how are they going to create influence within the organization, across the organization and across all the other organizations and vendors that we work with. And in this example, he selected two. Individuals that could very potentially be groomed into his position.
[00:06:47] And he's three to five years out. And this works for three to five years out. I worked with another client who didn't think he was going to need anybody. On an immediate basis. And when COVID [00:07:00] hit different stressors hit and he had a lot of people leave, not it, it just happens unexpected things happen, and this coaching process allowed him to fill the gaps.
[00:07:11]Back to this president, and he has two people that he thinks are going to be great. Successors. And he says, I want someone to work with them on their leadership skills. And so we did the kickoff meeting and they both agreed that they. They're both very cordial and helpful and supportive to each other, and they'll both do a great job, but this is an opportunity for them to step up and improve their communication and delegation.
[00:07:37] And so they agree that's what they want to work on is, how can I keep communicating across this organization to be effective? And how can I delegate more off my plate? Because as I have, if I climb up this ladder, I'm going to be expected to do more, but I'm not going to have any more time.
[00:07:54] So they want to be recognized by their stakeholders and by their peers and by their board of [00:08:00] directors as becoming more effective at communicating across the organization. And they want to be recognized as becoming more effective as delegating these tasks out to different people on the teams. So that'll help grow the team and strengthen the organization.
[00:08:16]We're in the beginning phases of that, but it's the exact same process. We, we start talking, we identify what they want to work on. We do a 360, like you're very familiar with and. Marshall talks about, what's one, one thing that the individual can start, stop or continue doing.
[00:08:32] And we use that as part of the feedback to confirm that this is what they want to work on. And then from there we meet on a monthly basis and we talk about what the stakeholders feed forward can bring to the table. What are they willing to change as a result? So for listeners
[00:08:47] Scott Maderer: [00:08:47] that maybe aren't familiar with the 360, can you talk a little bit about what that means?
[00:08:52] Catherine Cantey: [00:08:52] Yeah. So there's lots of different three, six CS that are out there, but everything I do, I tend to keep it simple. People are so busy. They [00:09:00] don't want to fill out a 50 page survey on someone. So to keep it no, aren't they exhausting. A simple 360 is what are three things that Scott does well as a leader?
[00:09:11] What are three things that Scott could improve upon as a leader? And what is one thing Scott could start, stop or continue to do as a leader. And once you send that out to maybe three to five people within the organization, you'll begin to see a theme. And it's that theme that we want to see. And, if they say you need to improve delegation, but it's only a one-time, that's not a theme, but if you see the word delegation two, three, four times within that 360, sounds like a great opportunity because if they see that as an opportunity for you to improve and you can bring them on that journey to make that change and have that perception change in parallel with your behavior.
[00:09:52] You're going to be elevated and recognized by your peers and your stakeholders is becoming more effective and delegating, which is only [00:10:00] going to help your career, but it helps you because you've delegated more out. It helps them because they're going to be able to grow. And they're saying that you're willing to make these changes and add additional responsibility to the team.
[00:10:12] Scott Maderer: [00:10:12] And the reason they do it, they call it a 360 is you try to sample people, not just that report to the leader, but also people that the leader reports to and other stakeholders that quote surround the leader. That's the 360 turn as well. So that it's, in other words, you're not just hearing from people that.
[00:10:30] Report to them, but you're also hearing from people around the leader, peers of the leader or people that they report to other people in the organization that interact with them and get a complete picture because I hate to tell you this, but what people will say about you varies depending on how they interact with you.
[00:10:48] Catherine Cantey: [00:10:48] Oh, it's across the board. Yeah. That's why it's so important to get the manager, get a direct report yet appear and find a couple others that you can throw in the mix. And And when you
[00:10:57] Scott Maderer: [00:10:57] said themes come out of that usually. [00:11:00] Yeah. Do you, and you try to make you make it anonymous so that they don't.
[00:11:03]You can't retaliate to the person they're not afraid. And that kind of thing.
[00:11:06] Catherine Cantey: [00:11:06] Yeah. And then we always put a big disclosure before I share the report back. Okay. This is anonymous. And the goal is not to guess who said what?
[00:11:14] I'm like, oh, I know exactly who said it. I said, that's not the point. The point is there a theme?
[00:11:20] Scott Maderer: [00:11:20] Yeah. And over time again, again, it depends on the organization, but hopefully, as a leader, hopefully you've built enough trust within your team that, I know over time it did not happen when I first stepped into a leadership role, but over time people got where, they trusted that they could walk into my office and honestly, answer Scott, I need you to stop doing this.
[00:11:42] And I would say, thank you for the feedback. I appreciate it. I will work to stop doing that. And in fact, I need your help helping me stop doing that. So when you see me doing that, you now have my permission to tell me I'm doing it, and call me out on it.
[00:11:56] Catherine Cantey: [00:11:56] Yeah. So I love what you just said. You listened to what they had to say.
[00:11:59] And you just [00:12:00] said, thank you. So many people just want to argue and say, no, that's not right. Or that's not what you heard, or that's not what I said. And you just say, thank you. And it diffuses that situation. Some more great gold can come towards you to help you in your career and your team. So that's brilliant.
[00:12:15]Scott Maderer: [00:12:15] And yeah, and I had the interesting position of when I was first promoted to senior leadership. One of the people that was reporting to me is the person that I beat out for the position then also had gone for the position and, it you have to be able to bring them onto the team and get everybody aligned and on the same side and that's, yeah, it can be challenging, but you have to do it through honesty and integrity and having those conversations and getting them to trust that you really mean it.
[00:12:43] Yes. What advice do you have for someone who wants to actually, maybe they're not in a leader, quote, forum, leadership position. But they found themselves in a position where they're being asked to mentor or support or train others, and they don't feel prepared for that. They don't [00:13:00] feel ready to actually do that support.
[00:13:02] What advice would you have for someone in that position?
[00:13:06] Catherine Cantey: [00:13:06] I'm working with a leader right now who is taking on additional responsibility. So the team is growing and they're still relatively young in their career. And when we met just last week, the leader said, I've got to go home and I've got a plan for this huge meeting with my team.
[00:13:25] And I know I'm going to be up late and it's going to take me a long time. And I just offered. I said, could you ask them. Something that, that they could see that could help improve what the team's working on. And the leader came back and said, oh my God, that means I don't have to stay up all night planning these meetings.
[00:13:44] If I can get them engaged with the meeting and discuss with them ways to find improvements within the process. That's just one example of. Be willing to ask other people what's one or two things we could do next time. With this meeting that can make it more [00:14:00] effective and it could be, we need an agenda.
[00:14:03] It could be, we don't need seven people around the table. We only need three, or we don't need this meeting, or we just need to meet every other. You don't know. But when you start engaging the other people. And just proactively asking and listening and what you did earlier just said, thank you for the feedback.
[00:14:19]It lets the guard down and it lets ideas flow easier. So definitely don't think that you have to have all the answers. I have found the best answers come from everybody else. And when you listen to them all One answer leads to a different answer, which leads to a third answer. When you marry all three answers together, you got a great solution, but it's not something that one person created.
[00:14:39] It's something that the team created and you could close out a meeting pretty easily go and around the room. What what's one thing we could do better next time for this meeting to be more effective.
[00:14:50] Scott Maderer: [00:14:50] No we used to have after action. Meetings, which is after something had usually after something had gone wrong typically is of course when everyone wants to have it.
[00:14:59] And [00:15:00] what was interesting is we had to change the culture of those from who's to blame because that's usually what actually everyone wants to do. It's this person's fault that they did it. This is why we fail to know it's not a blame game. It's a, what can we do next time differently? To improve this because there's always, even if you quote, work at fault and I put that in air quotes, because the truth is, again, it's a shared responsibility thing more often than not.
[00:15:30] It there's still things you can do to do it better next time.
[00:15:33] Catherine Cantey: [00:15:33] Yeah. There's always at least one thing that somebody can come up with that we can improve upon or. If you don't like it then share one thing that went really well that you wish you could see again. So that kind of ties back into the 360 that we're talking about, get the people around the table ask them for something good or bad or something to improve upon and not necessarily bad, but just something to improve on and and see what they have to say and be willing to listen.
[00:15:57] When you're listening, people are going to share a lot of good information with you [00:16:00] and it's your choice, what you want to do with it. From there.
[00:16:01]Scott Maderer: [00:16:01] When you think about your role now as a coach how do you think that actually impacts and develops others? What's your job as a coach? When it comes to working with others and helping them improve
[00:16:13] Catherine Cantey: [00:16:13] my job as a coach is to be a guide.
[00:16:16] And to listen to what other people are working on and what they're struggling with and have patience and be willing to let them work it out verbally and help them hold themselves accountable to that reflection process once a month, what went well? What could we improve upon and how do you want to bring stakeholders in going forward to effectively be recognized for the improvement that you're working towards?
[00:16:44]A lot of the times, it just boils down to, I need to listen to what they have to say. And there's different people that process information differently. Some folks they need to talk it out. And so those calls may go a little bit longer and some people, it just comes to them with [00:17:00] clarity and they just needed some confirmation that's, a good next step.
[00:17:04] So I'm here as a guide and a mentor, and I'm here as a listing board. And as an accountability partner, I know when I have an accountability partner for myself, my goals get met every time. And that's what I'm here to help others do.
[00:17:19]Scott Maderer: [00:17:19] you can find out more about Catherine and get information about what she's doing over on her website. Catherine Of course have a link to that over into the show notes as well. Catherine, is there anything else that you'd like to share with the
[00:17:34] Catherine Cantey: [00:17:34] listener? Scott. I just want to say thank you for having me on your show.
[00:17:38] I really do appreciate the opportunity and if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know.
[00:17:44] Scott Maderer: [00:17:44] Awesome. Thanks so much for being here.
[00:17:45]thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship podcast as a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listened, but act on what you've heard and find a [00:18:00] way to live your calling. If you enjoy this episode. Please do us a favor. Go over to inspired rate.
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In today's episode, I ask Catherine about:

  • Her definition of stewardship...
  • How leaders can identify and develop their successors...
  • Some tips on how to help and mentor others when you feel unprepared...
  • and more.....

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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It's that theme we want to see in the 360.  If you see the same word several times then it's a great opportunity to improve. - Catherine Cantey

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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