May 24

Episode 876: Invest in Yourself – Interview with Catherine Cantey – Part 1

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Interview, Invest In Yourself


Join us today for Part 1 of the Interview with Leadership Coach Catherine Cantey...

This is Part 1 of the interview I had with speaker and coach Catherine Cantey.  

In today’s interview with leadership coach Catherine Cantey, I ask Catherine to explain why she calls herself a recovering banker and how this allowed her to become a leadership coach today.  I also ask Catherine about her training with John Maxwell and Marshall Goldsmith and how she continues to develop herself today.  Catherine also shares how she recommends you develop yourself and shares some resources.

Join in on the Chat below.

Episode 876 Invest in Yourself - Interview with Caterine Cantey – Part 1
[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: [00:00:00] Thanks for joining us on episode 876 of the inspired stewardship podcast.
[00:00:07] Catherine Cantey: [00:00:07] I'm Catherine Cantey. I challenge you to invest in yourself, invest in others, develop your influence and impact the world by using your time, your talent and your treasures to live out your calling. Having the ability to lead yourself and others is key.
[00:00:25] And one way to be inspired to do that is to listen to this, the inspired stewardship podcast with my friend, Scott Maderer.
[00:00:34]curiosity is another way. Follow the curiosity and it's already in you. And be curious enough to lean into it and Google a few terms and just look into it again. These are not big monumental changes but it's something that you could start to do now.
[00:00:50] Scott Maderer: [00:00:50] Awesome. And thank you for joining us on the inspired stewardship podcast. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to be, then you must [00:01:00] learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true calling in the inspired stewardship podcast. We'll learn to invest in yourself, invest in others and develop your influence so that you can impact the world.
[00:01:16]And today's interview with you leadership coach Catherine Canty. I asked Katherine to explain why she calls herself a recovering banker. And how this has allowed her to become a leadership coach today. I also asked Catherine about her training with the John Maxwell and Marshall Goldsmith and how she continues to develop herself today.
[00:01:36] And Catherine also shares how she recommends you can develop yourself and gives you some resources to do one reason I like to bring you great interviews. Like the one you're going to hear today is because of the power in learning from others. Another great way to learn from others is through reading books.
[00:01:54] But if you're like most people today, you find it hard to find the time to sit down and read. And [00:02:00] that's why today's podcast is brought to you by audible. Go to inspired to sign up and you can get a 30 day free trial. There's over 180,000 titles to choose from. And instead of reading, you can listen your way to learn from some of the greatest minds out there.
[00:02:21] That's inspired to get your free trial and listen to great books the same way you're listening to this podcast. Catherine Canty is a tenacious connector and a recovering banker. She is a leadership coach helping high potential managers turn into senior leaders. And our sales program for business to business selling is creating exceeding results.
[00:02:46] Catherine is a wife and a mom and cares about closing the broadband gaps in rural communities. Welcome to the show, Katherine,
[00:02:54] Catherine Cantey: [00:02:54] thank you so much for having me. I've really appreciate you having me as a guest. Thanks Scott.
[00:02:59] Scott Maderer: [00:02:59] So [00:03:00] in the intro I love the term that you use your quote recovering banker, which I think a lot of us are recovering fill in the blanks in our life.
[00:03:09] So would you share a little bit about your journey from working in banking and all of that to now working as a leadership coach certified by Marshall Goldsmith and working with other teams, can you talk a little bit about that transition and
[00:03:25] Catherine Cantey: [00:03:25] journey? Yeah. So that was a big transition. I started out as a bank teller back when the bank was nation's bank.
[00:03:31] So it goes way back. And when you look at people's profiles on LinkedIn and you start to talk to them, I feel like everybody has dabbled in banking at one point or a TA at one point or another, whether it was some kind of management. Program they were a branch manager. You just, you don't know.
[00:03:47] It really is surprising. I was just talking to somebody yesterday and they had been out of banking for probably 15 years and they said, I feel like I'm a recovering banker now that you told me about this. Yeah, it's just something fun because once you get out of [00:04:00] banking it's a great opportunity to learn about a lot of different businesses at one time.
[00:04:04] And you wear your banker's hat and you think of things in a different. Different way. You're on a different side of the table and you're negotiating on behalf of the bank. And then when you step away from the bank, just personally, I don't want a lot of loans, but then I also know when I have the bankers hat on, that's how we make money.
[00:04:20]You've got to shift your brain back from that banker braid into a recovering banker. And dad is not always. The best thing. And I'm really opened your eyes when you think about it as as either a banker or a recovering banker. It was it has been a lot of fun and so we just joke with with friends and family.
[00:04:39] I'm just a recovering banker and Before I decided to step down from banking, actually did a little bit of research, hired a coach and just started doing some self exploration with myself of what did I want to do next in life. And that's where Marshall Goldsmith I've always used his work. And that was just something that was a natural transition for me to be curious [00:05:00] with and to dig into.
[00:05:01]Definitely recovering. I'm two years out and I'm still, doing well. So it's been fun.
[00:05:08] Scott Maderer: [00:05:08] So wait, do you all have meetings? Hi, my name is Catherine.
[00:05:14] Catherine Cantey: [00:05:14] Okay. Yeah, that actually sounds pretty good because we all have those stories of sitting, and trying to pull that TPS report that I like to joke about.
[00:05:22] And yeah it, I guess it's just kinda corporate America, You follow that, that career path and it treats you well. And when you step out, you have to recover from that because when you start your own business, you definitely have to look at things in a whole different perspective than when you were just going into a high rise to work at a desk, or sit on an airplane for half the week, traveling around to go see people.
[00:05:44]Yeah, it's a different way of thinking different way of connecting with people. And I like the I guess the newness that it creates and the flexibility that it brings and it's been really good. Yeah, just to give you a little bit of background on. Marshall Goldsmith actually [00:06:00] used his own work in my career before I even stepped out.
[00:06:04] So I tested the waters to say, if I implemented what this guy talks about in the books, is this stuff going to work? And oddly enough, I've got one example where I used his process of I needed to. Work on my communication and improve my communication with my manager. And when I decided not to work harder, but work smarter and actually test the waters with different communication styles with my manager, I realized that I didn't need to create more action items.
[00:06:34] I just needed to communicate in a different way. And I often think I don't need to bother a manager with my. List of to do's every day, but really I was taking care of so many things. He didn't really recognize half the things that I was doing and what compared me to other people on the team and was like, why don't you have these problems?
[00:06:52] And I said, I do have these problems. It's just, I'm not raising them up the flag. I'm just. Five Paul, I'm just taking care of this stuff. [00:07:00] He said, oh, what, how was I supposed to know? And I'm like, good point. I'll just start bringing some of the stuff to you. Yeah. It's resolved. But if I see trends or you can see trends throughout the team that we're missing something It ended up being very beneficial, ended up as a result, I think I got my biggest bonus that I've ever gotten as a result of communicating differently.
[00:07:19] And so when I tested the waters and this all came from Marshall Goldsmith's work and wanting to be recognized as a stronger leader and it's not for, people just. Lollygagging in the leadership world, you definitely have to have the courage and the discipline to be able to step up and the humility to listen to what the feedback is going to be.
[00:07:39] And when I tested with it, I reached out to Marshall. He was taking applicants from all over the world and he said, if you can get to New York, I'm gonna take 50 people and I'm going to train them personally. And I applied to that and I was one of the 50 people that. That got to go to New York and work with them.
[00:07:57] And I really just, I love the process. As a [00:08:00] banker, I love the measurable results. How many times have we been through training, but you can't measure the result at the end of the day. And this is a six month coaching process where you engage other people and you become recognized by your stakeholders.
[00:08:14] As improving and they measure that success. It's got a little bit of a banker background with the numbers and the measurement and success rates. Yeah. So I started getting into stakeholder center coaching and picked up about 20 clients so far. And it's just been a great experience.
[00:08:30] My clients have all created 100% measured success as seen by their stakeholders and their peers. So it really has nothing to do with me. I'm just here to. To guide them and to coach them through on a monthly basis of what are they working on and what do they want to continue to be recognized at becoming more effective at?
[00:08:48] And they put in a lot of the hard work. We brainstorm, I can share a lot of mistakes I've made along the way. And if it helps them that's as a great way for me to be able to give back to all those people that helped [00:09:00] me along the way.
[00:09:02] Scott Maderer: [00:09:02] Yeah my one of my favorite questions that, that Marshall teaches you to ask as a leader.
[00:09:06]Cause of course I spent time in the corporate environment too, is the, what should I start doing? What should I stop doing? Kinds of questions when you're giving feedback or getting feedback from direct reports and others. You're my communication story is I was in the interesting position of my direct boss.
[00:09:22]Was in a disc language, a high D so at the end of the day, he just wanted to know the results, the bottom line, executive summary, that's all he needed to know about what I was doing, but his boss, who I also had to include on my communications is a high C. So she wanted the 5 million page email with all of the details.
[00:09:41]And so I learned to actually segment my communication where I would basically say, Here's the bullet points and then I'm like details below. And then below I would write the 12 page email, so she could skull scroll to the bottom and read. He never read anything past that initial couple of sentences.
[00:09:59] And I knew it, [00:10:00] but that was, having to deal with the fact that I had two different communication styles right there in my own.
[00:10:05] Catherine Cantey: [00:10:05] I think that is an excellent example. I've actually worked with a few executive directors and general managers, and they had to figure out how to communicate differently and what you're talking about with that high D I'm a high D so that's why I just didn't want to talk and explain all this stuff.
[00:10:20] I'm like, it's handled if there's a crisis and there's a fire, I'll let you know otherwise. We're good. So you're right. The high DS, we just want to have bullet points and we want to know it got taken care of, but give
[00:10:31] Scott Maderer: [00:10:31] me results. That's really all I care. It's like it was handled. What else would he need to do?
[00:10:35] Yeah,
[00:10:36] Catherine Cantey: [00:10:36] it's perfect. Yeah. Just handle the problem and let's move on to the next. Yeah. So as I worked with executive directors and GMs, they're reporting up and sometimes the owner wants to know they want to dig into one of those little details. And so when you do that summary, like what you're talking about, it's great.
[00:10:52] And then down below, if they really wanted to get into the details, it's a great way to be flexible with your communication, especially when it's going throughout [00:11:00] different members of the organization. So I love that example that you just shared.
[00:11:03]Scott Maderer: [00:11:03] At first glance, and you talked about this a little bit as you were talking about the journey, but I think most people would think banking and.
[00:11:12] Coaching leaders, not necessarily exactly the same calling it. It's like something must have changed and what you want to do and how you want to do it. How do you think both of these kind of align with what you feel is your overall mission in life or what you really want to do?
[00:11:33] Catherine Cantey: [00:11:33] Okay. So I've never really been asked this question before.
[00:11:36] So it's a great question, Scott. And it just comes, the answer just came to me. So I haven't even really thought about it beyond this question you just asked. So banking has to do with money and money. Everybody needs money in order to survive, whether it's just to pay the groceries, the electric bill, whatever it is, and money can give you the freedom or restrictions on your life choices.
[00:12:00] [00:12:00] And as you asked that question, I see a lot of similarities with leadership. Leadership impacts everybody at every level in their life. And they have a choice just like with making money and you have a choice of, are you going to step up today and go to work? Are you going to step up today and be a leader?
[00:12:18]You can be a leader at the entry level. And build influence within an organization without direct reports. I've done that for a number of years and it's a whole different animal versus having a direct report that you can just tell to do something. So leadership is at the entry level. It is at the top level of an organization.
[00:12:36]Leadership is as big as you want to make it. And you can go into your community, your nonprofits, you can be leaders there. You can be a leader at the house that you live in. Leadership takes all different types of forms. And I see banking and money can literally go all over the horizon. Same thing with leadership.
[00:12:56] It's up to you and me to decide what we want to do with our [00:13:00] finances and our life. And it's up to you and me on what we want to do with our ability to lead and to help others.
[00:13:07] Scott Maderer: [00:13:07] I know over the years you've had training as I have and followed different quote gurus and trainings and leadership and different things.
[00:13:16] So I know you've worked or had association with John Maxwell, Marshall Goldsmith. We've talked before about we just use the example of disc and you're familiar with disc and you continue to do the sorts of development exercise. So why is it that you continue to try to expose yourself to new training and new developments, both within the banking industry and now as a leadership
[00:13:39] Catherine Cantey: [00:13:39] coach, I love the learning aspect of it.
[00:13:42] It helps me understand why I am the way I am. Just like when we all started disk and the first time we saw. Some of these personality tests I made some of these, you can probably go on any social media platform and they're going to have a test to tell you about yourself and people can't help, but be curious about who we [00:14:00] are and why we are the way we are.
[00:14:01] And the older we get, the more we want to reflect on. What did our parents do to us? And as I'm raising my eight year old son, I'm thinking to myself, oh my God, is that conversation going to totally screw him up? Am I messing him up? Because it's funny.
[00:14:13] Scott Maderer: [00:14:13] I tell my son part of my job is to make sure he needs therapy.
[00:14:15] By the time he's 30.
[00:14:19] Catherine Cantey: [00:14:19] I love it. I can't help, but wonder am I, God? Is this the conversation? But I think I have a few more years before I really, put the nail in the coffin and send him to therapy.
[00:14:27] Scott Maderer: [00:14:27] Oh my 17. So I've been working a little
[00:14:29] Catherine Cantey: [00:14:29] longer. Yeah. You're advance. You're like at the graduate level.
[00:14:33]Yeah, it's, we're still an entry point. Yeah, so it's just a natural curiosity to want to just learn more. And I love the different styles that everybody brings to the table. Marshall Goldsmith style was take holder center. Coaching is measurable and it's simple, and it doesn't involve. Extra work on top of what we're already doing.
[00:14:54] So I love that process. John Maxwell, I'm a team member of his, I love the [00:15:00] huge groups that he can pull together in the diversity, in that group of just thinking and materials. He's constantly growing it out, just recently they started the disc and then beyond that they also have a youth leadership program that they're growing out.
[00:15:16] And it's just a different way of skinning the cat, but there's just great tidbits in all of this information. And just being curious and wanting to take it one step further. I know some days, I'm all in and some days I just got to back away from all the leadership stuff and just go read a fun book instead of trying to read, how can I pick one or two things to work on myself for the next for the next few months or the next years it goes in spurts.
[00:15:43] It's not 24 seven, sometimes you have to read a book and you just have to sit on it for a little bit and just marinade on the ideas and decide what you. One to choose and what you want to let go of. The diversity of all the different people that are out there is so fun. And I also think it's a way of [00:16:00] having that abundance mindset and not just that scarcity, that there's one solution that's going to fit everybody.
[00:16:06] And yeah, if you find somebody and you're not crazy about what they have to say, there are. So many other people who could probably connect with you and work with you. So it's nice to have options and it's nice to be one of the options.
[00:16:18]Scott Maderer: [00:16:18] And that's yeah, I think I look at it the same way with coaching.
[00:16:21]I actually have a client that I started working with in the last few weeks. And one of the reasons I started working with them as they worked with a coach for almost six months. And they finally fired the coach and they said, know, I never really enjoyed working with them from the very beginning.
[00:16:35] And it's then why did you stay with over six months? There's like a million coaches out there find a different one, and a difference and a different whatever, it's not that the coach was bad. I'm sure the coach is an excellent coach. It just wasn't the right fit for this person.
[00:16:50] And that, you know is okay. And we see that all the time. With whether it's gurus or whether it's other or their leadership. So I agree with you a hundred percent. If it's not the right [00:17:00] one for you, don't try to fit to it, move to something else. Now at the same time, if you just want to quit. Cause it's difficult.
[00:17:06] That's different.
[00:17:11] Catherine Cantey: [00:17:11] Yeah. No it's great. That we've got these different options that also think on the coach side, if it doesn't feel like it's a good fit with the client. I think you owe it to them to be who you are and just step up and say, I'm not sure that this might be the best use of our time and our resources.
[00:17:26] So can I make a few recommendations because you're helping yourself and you're helping them and you're being authentic to who you are. You don't have to feel like this is a, an act that you have to show up and coach somebody in a way that is not really the style that you want to help and coach people.
[00:17:41]Yeah, it definitely goes both ways. That's a great point.
[00:17:43] Scott Maderer: [00:17:43] Yeah, absolutely. If you had to share a few resources that you think everyone needs to avail themselves up, we just talked about the fact that there's a variety of tools out there. So for you, because everyone got to answer this question differently.
[00:17:57] What are some of the top resources [00:18:00] that you think people should maybe try out or test and see if it's a good fit for them?
[00:18:05] Catherine Cantey: [00:18:05] I think podcasts are a great way. I got into podcasts probably five or six years ago and following the various podcasts interviews and listing to what the interviews and the topics are about just leads to natural curiosity.
[00:18:21] And there's no fee to be able to do it. To be able to get in there, all you need is. Is some time and to be able to listen to what's going on the podcast and just be curious. So I think podcasts are a great way. Curiosity is another way follow the curiosity and it's already in you. And Be curious enough to lean into it and Google a few terms and just look into it again, these are not big monumental changes.
[00:18:48]But it's something that you could start to do now. So podcasts being curious and something that. I have been trying to be more dedicated with is actually journaling and sitting down first thing [00:19:00] in the morning for one hour or the first 30 minutes. If I can just grab that and just write and write whatever is on your mind, write whatever it is you're trying to process, what you're listening to, what you do see about in the room, but there is something. That releases something else that's subconscious that allows you to go to the next level. And I just started consistently doing this within the past few months. I'm a little Embarrassed that I haven't started doing this earlier cause I've seen and heard other people do it.
[00:19:31] And I just thought, gosh, to get up another 30 minutes, I just don't want to do it. But what I've found is I'm actually excited to get up and just say what is on my mind. And it's always first thing in the morning that can really bring some clarity, some thoughts a simple sentence that you're like.
[00:19:49] Where did that come from? And I probably need to explore that a little bit more and it just sets you free a little bit more to, to dive in. So podcast being curious, and the last one is [00:20:00] set up set some time every day or at least five days a week, just to be able to journal. Heck just try it one day and see what happens.
[00:20:06]Scott Maderer: [00:20:06] Are there any particular podcasts that you regularly listen
[00:20:09] Catherine Cantey: [00:20:09] to? I go through spurts, like I listened to. Crazy amount. I need, I just have them in my phone. I know that, we listened to yours, but my husband and I were both big advocates for podcasts. Gosh, I need to go back and get my list, but I just have them all saved and I feel like they're all my good friends and I just listened to them and it's just, and I put them on two X and I know that sounds crazy.
[00:20:32] Scott Maderer: [00:20:32] I listen to my wife thinks it's crazy, but I
[00:20:38] Catherine Cantey: [00:20:38] listen to it. I might, that was good. I needed to go back and do one, 1.5 instead of two X, but it's how I get through them. And, I love these long ones that, that we can listen to and then break them down into segments and A lot of times, I'd just get in the truck with my husband and I'm listened to whatever podcasts he's listening to, but it's just listening and being curious and google a little bit, after you listened to [00:21:00] something new and exciting
[00:21:01] Scott Maderer: [00:21:01] with the podcast, the other thing to realize for folks is pretty much any topic that you are protect, particularly curious about. There's probably at least one person out there, podcasts. Yeah. It is really, there's, I think it's 1.8 million podcasts on iTunes now or something.
[00:21:19]If you're. Interested in growing African violets in North Dakota, there probably is someone talking about growing African violence in North Dakota? Yeah,
[00:21:30] Catherine Cantey: [00:21:30] it's fascinating how many topics are out there and special guests and it just leads you into a whole different rabbit hole of learning, which is pretty cool.
[00:21:38]And then they'll have recommendations at the bottom. If you like this one, then you might like these other two and just, dip your toe into it and see what they have to say. Yeah.
[00:21:48] Scott Maderer: [00:21:48] You can find out more about Catherine and get information about what she's doing over on her website, Catherine of course have a link to that over into the show notes as well.
[00:22:00] [00:21:59] Catherine, is there anything else you'd like to share with the
[00:22:02] Catherine Cantey: [00:22:02] listener, Scott? I just want to say thank you for having me on your show. I really do appreciate the opportunity and if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know.
[00:22:12] Scott Maderer: [00:22:12] Awesome. Thanks so much for being here.
[00:22:13]thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship podcast as a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listen, but act on what you've heard and find a way to live your calling. If you enjoy this episode. Please do us a favor. Go over to inspired rate.
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In today's episode, I ask Catherine about:

  • Why she calls herself a recovering banker and how this allowed her to become a leadership coach today...  
  • Her training with John Maxwell and Marshall Goldsmith and how she continues to develop herself today...
  • How she recommends you develop yourself and shares some resources...
  • and more.....

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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Curiosity is another way.  (Your calling) is already in you, be curious enough to lean into it.  - Catherine Cantey

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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