May 3

Episode 861: Invest in Others – Interview with Orly Wahba– Part 2

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Interview, Invest In Others


Join us today for Part 2 of the Interview with Orly Wahba creator of The Kindness Boomerang...

This is Part 2 of the interview I had with speaker, author, and kindness expert Orly Wahba.  

In today’s interview with Orly Wahba, I ask Orly why the greatest gift we can give another is to actually see them.  I also ask Orly how Kindness affects the workplace.  Orly and I also talk with you about kindness and why it doesn’t mean you will be taken advantage of

Join in on the Chat below.

Episode 861 Invest in Others - Interview with Orly Wahba– Part 2
[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: [00:00:00] Thanks for joining us on episode 861 of the inspired stewardship podcast.
[00:00:07] Orly Wahba: [00:00:07] I'm OrlyWahba. I challenge you to invest in yourself, invest in others, develop your influence and impact the world by using your time, your talent and your treasures to live out. Your calling focus on kindness is a key and one way to be inspired to do that is to listen to this.
[00:00:24] The inspired stewardship podcast with my friend, Scott Maderer.
[00:00:29]why do you care? I'm so mean to you? I'm so mean to you. Why do you care? Just give up already. He was angry that I cared. Why? Because he didn't trust that people really do care. Now I know what that's like. Cause I was that kid. I didn't trust the people really cared. So I tested them all the time and I looked at him point blank in the eye and I said, So because I see the world and you, I think the world of you, and what I see in you is I see
[00:00:55] Scott Maderer: [00:00:55] me welcome.
[00:00:57] And thank you for joining us on the inspired [00:01:00] stewardship podcast. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to be, then you must learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true calling and the inspired stewardship podcast. We'll learn to invest in yourself. Invest in others and develop your influence so that you can impact the world
[00:01:23]in today's interview with Orly Wahba. I asked orally why the greatest gift we can give another is to actually see them. I also ask orally how kindness affects the workplace and orally. And I also talk with you about kindness and why that doesn't mean you will be taken away of what the reason I like to bring you great interviews.
[00:01:48] Like the one you're going to hear today is because of the power in learning from others. Another great way to learn from others is through reading books. But if you're like most people today, you [00:02:00] find it hard to find the time to sit down and read. And that's why today's podcast is brought to you by audible.
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[00:02:34] Orly Wahba is the founder of the global nonprofit life vest inside a kindness expert, an educator, a best-selling author and entrepreneur, and a keynote speaker who inspires audiences to take action. Her talks and workshops provide the groundwork for lasting change and motivate people to become the best versions of themselves so that they can influence the world for good.
[00:03:00] [00:02:59] Orally is also the Arthur of and created the viral video, the kindness, boomerang drawing from her personal journey, groundbreaking science and her signature with orally inspires people to tap into the power of kindness, the most underutilized skill in today's world through her talk, Orly demonstrates how kindness and a simple shift in perspective can alter the way a person connects with themselves and connects with the world around them.
[00:03:29] Welcome to the show early.
[00:03:31] Orly Wahba: [00:03:31] Thank you so much, Scott, for having me, I'm really honored to be here
[00:03:35]Scott Maderer: [00:03:35] early last week. One of the things that you mentioned is that one of the greatest gifts that we can give another human being is to actually see them. So when you talk about actually seeing another human being, what does that really mean to you?
[00:03:54] Orly Wahba: [00:03:54] So it actually brings up a story for me. Whenever I hear those words, there's two stories that come to [00:04:00] mind for me.
[00:04:00] They both have to happen to do with people that are homeless. I've had many people that are homeless and you'll understand when I tell you a story. I remember I was at Madison square garden. I'm a big basketball fan, played my whole life. So at Madison square garden, New York watching a game.
[00:04:17] And when the game ended there's thousands of people coming out. Thousands of people. And in the midst of these thousands of people I see on the street, this guy, this man sitting in a wheelchair in full army get-up and he had a cup in one hand and a sign in the other, but it wasn't the cup or the sign or his clothes really that stood out most was his eyes.
[00:04:42] All he was doing. Scott, all he was doing was just scouring the crowd, looking back and forth, just hoping you could see the hope in his eyes, hoping. Wishing that somebody would just connect with him, all these people walking by. And so I saw him there and again, [00:05:00] part of seeing somebody is actually seeing yourself in them because I went through an experience where I felt very much alone.
[00:05:07] I felt unseen. It actually increases your awareness to see people that also feel unseen. So I have to say that's actually, and we've all gone through hard experiences. I'm not the only one. Every one of us has gone through something hard. And every one of us has gone through a point where we maybe didn't feel seen the question is, are we going to use that experience that you went through to help you start to see people?
[00:05:27] And so there I wasn't, I was with my friends. And so I said, guys, do me a favor. Go ahead. I'll meet you in the car. I'll be right there. And on the corner, there was a hotdog stand. So I went over to the hotdog stand. And I got a hot dog and I got a bottle of water and I came on up and I was a little bit nervous.
[00:05:43] I didn't know how he was going to react, and so I tap him on the shoulder and I said, Hey, and he was shocked. And he's hi, I'm like my name's Orlene, what's your name? He's my name's Hutch said, how's it going? How much has your day? And we start talking back and forth for a few minutes, just sharing.
[00:06:00] [00:06:00] And finally I build up the courage to give him this hotdog. I was a little bit nervous. I said, listen, Hutch, I don't know if you want this or not, but I got you this, I got you this hot dog. And he was silent. And he looked down at the hot dog in my hand and he looked back up at me and he looked back down at the hotdog.
[00:06:19] He looked back up at me and then he said to me, and he's staring right in my eyes. And he said, you see me? He just kept asking the question. You see me. I said, of course, I see you. He had tears in his eyes. I had tears in my eyes. We converse for a few more minutes and I left him with a kindness card that I was telling you about.
[00:06:41] And as I walked away, our eyes were locked. Hutch was the main inspiration behind kindness, boomer. And he's actually in the film. You'll see that there's a man that looks exactly like him. He was a black man wearing army get-up is sitting there. He looks it. It's almost like the same kind of guy.
[00:06:57] And we [00:07:00] connected in such a deep way. I can't tell you, but it's funny because with another experience I had also with somebody homeless and sometimes I don't have necessarily money to give somebody. But what you could always give somebody is you could give them a few minutes of your time, very often, we have a choice. Every act in that, every single scene in that kindness, boomerang film, I always say I, if I were to use one word to define that whole film, that you're going to see. Is not the word kindness. It's the word choices. Every person in that film had a choice that a choice to walk on by to continue on with their day or to stop and engage and to see.
[00:07:33] And it's not necessarily, it's not that difficult, but sometimes we don't want to see because we fear having to then take responsibility. So we make believe like we don't see. It's easier to not feel that you have that responsibility. It's much easier not to see the hardships, right? It's a reason why they say ignorance is bliss.
[00:07:53] There's a reason why it's said, because the moment that you start to see you then start to feel a [00:08:00] responsibility. And most people rather not feel that sense of responsibility. It's too painful. Now it doesn't mean you always have to act then maybe you're not always going to act maybe nine out of 10 times.
[00:08:12] You won't make the right choice, but maybe that one time you will. And that's something because just one person's life that you touch, isn't just them. You're touching the lives of all the people that are going to come into contact with, because that is the ripple. Our lives are so interconnected and so intertwined.
[00:08:32] We are feeling people. We feel. What's something when somebody doesn't one side of the world effects somebody on the other. If anything, COVID has taught us that in the negative, how infectious one person can beat, but the opposite is also true. Very much and even more powerful way that the positive is also very infectious and has an ability to spread far beyond our little four cubits.
[00:08:58] So we need to recognize that [00:09:00] and to start seeing ourselves. In others.
[00:09:03]Scott Maderer: [00:09:03] So one of the things that you've put out into the world is this kindness, boomerang book, the, and I love the subtitle of it, how to save the world and yourself through 365 daily acts of kindness. So you're using this as a tool and you talked a little bit about it last week, about bringing more kindness into our workplace or school or our culture, whatever it is that you live in.
[00:09:29] So how is this actually making a change? Workplaces and schools and those sorts
[00:09:36] Orly Wahba: [00:09:36] of things. Okay. Credible question. So the book itself, it's a lesson that they book in kindness. So one page for every day of the year, and is broken down into an act of kindness and inspirational quote, and then a short reflection on the power of paying it forward, connected to that specific act.
[00:09:52] And throughout the course of the book, there are 12 categories of kindness, whether it be kindness with yourself, which is actually the first category. And there's a reason [00:10:00] just like you said, with the title and yourself is because oftentimes we forget about ourselves and that's, that is not kindness is not forgetting about yourself and it's not allowing yourself to be a doormat that does not equal kindness.
[00:10:11] And so whether it be suit yourself in the workplace, in the home, with strangers, with nature, so on and so forth. And how is it being utilized? Utilized? It's been really interesting to see how people utilize it and people share with me, I myself put out ways to utilize it, but people have shared so many interesting ways that they're utilizing it in their day-to-day life.
[00:10:29] So I'll give you a few exams, apples, for example, in schools. So there's a few ways. One we have teachers I've had teachers that reach out to me and have been incorporating it into the daily announcements in their school. Meaning they, their school starts off. Some schools do this, that every morning they have a daily announcement.
[00:10:45] And to start off the day and the principal reads the act, the quote, and the reflection, which takes 30 seconds of time. In order to kickstart the mindset of the kids to begin to see again, it's all that awareness [00:11:00] to see that opportunity. Because if somebody mentioned something to you, the likely to do more likely to see it, it's the same reason why, you know, if you never heard of a song before and somebody tells you about it, some of you hear it on every radio station it's because your awareness is more tuned in.
[00:11:13] And so therefore you're hearing it. And so that's one way. We've also had teachers reach out where each morning in their classroom, they're doing a reading from the book or writing an act on the board. And once a week, they allow their students to come up with an act and write it on the board. I've had a teacher reach out to me and told me that she has her students keep a kindness journal.
[00:11:35] That every Friday, what they do is they have the section off the period, like a 30 minute time slot on Friday, where they read the act and then they engage in. Conversation and discussion about that specific act. What's hard about it. What's easy about it, how to engage in it. And then the students go ahead and their task, their challenges to engage in that act, whether they were able to do it or not.
[00:11:58] And this is what I loved about what [00:12:00] she was saying, whether they can do it or not to journal about the experience, because sometimes understanding why something is hard, can be very helpful. So these are some ways that they've been incorporated in schools. They've also been incorporated in workplaces because we have a section in there of kindness in the workplace.
[00:12:18] So we've had, I've had CEOs reach out to me and say that they start their meetings by reading the entry from one of the kindness in the workplace pages to help set the tone, because what that does, number one, it shows your community, your staff, that a culture of kindness and a culture of inclusivity and across a culture of.
[00:12:39] Of inspiration is something that you're interested in doing that. It's not just about the numbers. Now I understand in business, numbers are a very important part. However, there is scientific evidence to show and to prove that when a person is feeling happier, when they're feeling connected, they're going to be more efficient.
[00:12:56] They're going to be more productive. They're going to be more loyal to the [00:13:00] company so much so that it said that when they did a study and it said that eight, eight employee. That feels, this sense of connection to the company feels like they matter that their voice matters that they're actually being seen and heard.
[00:13:14] Even if another job comes along, that's going to give them more money. They're more likely to stay loyal and stay in the company because they feel part of a team. This is the essence. And the core of kindness is making people feel like you see them and like you hear them. And so by being able to incorporate this into your culture, Okay.
[00:13:31] Even having, we had a one company that has a leaderboard, a kindness leaderboard, where they're actually being awarded for engaging in kindness. There, there has been companies that create the catching kindness cards with codes. We have them like with a code and. Where individuals will, once they are they're passing it, there'll be able to log in and to write down what their action was.
[00:13:55] And they can track and see which employees have engaged in the most [00:14:00] the most acts of kindness. So there's loads of ways to be able to incorporate this into the. Atmosphere and the spirit I put out a, also a a newsletter called the daily kind. It goes out Monday through Friday, and many businesses have shared with me that they share this message with their staff members on a daily basis.
[00:14:20] Again, it sets a tone and the likelihood is people within the office that are reading something like this are going to engage in an act of kindness, more readily. With their own colleagues, which again creates an amazing workplace environment, which is just extremely important.
[00:14:38] Scott Maderer: [00:14:38] Awesome. So one of the things I know you talk a lot to and do speaking events is in schools. And we were just touching on that a little bit about how, teachers are integrating it. Why do you pay so much attention to kids when it comes to talking about kindness?
[00:14:55] Orly Wahba: [00:14:55] First of all, I love kids more than anything in the whole world.
[00:14:57] Honestly, they, I always say I'm [00:15:00] still a nine year old kid. I just, haven't been a 38 year old body. And I can't believe it when I say that number. I'm like, what in the world are you serious? But I'll tell you what it is. And I've always said it since I was a kid. I was that kid. My mom tells me the story over and over that when it was my birthday, I was four years old, turning five, and I would cry that I wanted to stay for.
[00:15:18] I never wanted to go grow older, but there's a reason behind it. There's a, there's an innocence in childhood in terms of the ability to look at the world through fresh eyes, not to be bogged down by the cynicism of the world, which I always say as adults, we need to be able to tap back into that innocence of our childhood and to believe again, I believe that so much change happens with children, that the children really are our future.
[00:15:42] There is, it's not just the song. It is very true. And if we can create that culture for our children, we're going to then eventually be able to make a shift in the entire world. I'm not saying that adults cannot change your shift. Of course they can. We are growing individuals. But we'd also people of habit.
[00:15:59] Now, if we [00:16:00] start with our youth and we empower our youth to become kind leaders of tomorrow, that place ethics and character at the forefront of who they are, my goodness, what an amazing world we'll have. Not only that, what amazing innovation we'll have, because the biggest problem is that people don't believe enough in themselves.
[00:16:18] They don't believe that they can achieve maybe because others have bet against them. And the biggest problems that when other people have bet against you, that you can come to believe it yourself. So I believe that inspiring our youth to, to dream big, think small, but dream big, meaning you have to recognize how to break your big dream into small pieces and look at it one piece at a time.
[00:16:37] But if we can empower them to hold two, to hold onto those dreams, to believe that a better world is possible and that they are a part of that, they are yet another piece of the puzzle. We can completely change our future. I remember as a teacher, I'll never forget this. I have many stories like this, but I was telling you in last week, I [00:17:00] think it was where there's sometimes teachers that automatically label a student.
[00:17:04] This is, this is the bully or this is the troublemaker, right? This is the kid that he, he's just going to drive you nuts. And what the problem is that they share it with other teachers in the teacher's room. So now imagine you're a new teacher coming in new year and you have this kid and the teacher will say, Oh, you have him good luck.
[00:17:22] Ooh he's what do you think that teacher's view is going to be now? It's now biased. It's now going to be tainted with this is that kid. And suddenly the relationship, the interaction is going to shift, which is why I don't like to listen to those things. Each person is an individual. And if somebody is acting out, there's a reason why it's our job not to teach the kids that are going to do well regardless, but to be able to see the kids that could fall through the cracks.
[00:17:47] And the reason I see that most, and the reason I give my time to it is because I was one of those kids. I could have fallen through the cracks, in my depression when I was so down. Nobody would have ever judged [00:18:00] me if I completely turned off the path and I turned to drugs or turn to whatever it may be, they will, nobody would judge me for it, from what I was going through.
[00:18:07] And the truth is I wasn't seen my school. Didn't see me. Thank God. I was able, I had, honestly what got me through really the core of it was really faith, but not a lot of people are able to overcome these kinds of it's very hard. I was very close to completely veering off. We can't allow kids to fall through the cracks and it's important to empower them and to remind them.
[00:18:31] And there was this one year that there was a student that was labeled as he is the troublemaker kid. And I had him Adam in my class and he was tough. I'll tell you. He was a tough kid. He, Oh, he tried me. He kept trying to push me. I love my students. I was always very welcoming and he would push me and push me.
[00:18:47] And I just continued to try to embrace him and try to embrace him. And one day as I was in class, I hear screaming going on outside the hole. And so I rush outside and I see it's teacher that did not like him [00:19:00] screaming at him and the principal was there and he was basically on the verge of getting expelled.
[00:19:05] Okay. It was many times that really things it happened. And I went over and I spoke up on his behalf and I, then I took him with me over to the sign and we went into the stairwell and he started crying and he kept he's like, why do you care? It's like, why do you care? I'm so mean to you. I'm so mean to you.
[00:19:24] Why do you care? Just give up already. He was angry that I cared because he didn't trust that people really do care. Now I know what that's like. Cause I was that kid. I didn't trust the people really cared. So I tested them all the time and I looked at him point blank in the eye. And I said so because I see the world and you, I think the world of you and what I see in you is I see me.
[00:19:48] I said, I know what it's like. To feel like everyone has given up on you and to be able to prove it to yourself, time and time again, that nobody cares. I know what it's like to be that I said you [00:20:00] could try to push me. And I told them the story of when I was younger and I said to him, you could push and you could push and you could keep on pushing.
[00:20:08] I said, this is one person who never going to push away said, and hopefully one day, just one day, you'll be able to see yourself through my eyes. And I have to tell you. He made a crazy shift. Definitely in my class, he made a crazy shift in terms of his attitude, in terms of his academics, even in other, even other classes so much and when he graduated, I gave him a letter and I wrote him a letter. I wrote my students all letters for the graduated. And some years later he was graduating. He just had graduated high school and he bumped into me. I had already started the organization at this point and he bumped into me. And that he said, I have to tell you something.
[00:20:50] I said, what goes, I want you to know that letter that you wrote to me is worn out from all the times. They've opened it during high school, because I went into high school. And [00:21:00] really there were a lot of people there that were so super against me, a lot of teachers that were just betting against me, they made it so hard for me.
[00:21:05] And every time I was ready to give up, I opened up your letter and it made me feel like somebody is rooting for me to me. Putting our efforts into our children is the greatest. The single most greatest thing that we can do is the greatest investment because of the returns are greater than anything that you can monetarily invest in.
[00:21:29] You can't even put a price on this. Our youth, our children, they're the most important people in the world. If we're going to allow them to become tainted, become cynical and bitter at a young age, which sometimes it's happening. Then what are, where is our hope? Where is our future? So that is my, that was my promise to myself to make sure that I would see them and be there for them the way I wish somebody would have been there for me.
[00:21:58] Scott Maderer: [00:21:58] Let's turn that around a little [00:22:00] bit, as the adult coming into those sorts of situations, one of the things that I've heard from people is, this. Concern for lack of a better word that if we're kind to others if I'm putting out, the kindness, then I'm worried about people taking advantage of me, and earlier you said, being kind is not being a doormat, but it's related to that idea.
[00:22:24] So how would you answer that worry or that concern?
[00:22:28] Orly Wahba: [00:22:28] It's a very big concern of a lot of people, because a lot of people quantify or basically compare kindness with weakness, and it's not true. Kindness is actually a strength. And like we spoke about in, in past weeks, when you're giving, there's kindness that can come from a place of abundance or from a place of weakness. And it's very important that we tap into that place of abundance. And what do I mean by that? If you feel, if somebody is asking you for something and the requests doesn't feel good for you. [00:23:00] Or the giving of whatever they're asking for is going to make you feel depleted.
[00:23:05] Not because it's not for example, I'm not trying to say if you're in the middle of watching a Netflix series and your mom asks you for a cup of water and you really don't want to do it. Cause you know, you're in the middle of watching and the main things about that and that you shouldn't do it.
[00:23:16] That's not what I'm saying. I'm not talking about laziness. There's a difference. I'm talking about actual depletion that it leaves you feeling empty. You need to be able to say no, now this is not an easy word to learn, especially for givers. I know that from myself, that it's actually very hard for me to say no, and it's something I actually focus on at practice on.
[00:23:37] And when I do say no, and it's not a mean, no, it's no, I'm not helping, I can't do this, but you have to realize that if you're not going to put on your life fast, And if you're going to drown, you're not gonna be able to help anybody else. If you're constantly giving from a place of depletion that you're, that energy is being slipped out of, how are you gonna be able to continue?
[00:23:57] It? It doesn't work that way. So being able to say [00:24:00] no, I'll tell you, I just last, I think it was this past week. Okay. Just this past week. I reached out to a friend of mine and I told her you'd be so proud of me. And I said, I, there was something that was going on that I knew wasn't good for me.
[00:24:13] I knew it. Wasn't good for me. And I know that the person wants this, but I know it's not good for me. And I said no to it, but I did an obviously you could say no in a kind way. And I said, I'm so proud that I stood up for myself, that I did this for myself. Don't forget. You're also a person. So it's not that you're not being kind to somebody you're somebody too, by the way, you're being kind to you, somebody and that's very important.
[00:24:39] Givers tend to fall into this trap of giving to the point of. Resentment. What do I mean by that? You see the danger in giving from a place of weakness from feeling depleted is that eventually those people that get taken advantage of they actually become the world's worst enemy. I know that [00:25:00] sounds pretty crazy.
[00:25:00]They say the greatest villains can also be. The greatest heroes there's that same energy was the same thing with giving. If a person that's constantly giving, but they're never actually receiving, they're never being filled back up with that air of the life vest. They're not being full.
[00:25:15] They're not being filled. They're going to come to resent that same giving resent it. They're going to come to become cynical and bitter and actually hate people for taking advantage of them. Is that how you want to end up. Because you didn't want to give a little bit to yourself because you didn't want to say no because you don't want to stand up for who you are.
[00:25:38] So you have to be very mindful of this. And to remember while kindness fills us, it does. Okay. So it's, there's a lot of sides to this while doing kindness while engaging. I don't want to say doing while engaging in and living kindness fills us. We have to be able to also fill ourselves. We can not only engage in it.
[00:25:59] To [00:26:00] fill a void within ourselves. Meaning if you feel like you're being, you're going above and beyond or overly to sell to somebody, maybe because. You want them to see you in a certain light or you want them to accept? You understand that's not going to happen. You ever notice this is so funny.
[00:26:18] Maybe you remember this from when you were a kid. I remember this when I was a kid. Yeah. There was those kids and the truth is it's adults too. That are like so super giving. Like they're so giving and then everyone's like pushing them away, like keeping them at arms length, you know what I'm talking about?
[00:26:31] And meanwhile, they're thinking, but I'm doing so many good things. I'm trying to be so nice. How come nobody wants to talk to me, but meanwhile, they're doing it from the police of I'm. I'm trying to impress you so that you will think I'm important. Stop trying to have other people think you're important.
[00:26:48] Who cares? What other people think? Do you think you're important because guess what you are because there's no extra people in this world, it's not oops, I created an extra person, sorry. There's no such thing [00:27:00] as that. If you're here and you're breathing. That means that there's a reason that you're here, that no matter what I try and do, I'm never going to be able to accomplish what you can accomplish.
[00:27:09] Scott, no matter what I do, I can be up from morning to night work like a crazy person, but I can't because Scott is a piece of the puzzle. And guess what? So am I, and just like puzzle pieces, we have different shapes, different colors, but every single piece is the same size. No one piece is more important or less important than the other.
[00:27:27] And when even one piece is missing, the likelihood is you're not going to frame that puzzle and hang it proudly on your wall. We all make a difference. So stop trying to get that sense of validation that you matter by giving to others, but giving to them from a negative space, you need to understand your value.
[00:27:42] And I promise you, people will then see it because what that means is you have that sense of confidence. You're not overly giving, like sometimes people like that. We'll put up a red flag. It puts up a red flag for me. I've had it happen. I've had it happen to me, actually through the organization [00:28:00] to be very honest.
[00:28:01] And it's been very hard where there's somebody that is super like super fan, but like to the point, right? They love you. They love you to the most. And I would say, look, I'm just a regular person. Just like you. I make mistakes. Just like everybody else. I'm not perfect. And then what ends up happening is the same amount of how much they loved you.
[00:28:21] They can flip to hate you. I've had this happen. I don't know if you've ever experienced this. It's very painful. It's very painful when it happens, but it always brings up a flag. I'm like, Whoa, why are they thinking that I'm not not some superhero in kindness. I make mistakes. I'm a human being.
[00:28:36]We all do. We all make mistakes. All we could do is learn from them. All week, all I could do is work on myself every day. That's why we're here in this world is our main job in this world. Is not to how much money we make in the bank, but how we work on our character and values.
[00:28:50] That's what I believe is the reason we're here is to perfect our character and our values. And I think that's very important to note because [00:29:00] the lines can become very blurred. Like you said,
[00:29:02]Scott Maderer: [00:29:02] so you can follow orally on Twitter at life vest inside, or find out more about her on our website at life vest, She's also active on Facebook under life vest inside, and you can find out more about the kindness, boomerang and the book over at kindness, And of course I'll have links to all of that over in the show notes.
[00:29:24] Orly. Is there anything else that you'd like to share with the
[00:29:26] Orly Wahba: [00:29:26] listener? I would love to actually share the YouTube channel, which is also out life S To me, that is actually our most engaged channel. We're on YouTube. We're also on Instagram, on YouTube. I put out a weekly video called the kindness kickoff with orderly, where I do a reading from my book.
[00:29:41]Once a week and I give everybody a kindness challenge to go out there and do plus that's where you'll be able to hear about the cool video collaborations we have going on. The one that we're up to right now is called a tribute to our elders and we put up all of those videos directly on their channel.
[00:29:56] So you'll see the kindness boomerang on there as well as loads of other [00:30:00] inspirational films that you can use in your own way.
[00:30:01]Scott Maderer: [00:30:01] thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship podcast as a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listen, but act on what you've heard and find a way to live your calling. If you enjoy this episode. Please do us a favor. Go over to inspired rate.
[00:30:29] All one word iTunes rate. It'll take you through how to leave a rating and review and how to make sure you're subscribed to the podcast so that you can get every episode as it comes out in your feed until next time, invest your time. Your talent and your treasures develop your influence and impact the world. .

In today's episode, I ask Orly about:

  • Why the greatest gift we can give another is to actually see them...  
  • How Kindness affects the workplace...
  • Kindness and why it doesn’t mean you will be taken advantage of..
  • and more.....

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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"Why do you care I'm so mean to you?"  He was angry cause I cared... But I could see me in him... - Orly Wahba

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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