December 31

Episode 251: Impact the World – Interview with Matt Woodrum from Wrestling With Fatherhood – Part 4

Impact the World, Inspired Stewardship Podcast


Join us today for Part 4 of the Interview with Matt Woodrum Podcast host of Wrestling With Fatherhood...

This is Part 4 of the interview I had with speaker, father of girls and podcast host, Matt Woodrum.  

In today’s interview with Matt Woodrum from Wrestling with Fatherhood, he and I talk with you about impacting the world.  Matt shares his top tips for fathers who struggle believing their actions have an impact.  Matt and I also talk with you about principles you should learn to make an impact.  Matt also shares his hope for his future legacy and lots more…

Join in on the Chat below.

In today's episode, I ask Matt about:

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    His top tips for fathers who struggle believing their actions have an impact...
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    Principles you should learn to make an impact...
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    His hope for his future...
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    and more.....

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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By understanding my own strengths, my own value, my own dreams, my own goals, I can pour into my children. So they understand they can achieve anything they put their minds too. - Matt Woodrum

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You can connect with Matt using the resources below:

Let Me Know What you Think Below....

About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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