November 12

Episode 216: Invest in Yourself – Interview with Joel Hawbaker Author of “Inverted Leadership”– Part 1

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Invest In Yourself


Join us today for Part 1 of the Interview with Joel Hawbaker, Author of "Inverted Leadership"...

This is Part 1 of the interview I had with author, speaker, teacher, coach, and married father of two Joel Hawbaker.  Joel has had lots of opportunities to see both good and bad leadership. From that and his faith Joel learned and wrote Inverted leadership where he lays out how you can lead others by forgetting about yourself.  A gospel based message of leadership.

In today's interview with Joel Hawbaker, author of "Inverted Leadership", he and I talk with you about investing in yourself.  Joel shares his take on Confident Humility and why it’s so important to investing in yourself.  He also shares his tips about being a lifelong learner and why this is important to being a leader.  Joel also gives his top resources for investing in yourself including several books that you should read.

Join in on the Chat below.

In today's episode, I ask ​Joel about:

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    What is Confident Humility...
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    Sharing his top tips on being a lifelong learner...
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    His top resources for investing in yourself...
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    and more.....

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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When we don't really see the point of the job other than it's something for us to get paid. And so we don't really put forward a whole lot of effort, instead we put forward just enough effort to not get in trouble. - Joel Hawbaker

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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