January 6

Episode 1503: Interview with Brad Huebner About Leadership, Faith, and Mindset as a Construction Coach

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Interview


Join us today for the Interview with Brad Huebner, author of The Contractor Profit Blueprint...

This is the interview I had with coach, contractor, and author Brad Huebner.  

In today’s #podcast episode, I interview Brad Huebner. I ask Brad about how his experience as a Marine and his faith affected his view on business and leadership. I also ask Brad to share with you how business owners can balance their core values and business success. Brad also shares with you how your mindset is the key to true business success.

Join in on the Chat below.

Episode 1503: Interview with Brad Huebner About Leadership, Faith, and Mindset as a Construction Coach

[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: Thanks for joining us on episode 1, 503 of the Inspired Stewardship Podcast.

[00:00:08] Brad Huebner: Hey, I'm Brad Heppner, and I challenge you to invest in yourself, invest in others, develop your influence, and impact the world by using your time, your talent, and your treasures to live out your calling. Having the ability to recognize that mindset and faith together can help you find success is key.

[00:00:28] And one way to be inspired to do that is to listen to this, the Inspired Stewardship Podcast with my friend, Scott Maderer.

[00:00:45] Well, I call it the employee mindset. Most of us have been trained to be employees, so we're trading our skillset for money. A lot of contractors are accidental entrepreneurs. They didn't Not saying that maybe they didn't have desires of starting their own business, but they kind of [00:01:00] fall into starting their own business through one way or another.

[00:01:05] Scott Maderer: Welcome and thank you for joining us on the Inspired Stewardship Podcast. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to be, then you must learn to use your time, your talent, and your treasures for your true calling. In the Inspired Stewardship Podcast, you will learn to invest in yourself, invest in others, and develop your influence so that you can impact the world.

[00:01:38] In today's podcast episode, I interview Brad Hebner. I asked Brad about how his experience as a Marine and his faith affected his view on business and leadership. I also asked Brad to share with you how business owners can balance their core values and business success. And Brad also shares with you how your mindset is really the key to true [00:02:00] business success.

[00:02:01] I have a great book that's been out for a while now called Inspired Living. Assemble the puzzle of your calling by mastering your time, your talent, and your treasures. You can find out more about that book over at inspiredlivingbook. com It'll take you to a page where there's information and you can sign up to get some mailings about it as well as purchase a copy there.

[00:02:24] I'd love to see you get a copy and share with me how it impacted your world. As a former Marine from Southern Indiana, Brad understands the importance of leadership, grit, and determination. After the Marines, Brad worked various jobs until he founded a successful construction business specializing in high end handyman and residential remodeling.

[00:02:45] Completing over 2, 500 jobs for over 900 customers. Now he's focused on coaching. Brad helps contractors break free from the crazy cycle of struggle, driven by a passion to support those striving to build businesses with [00:03:00] integrity, ensuring they don't give up on their dreams. He believes everyone has the opportunity to create abundance in their life, business, and community, but oftentimes they fall short due to a lack of knowledge.

[00:03:13] His mission is to grow people, create community, and live abundantly. Welcome to the show, Brad.

[00:03:19] Brad Huebner: Scott, thanks for having me on here.

[00:03:22] Scott Maderer: Absolutely. So I shared a little bit in your intro about some of The work you've done, both building your own business and now you're running your own business, but also running a business, helping other folks in that field.

[00:03:35] And yet, I also know from talking to you before, and from just the way things are, that the intro, the kind of bullet points of a story never really tell the whole story of the journey of how we got to somewhere. In your own words, I'd like to If you would just share a little bit more about your journey, what brought you to the point where you are and how you focus on other folks, helping them in those areas of leadership, [00:04:00] grit, business, and those things.

[00:04:03] Brad Huebner: Yeah, great question. So out of the, out of high school, I went into the Marine Corps and four years there. And I realized that probably wasn't a good place to grow a family and such. And so I left the Marines, and then for the next few years, I was trying to find the right fit for me. I, right out of the Marine Corps, I went and worked for a telecommunications company.

[00:04:26] Started out selling cable door to door. Knocking on the door. Hey, do you want to buy some, get some cable TV for your house? So I did that for a few years and then I ended up over in the service department and that kind of led me down the path of doing more hands on blue collar stuff. And and then I left there, tried a couple of things that didn't work out.

[00:04:43] And a few years later, I found myself in construction. I was working as a superintendent for a company. And then I switched over to another company doing remodeling as a family business. And then I ended up starting my own business and did that for over 13 years. And in the [00:05:00] process of owning my construction business, I started getting coaching myself later on, like after about nine years of banging my head against the wall, trying to figure it out.

[00:05:09] I hired a business coach. I started doing research, started reading more business books and doing all that. And like I said, I mentioned, I hired a business coach and then through that process of implementing what I was learning in the, with my business coach and stuff, I fell in love with that journey.

[00:05:25] Not the journey, but I fell in love with the process of coaching. And I always thought maybe when I'm 65, 70 years old, retired, I might be a consultant, so the that kind of I still ran my business for another couple, two or three years after that. But with the back of my mind of running the coaching business and then God just told me one day, he's you know what?

[00:05:46] You should just start your own coaching business. And I'm like, are you sure? Because like I'm still running my construction business. I don't know if that's the right thing to do. And so long story short, we launched it. And and then I've been doing [00:06:00] that for three years now. So that's how we got to where we're at.

[00:06:04] Scott Maderer: A little bit about that. Back it up. It, when you started. Were you always somebody that wanted to have your own business or is that something that came to you later on?

[00:06:16] Brad Huebner: I started my first business in the fifth grade and that was making paper origami, origami frogs and selling them for a nickel to my classmates.

[00:06:26] Scott Maderer: Okay.

[00:06:27] Brad Huebner: And I did that until the government shut me down, aka the teacher was like, you can't do that here. So I think I've always had entrepreneurial desires. I. Didn't have anyone really in my life to point me in the right direction of hey This is how you take that desire and turn it into a business and so I really had to you know, fumble through trying different things and probably if I didn't do that I probably wouldn't have been able to have as much success I did actually I had a if you want to call it a legitimate business.

[00:06:59] [00:07:00] I had a lawn care business when I was 16 I started cutting grass You And I did that for a year so again, I wish somebody spoke into my heart then and be like, Hey, keep doing this and this would lead to a lot bigger and better things, but I didn't have anyone like that in my life at the time. And so I just thought you had a job and you just did this for money and that was it.

[00:07:19] Yeah, I just always had that desire to start a business.

[00:07:24] Scott Maderer: And by the way, thank you for your service with the Marines. What, what caused you to go that route first?

[00:07:29] Brad Huebner: I was not going to go to school. I did not want to learn another ounce of, information. Ironically, like in boot camp, which is when I went in, it was 13 weeks long.

[00:07:39] You get like a college degrees worth of learning in a 13 week period. I didn't realize that.

[00:07:45] Scott Maderer: If they told you that part of it, you might not have told you that part. You had to

[00:07:49] Brad Huebner: memorize and learn an enormous amount of stuff. And it was funny because I truly didn't want to go into, I thought I was going to be an architect.

[00:07:56] I thought I was going to go to Ball State. Turns out you have to have good [00:08:00] grades and actually want to learn to do that. So that kind of ruined that plan. But after the Marines and since the Marines, since I got out, like I just have an unquenchable thirst for learning. Like I won't ever stop learning.

[00:08:14] So it's like a, 180 degree flip of how I felt about learning and education. So it's interesting.

[00:08:21] Scott Maderer: What do you think changed?

[00:08:24] Brad Huebner: I think going, I think being in the military and learning in that capacity and learning that I, that, I guess being when you're forced to have to learn in that type of environment, it forced me to realize oh, I can learn things.

[00:08:37] I can develop, I can get better at stuff. And and then when I got out the, You know the audio books, the books on CD when they first, the first version of them. I bought, I remember I bought Tony Robbins, Lessons in Mastery. I could beat you.

[00:08:51] Scott Maderer: I could remember books on cassette tape. I had some of those too.

[00:08:54] Brad Huebner: I have some, I actually have some of those too, but for me it was CDs and I had Tony [00:09:00] Robbins, Lessons in Mastery was the first, the very first audio book that I, like nonfiction audio book that I purchased. Yeah. Was that CD? I still have it. But that was the one that kind of set the pace for what he says.

[00:09:13] Can I constant and never ending improvement?

[00:09:18] Scott Maderer: One of the things I like to highlight on the show is how our faith journey and our faith walk intersects with our life journey. How did your faith journey go alongside of these different phases of your life as you were in the Marines and moved on to doing other things and then starting your own business?

[00:09:36] Brad Huebner: Yeah, I was blessed enough that my parents were Christians. And so I grew up in the church No, no real Stories of you know being a hoodlum and causing all kinds of pandemonium and then coming to faith I just I always had that as a North Star growing up sure I was still, you know still did dumb things right, but I was human.

[00:09:57] Yeah. I don't think I was as bad as a lot of [00:10:00] other people are, but it was definitely my guiding star. There was one particular thing that really made an impact when I was in the Marines. And I first got, when I got to my first duty station and realized just how tough it was going to be. And I was in an isolated instance and I, that was the first time really was contemplating suicide and I got down on my knees.

[00:10:20] I was bawling my eyes out and I prayed to God save me or help me. And that was the first time that I actually felt God and he did save me. He, and from that point on, it was never a question of like, why this or why that, or why is anything happening? It was just, this is how it's supposed to be.

[00:10:39] And it was my job to interpret what I'm supposed to get from it, if that makes sense. So it's been a, it's been a very important part. My, I found my wife truly was a blessing from God, my starting my first like construction business. That was totally God telling me that starting my coaching business was God telling me that.

[00:10:58] So there's definitely been pivotal points [00:11:00] in my life and journey where it was clear as day like this is what I'm supposed to be doing and it was God speaking to me.

[00:11:07] Scott Maderer: So when you had those moments where, you felt like God was telling you to go a certain direction or accomplish something, did you lean into those right away?

[00:11:17] Did you fight against them? How did, because I think a lot of people have that feeling sometimes of God is telling me to do something, but the way we react to it can be very different. How did you react to it when that came to you?

[00:11:30] Brad Huebner: Oh, I thought kicking and screaming.

[00:11:35] Except for my wife. I'm like, okay, that's I'll accept this one. God, you're, you got a good one there.

[00:11:41] Scott Maderer: She'll be happy to hear that. If you did fight against your wife kicking and screaming, we're not going to tell her. So that's okay. No,

[00:11:49] Brad Huebner: No. I always, I married up for sure. I definitely married up.

[00:11:52] So I got the lucky end of that stick. So

[00:11:56] Scott Maderer: when you say you fought against it, talk a little bit more about that. What [00:12:00] was that wrestling with God like in those moments?

[00:12:03] Brad Huebner: It, it presents itself as uncertainty. Where it's are you sure this is, because this doesn't make sense.

[00:12:10] I see a path forward in my current life, but then I see a new opportunity. Is it an opportunity that you're presenting, or is it you know, Satan trying to fool me into something differently. And so one of the struggles I've always had is like really trying to discern what is the right path.

[00:12:33] And I would say in my late 20s, early 30s, like that was a real struggle for me. It was like, what is it? What am I supposed to be doing? What's the right path? So on and so on. So I I joke a little bit about kicking and screaming, but it's, it wasn't like, God spoke, said, do this.

[00:12:49] And I'm like, all right, let's do it. It was like, are you sure? Are you sure this is the right thing? Am I supposed to be doing this and this? And so there's a lots of kind of leaps of faith. [00:13:00]

[00:13:00] Scott Maderer: How do you think those early years that you spent being a Marine, how do they, how do you think they've affected both you as a business owner and you as a coach?

[00:13:11] Brad Huebner: I think it's had a huge impact on leadership. And just grit and determination, persistence, all of that stuff. I don't think, I think if I went in, if I didn't go in the Marines or in the military, I think it would add a much harder time. In my, later on as an adult, dealing with a lot of stuff, so it really set me up for success.

[00:13:32] One, and this is probably the single biggest benefit, is you are, you're definitely put to the test. You will get to the point, like I mentioned about, the thought of even suicide got to that point. That's the ultimate breaking point, in my opinion. But even not just that physically, mentally, every aspect, you're going to be challenged.

[00:13:52] And there's often times where I lean back to that. If I'm doing something difficult now whatever, say I'm gonna, I want to start [00:14:00] running, and I go for a jog, and it's like really doing a hard time, I could just say, Brad, what are you complaining about? You did 10 times more difficult stuff than this in the military, right?

[00:14:10] So like my reference points it created a very good reference point of what I'm capable of doing physically and mentally. And so that's one aspect that I take from it. And then from the leadership side is just like what true leadership in terms of leading from the front, like being an example, you're not just hiding in the back telling your people to go do something that you wouldn't do yourself.

[00:14:34] You know what I mean? So that, that type of shown being an example for your team, for your people, for everyone around you.

[00:14:42] Scott Maderer: So you talked earlier about how your mindset shifted from, fighting against learning to having more of a growth mindset where it's always be learning.

[00:14:51] And I think another mindset shift that. A lot of us struggle with when we're in business owners is that idea of, the scarcity mindset versus [00:15:00] the abundance mindset, that feeling of, I got to hold onto it all. I've got to get my slice of the pie kind of feeling scarcity versus no, there's more than enough to go around and it's okay.

[00:15:12] How have you found yourself shifting through those mindsets and now coaching others in business? How do you help them deal with that tension?

[00:15:21] Brad Huebner: Yeah, I like, have you read the book Mindset by Kara Westwick? Yeah, she labels it as fixed or growth mindset, and that's what I usually reference it as, but obviously scarcity slash fixed, same thing.

[00:15:34] It's rampant in construction, like contractors are just, dripping wet of scarcity mindset. And that was me and my business, and I actually, at one time, I hired a mindset coach. Like I literally hired a coach to help me on unravel these thoughts that I had around, money and business and all this stuff.

[00:15:56] So it was a journey for me and it was probably one of the [00:16:00] hardest things I had to overcome in terms of, specifically mindset was that limiting beliefs, right? All the limiting beliefs we have, the scarcity mindset, the fixed mindset. But ultimately it was being surrounded with other people in the industry.

[00:16:16] Like when I was in the coaching group and stuff and seeing like other people that are just like me, the same trade, same, size business, same everything in another city or another state are having success. And it forced me to look inward of okay, this, it has to be something that's, I'm just there's something off.

[00:16:37] I always felt like there was just something off in how I was thinking, and then just when you just surround yourself with other people who are doing things that you want to do, it rubs off on you. Like it just you become the average of them and that was pivotal for me and even in my coaching now It's one of the most important things that we do is the community aspect with the other my other clients because we do group [00:17:00] coaching Surrounding them with each other, you know the story of if you're a if you want to be a millionaire and you put yourself in a room with five other millionaires, you're more than likely going to become a millionaire because they're going to teach you and not let you make those mistakes.

[00:17:14] That being surrounded by people that are doing the things you want them to do. And that doesn't matter what it is. I'm just using a millionaire as example, if you want to. If you want to be good at a sport, or, you want to be good at a hobby surround yourself around those people that are doing that and you can't help but win when you do it,

[00:17:34] Scott Maderer: and when you see folks I think you're right with construction, especially I've had worked with several construction folks over the years and, 1 of the things that I've seen happen a lot in the construction industry is the.

[00:17:44] What I would call the race to the bottom, right? I'm going to have, I've got to have the lowest prices. I've got to do with the fastest turnaround. I've got to do it, all of those sorts of things. And how do you see folks devalue themselves and almost shoot themselves in the foot sometimes with that thought [00:18:00] process of that's the only way to succeed when you're doing a very competitive business like that.

[00:18:04] Brad Huebner: I call it the employee mindset. So most of us have been trained to be employees, right? And so we're trading our skillset for money. And so when a contractor, a lot of contractors are accidental entrepreneurs, like they didn't, they not saying that maybe they didn't have desires of starting their own business, but they fall into starting their own business through one way or another.

[00:18:26] And then they wake up three years later and they, they don't, they're not making good money or they're working all the time and they don't know what's going on. And it's that employee mindset where all they know is like I got paid 30 bucks an hour when I worked for John and now I start my own business.

[00:18:43] I just pay myself 30 bucks an hour because what I was able to live off of that income and really just not knowing anything about business in general. They may, usually they're good at their hands, like they're good at their craft. They're good craftsmen. They just don't know how to be the business owner side of it.

[00:18:59] And that's where I see [00:19:00] most of them really getting stuck in that.

[00:19:06] Scott Maderer: So when you work with a business owner, how do you help them focus on growth and working the business and doing all of the things. And yet also staying true to their core values, who they are. You know what they really, what their real priorities are. Cause I think a lot of times, back to that accidental entrepreneur that you were just talking about, we go into it with one thought.

[00:19:32] And yet we end up in a totally different place and kind of create a job for ourselves rather than a true business. How do you help them deal with that kind of balance?

[00:19:42] Brad Huebner: Yeah one of the, one of the things I always do is I interview anybody who's interested in joining my coaching and if I don't think I can help them, or if I don't think they have the right character, I guess is the right word, then I don't, I won't let them in, like I'm not, I'm very protective of the community, I'm very protective of the people in the group, and so [00:20:00] it has to mesh, and so there's a lot of similar beliefs, a good majority of them are Christians, a good majority of them are family men, a good majority of them, believe in integrity and doing things right.

[00:20:13] And so that culture, there's a certain culture that I look for in the group. There's always a few outliers, but good people may be just misguided in what they believe, but they're good people. And so the majority of the people in my group are fit at kind of a specific culture.

[00:20:29] That I, subset of beliefs and morality and all that stuff.

[00:20:35] Scott Maderer: And when they're struggling with that, because I think a lot of times it's not that they're not people of character, they have those strong beliefs. But yet we still can easily get pulled off track.

[00:20:46] I'll give an example, it's the I'm too busy running my business because I need to be a good provider for my family and therefore I don't have enough time to spend with my, I can't do date night with the wife. I can't go to the kid's soccer game, because it's hustle and grind 24 7, [00:21:00] that's the only way I can be a good provider.

[00:21:01] And it's that kind of that tension between, being a good dad and being a good provider, which is also part of being a good dad. And yet, not being able to find those balance points.

[00:21:13] Brad Huebner: Yeah. The first thing we fix is the pricing. 99. 9 percent of the people that join are not charging enough.

[00:21:19] And so we, one of the first calls I had with him, I call it a launch call. They send me some financial information. We sit down for an hour and a half or so, and really look at all their financial stuff. And that's where it's okay, you're not, You're just not charging enough.

[00:21:34] Like you, you did this job for 20, 000. You should have charged 28, 000 for this job. And if you would have done that, you would have an extra 8, 000 of profit because they're usually making enough to cover overhead. So when you raise your prices, that's just pure profit. There's nothing else that needs to go into that and in one job, you give someone an extra eight grand.

[00:21:58] No longer do they have to work the [00:22:00] weekends. They can actually, just work five days instead of seven days. And so like really in a very short period of time when they realize they can charge more and they do and it's not like overnight. Sometimes there's some gradual steps ups and stuff like that.

[00:22:14] But when they realize they can do it and then when they sell their first job at a higher gross profit margin, It's like the, the hope comes back, the spotlight's shining now they believe they can do it. And that's when the real fun begins.

[00:22:28] Scott Maderer: So what do you think keeps most of them from actually charging enough in the first place?

[00:22:32] Brad Huebner: It goes back to that limiting belief of I can't charge more, right? And the contractors are great at what's, I can't think of the word, but they're like they like to sulk in their own misery, right? It's like going to the, they go, they stop by the pub on the way home and there's four contractors at the bar and they're all sharing war stories about how terrible their clients are and how they, their employees are terrible and this and that.

[00:22:53] And again, that goes back to the same, the opposite of if you want to, If you want to be a millionaire go hang out with millionaires. If you [00:23:00] want to not have a successful business, go hang out with other non successful business owners. And so there's a lot of that goes into it, but yeah, you just have to it's amazing what, how much stuff you can fix by just simply raising your prices.

[00:23:14] But the challenge with that is the mindset part. And so really the first thing that I do is actually try to fix their mindset because that's, if you don't believe you can raise your prices, Then you're not going to be able to raise your prices. You're not going to be able to sell that job, in other words.

[00:23:29] You're going to, like when you're talking to the customer, you're going to be thinking like, oh man, these, I know Brad told me to raise my price, but these people definitely aren't going to, they're not going to pay, and you're just going to self sabotage. So there's a lot of mindset of that too.

[00:23:40] Scott Maderer: There's a difference between saying this job is going to cost 28, 000 and saying I was thinking maybe, how about and I know I'm being over dramatic, but that, that really is how it's pretty accurate. It sounds different. Yeah. And by the way, you're talking about contractors.

[00:23:55] Yeah. I work with coaches. I work with a lot of other businesses and they, I don't think this is [00:24:00] unique to contractors either because it is that mindset piece. It's not the math. It's the belief that really is holding him back.

[00:24:09] Brad Huebner: Yeah, don't you think that access to the internet and social media has made that worse for a lot of people over the years?

[00:24:16] Scott Maderer: I don't know if it's made it worse as much as it's made it easier, it, my, my reason for that subtle difference in the statement is you're, it's easier to fall in a comparison trap now because you see more of it,

[00:24:32] Brad Huebner: but

[00:24:32] Scott Maderer: I think it existed, my, my father was a small business owner.

[00:24:36] I grew up. around a small business owner. I saw it in him, and that was before Facebook and social media and all of that. So I don't think it didn't exist before, but I think it's made it more easy to stay there.

[00:24:50] Brad Huebner: That makes sense. Yeah. I always, I have a little joke that I always tell people when they're like, I can't raise my prices because the guy down the street is cheaper, right?

[00:24:58] He'll do it cheaper. Joe in

[00:24:58] Scott Maderer: a truck will do it [00:25:00] cheaper. Yeah.

[00:25:00] Brad Huebner: Yeah. And I said, don't you, I was like, since Jesus walked on earth, there was somebody down the street that would, do the carpentry cheaper than what he would it's been there since the beginning of time that hasn't changed any.

[00:25:10] Scott Maderer: And it is it's. They'll do it cheaper, but what does that actually even mean, right? Are they really doing the same job as you? What makes you what makes you different? What makes you add value that isn't just the doing it cheaper? Because there's always somebody that wants it for the cheapest.

[00:25:29] But there's also somebody that wants quality or a job done right or character or, the I always, I laughingly say, if you show up on time and clean up after yourself, you're better than 90 percent of the people that are out there. So it

[00:25:43] Brad Huebner: literally is that's, it is that, answer the phone, right?

[00:25:46] Call them back, show up on time. Like it's, it doesn't seem like you're asking too much, but for some reason, a lot of people can't figure that part out.

[00:25:54] Scott Maderer: And yet that, that, that's a pretty low bar and yet

[00:25:57] Brad Huebner: it is, that's

[00:25:58] Scott Maderer: honestly the bar in a [00:26:00] lot of cases. So when you think about your own journey you mentioned you got some coaching, you got some other things.

[00:26:07] What were some of the milestones that, that helped you begin to transform your mindset where now you're able to help others transform theirs?

[00:26:16] Brad Huebner: Milestones in terms of certain things happened or can you elaborate a little bit on that? It

[00:26:20] Scott Maderer: could be things that happened to you.

[00:26:22] It could be just like as in terms of life events or it could be other things other than coaching, or maybe it was just coaching. What are the things that you availed yourself of that, helped you shift the way you looked at things?

[00:26:36] Brad Huebner: Yeah, there's there is in my book that I wrote the first part of it is what I call the million dollar wake up.

[00:26:42] And what that was, there was this very specific time when I first got coaching and they were saying like you're not charging enough, you're way under charging. And I looked and they, they told us here's a healthy profit margin. And I looked at it and it like, just went off like a light bulb.

[00:26:58] Cause this was, I was nine years [00:27:00] in the business. I had owned my business for nine years. I was able to stay afloat and struggle and I had growth each year, but it wasn't like crazy amounts of growth and I still wasn't paying myself a whole lot. And it was the real, the realization that had I been charging this much the whole time, it would have added close to a million dollars worth of revenue to my business.

[00:27:26] And so I looked at that as I just, I basically stole a million dollars from my family because of my ignorance. Because of not knowing how to run the business correctly and that was a huge that was the most pivotal point of like oh my gosh, this is Profound I have to make a change right now type thing That's when I was fully bought into changing and doing something different.

[00:27:53] Scott Maderer: So I've got a few questions that I like to ask all of my guests, Brad, but before I go there, is there anything else about the work you do? And [00:28:00] by the way, make sure you share the name of your book as well for folks that might be interested in that. But is there anything else that you'd like to share with the listener?

[00:28:08] Brad Huebner: Yeah, as far as what I do, I did write the book. It's called The Contractor Profit Blueprint. It's the four proven steps to help you boost your profits and reclaim your freedom because the two things that I help contractors do is make more money, more profit and then get their time back.

[00:28:23] So you, you hit on the head earlier, like the guys that are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week, six, seven days are missing their kids events. That was me. And so I, I want to make sure that other people don't have to suffer and go through what I went through, especially for as long as I did.

[00:28:40] And so that's really what I help a lot of contractors with is that the business side of it. I've very rarely run into a contractor who's asking for help who isn't good with the delivery of the product. That's usually not the case. Most people that aren't good with the product are, they wouldn't be [00:29:00] asking for help.

[00:29:00] They're just not the type of people that are looking for help. They're just trying to make money and they don't care about anything else. The people that are looking for help generally do good work. They just don't understand the business side of it. And we never, and never talk about what's the best tool to buy, what kind of truck you should get, or we never have conversations, all business related, understanding finances, sales, all that stuff.

[00:29:27] That's what I focus on with contractors.

[00:29:31] Scott Maderer: So I try to ask all my guests this question, stewardship is my brand. I run things through that lens of stewardship. And yet I've discovered over the years that's one of those words that means a lot of different people, things to a lot of different people.

[00:29:44] So when you hear the word stewardship, what does that word mean to you?

[00:29:49] Brad Huebner: Yeah, stewardship is basically managing what God has given us right on this earth. I like to There's obviously different ways you can look at it at different [00:30:00] levels, but for me, stewardship is not letting things that are in front of me, wilter away neglect them is the word I'm looking for not neglecting the things in the world that I should be doing.

[00:30:15] And then also nurturing the things that need to grow and, become its best version of itself. And so I always tell my son every morning, I'm like, son, be the best version of you today. And so that's he's going to be different. His version is different than my version, but you can still be the best version of you.

[00:30:34] And I think steward stewardship is bringing out the best and anything that you have control over or impact over.

[00:30:44] Scott Maderer: So this is my favorite question that I like to ask each guest. Imagine for a moment that I could embed this magic machine. And with this machine, I was able to take you from where you are today and transport you into the future.

[00:30:56] Maybe 150, maybe 250 years. [00:31:00] And through the power of this machine, you were able to look back and see your entire life, see all of the ripples, all of the connections, all of the impacts you've left behind. What impact do you hope you've left in the world?

[00:31:13] Brad Huebner: This is an interesting question for me, and you did give me a tip that you were going to ask this question ahead of time, so I actually put a lot of thought into this.

[00:31:22] I'm not a, I'm not a very big legacy guy. In other words, when I'm gone I'm not, I'm gone earth. I'm not going to be worried about what I'm doing, what I did and all that. I'm not worried about People 200 years from now know that Brad did this, and this and change this. I don't really care about legacy of it for me It's more about the individual connections like right now And this is one of the main reasons I switched to coaching is because of the impact that I can have on you know Just one person's life one contractors life and I get many of these text messages and emails It's hey, I just you know, I did my first this I just did [00:32:00] this I Took my first vacation.

[00:32:01] You just changed my life. Like you've changed my business. That, to me, is far more important as far as the impact. Today than 200 years from now what happens now, obviously God's plan I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm not I don't want to look at it. Oh, I'm a Rockefeller I did this or I'm a Elon Musk and we went to Mars like I don't care about that part of It's like how many people did I touch along the way at a very personal, Intimate level and how many people did I impact in that capacity?

[00:32:37] Scott Maderer: So what's on the roadmap? What's coming next for you as you continue on this journey?

[00:32:42] Brad Huebner: We're still growing the coaching business. We're still trying to make it better and better every day. And again, applying can I to my own coaching business? I just recently hired a CMO to help with marketing and stuff.

[00:32:53] Cause we're really just trying to grow it. I think the next thing on the map is going to be doing more trade shows and then [00:33:00] doing speaking. I want to start doing some speaking engagements. So for me personally that's, what's on the roadmap.

[00:33:06] Scott Maderer: Awesome. And so you can find out more about Brad over at his site,

[00:33:14] TheContractorProfitBlueprint. com. Brad has also extended a special coupon, Inspired, to get 7 off the book over at his website. And of course, I'll have a link to that over in the show notes as well. Brad, is there anything else you'd like to share with the listener?

[00:33:31] Brad Huebner: I just, for your listeners, I would just encourage them that you can run and grow a business and honor God in the process.

[00:33:37] You don't have to, lie, cheat, and steal your way to the top, contrary to what a lot of people on social media might tell you. Have integrity and honor God in all you do, and you will achieve that level of success that you're looking for.

[00:33:57] Scott Maderer: Thanks so much for listening to the Inspired [00:34:00] Stewardship Podcast. As a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listen, but act on what you've heard and find a way to live your calling. If you enjoyed this episode please do us a favor. Go over to inspiredstewardship.

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In today's episode, I ask Brad about:

  • How his experience as a Marine and his faith affected his view on business and leadership...  
  • How business owners can balance their core values and business success...
  • How your mindset is the key to true business success...
  • and more.....

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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That was pretty devastating, but it forced me to think about how I can still get people together for community and encouragement. - Dan Miller

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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