February 27

Episode 1298: Interview with Mark Struczewski “Mister Productivity” about Finding His Call to Being Productive

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Interview


Join us today for the Interview with Mark Struczewski, Mister Productivity about his journey to being more productive...

This is the interview I had with trainer, podcast host, and coach Mark "Ski" Sturczewski.

In this episode I interview Mark Struczewski aka “Mister Productivity” about his journey to finding his calling as a productivity coach.  I also ask Mark to share how his faith connected to his journey.  Mark also shares with you some of his best productivity tips.

Join in on the Chat below.

Episode 1298: Interview with Mark Struczewski "Mr. Productivity" about Finding His Call to Being Productive

[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: Thanks for joining us on episode 1,298 of the Inspired Stewardship Podcast.

[00:00:07] Mark Struczewski: I'm Mr. Productivity. I challenge you to invest in yourself, invest in others, develop your influence and impact the world by using your time. Your talent and your treasures to live out your calling. Having the ability to live intentionally instead of reactively is key, and one way to be inspired to do that is to listen to this the Inspired Stewardship podcast with my friend Scott Maderer,

[00:00:40] the people I see who are very success. Whether I know 'em personally or I see 'em on social media or read their books, They have been really good stewards of their lives and I know people, my own family, distant family, that have not done anything their entire life. They're not being good stewards of their life.

[00:00:58] Cause I'm sure they had a gift that, [00:01:00] that the world wanted from them, but instead they decided to just be lazy.

[00:01:05] Scott Maderer: Welcome and thank you for joining us on the Inspired Stewardship Podcast. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to be, then you must learn to use your. Your talent and your treasures for your true calling.

[00:01:20] In the Inspired Stewardship Podcast, you'll learn to invest in yourself, invest in others, and develop your influence so that you can impact the world.

[00:01:35] This episode I interviewed Mark Struczewski. A K, a Mr. Productivity or ski about his journey to finding his calling as a productivity coach, I also ask Mark to share how his faith connected to his journey and Mark shares with you some of his best productivity tips. One reason I like to bring you great interviews, like the one you're gonna hear [00:02:00] today is because of the power in learning from others.

[00:02:04] Another great way to learn from others is through reading. But if you're like most people today, you find it hard to find the time to sit down and read, and that's why today's podcast is brought to you by Audible. Go to inspired stewardship.com/audible to sign up and you can get a 30 day free trial.

[00:02:24] there's over 180,000 titles to choose from, and instead of reading, you can listen your way to learn from some of the greatest minds out there. That's inspired stewardship.com/audible to get your free trial and listen to great books the same way you're listening to this podcast, the great book, or the same way you're, listen, this podcast, Mr.

[00:02:47] Productivity was born and raised in North Chile, New York. He moved to Houston, Texas in 1997, back in July, 2005. He was fired from his corporate [00:03:00] job, and to be honest, he really didn't like what he was doing at that time anyway. But when he was terminated, he decided to become an entrepreneur. He tried first to become a professional photographer and then began doing, speaking on different topics, and the first several topics he tried didn't really go so well.

[00:03:18] But then with the help of a coach, he hit upon the topic of product. Mark is now a coach, a trainer, and a podcaster. Mark has been married to his lovely wife, Michelle, for over 19 years and has two grown daughters. He is unashamedly a believer in Jesus Christ and he attends his church weekly in his life.

[00:03:38] He says It's Jesus first, his bride, Michelle second, followed by his family. And then everyone else. Welcome to the show,

[00:03:45] Mark Struczewski: mark. Hey. Donald Texan, thank you for having me on the show. Yeah.

[00:03:51] Scott Maderer: Marks up the road for me a little bit. And we were of course chit chatting like everyone does about the weather before.

[00:03:58] And even though he's [00:04:00] north of me, he's warmer today, which is always ironic when that happens. . But there you go. . So we talked a little bit in the intro, mark but can you talk a little bit about your journey to becoming Mr.

[00:04:13] Mark Struczewski: Productivity? I like to tell people it started with me being fired back in 2005, as many things do

[00:04:23] I was just going through life and working at the job, which I didn't like, and all of a sudden I got fired and I'm like, uhoh, now what? And then I remember. Calling my wife on the way home from being terminated, which by the way, when you terminate someone, once you say you're fired, they don't wanna know the reasons.

[00:04:44] I'm no longer an employee. So they're trying to say let us explain our rationale. I, it doesn't matter. I don't work here anymore, I, so I just thought I'd put that out there, but I always,

[00:04:53] Scott Maderer: I love the words that we use for it too. We've had a reduction in force. , you've been terminated, you've been laid off.

[00:04:58] None of them are good [00:05:00] words. I Exactly. So I told my wife and I said, I've been fired. And and she's she didn't like my boss. And she wasn't surprised because my boss, my former boss was very much in the, he knew policy really well. Every I and every period. And so I told her I wanna give her, I want to give this shot of being an entrepreneur.

[00:05:21] Mark Struczewski: Didn't know what exactly what it was. And so she said, yeah let's try that out. And so the first thing I did, now remember this 2005, this is before Facebook was a baby, Twitter was a baby. Nothing else was around maybe MySpace. And I decided to be a wedding and portrait photographer. Now, I failed at that miserably, but one of the things that came out of it was I came out of my shell of speaking in front of people whether it's from the stage on a live call training.

[00:05:50] I just, I hated doing that in college, in high school. And now here I am. You can't keep me this. Shut up. and I went through several years of trying to figure out what am I going to talk [00:06:00] about? Cause I didn't

[00:06:00] wanna

[00:06:00] Mark Struczewski: talk about photography. And I went through a couple topics and I invested in a coach and the coach told me at one point I was having a bad day on one of the calls and he goes, what's going on?

[00:06:11] I'm like I really wanna speak and coach and train, but I don't know what I should be doing it on. And he goes why don't you talk about productivity? And I remember telling him, I'm like I don't know where that came from, but why would you say that? He says, I know a lot of people, you are naturally gifted at being productive.

[00:06:30] I don't know how that came around, but you should share that with the world. And the rest, as they say, is.

[00:06:35] Scott Maderer: So when did you actually of start the productivity speaking and what was the beginning of that part of the journey? Because the other was 2005. So how long after 2005

[00:06:46] Mark Struczewski: I officially hung out my website?

[00:06:49] For business in January of 2011. Okay. So I don't know if that's when I started, but that's when I launched my website. That's when you launched your website.

[00:06:58] Scott Maderer: So we what's [00:07:00] interesting is we have some parallel journeys here. I actually started my business as a part-time business in 2011 when I was also not let go, but I was working for a corporate job that I had figured.

[00:07:13] I didn't want to be working for too much longer. I actually love the job, but I also hated the job at the same time , if that makes sense. I love the job. I hated some of the things that I had to do because of the job. That's really what it boils down to. Be on the road all the time. I was on the road four months out of the year and that Wow.

[00:07:31] Gets old really quick. . Yeah, . So when you launched so it was off the words of a coach. , can you talk a little bit about how your faith intersected with that journey

[00:07:47] Mark Struczewski: as well? It's interesting, I'll go back a little bit. People always ask me, how did you get to be more productive?

[00:07:51] Because I have a coach right now cuz coaches have coaches and she says how did you get to be so productive? And I told [00:08:00] her, I said I was raised in a very structured house household. I was an only child and. Had to do chores a certain time, and I had to have these things done. I came up in school before my parents came up and work, and I, they expected me to have X, y, and Z done before they walked in the door.

[00:08:17] And so that's the way I was raised. So there's no magic. I was just raised that way and turns of my faith. I didn't come to know Jesus until I was 33. I'm 57 right now for the, to put that into perspective your, of your listeners, and I really didn't know. What was going on? But I will tell you this, when I started my business, you'll appreciate this.

[00:08:38] And when you first start your own business, you think you're gonna be the next Amazon, the next Apple, the mic, Microsoft. You're gonna have private planes and private islands and mansions. Yeah, it doesn't happen that way. So I got frustrated. And I had a love for Apple, so I started applying for a job at Apple.

[00:08:55] Online support the whole nine yards. Cause all my friends come to me for tech support [00:09:00] for Apple, cuz I'm cheaper. , it's easier to get ahold of me apparently. What happens? I kept applying for jobs and applying for jobs and I would talk to senior advisors at Apple and they say, oh yeah, you qual.

[00:09:09] Yeah. You are so smart on this stuff. You should get a job. And no. And then it's almost like I heard God, he didn't speak me Audi. . But he said to me, he says, look it, do you not think that I know what's going on? I have a plan for you. I have a plan for you, Jeremiah 29 11. And I and he brought this the story in the Bible to me about the potter, the clay.

[00:09:33] And as we all go through life, he molds us and he goes, ah, smash, I gotta start over again. Ah, smash again. And he had to do it over and over again, and he just kept saying, trust. , I, if I give you the success you want, now you're gonna blow it and I have to mold you into what I want you to be.

[00:09:54] And so I went through, I tell people the story. I'm very open about how I struggled. So from July, 2005 to the [00:10:00] end of 2021 ish, I made a total of $50,000. Not a year. Total. And I, the reason why I share that with people is because if you go to social media, you think everyone's making a billion dollars. Oh yeah.

[00:10:13] Oh yeah. Everyone's making tons of plan. I just lost my program. It was a million dollar

[00:10:18] Scott Maderer: launch. , exactly. How much did it cost you to make that million? Oh, 1.2

[00:10:21] Mark Struczewski: million. Yeah, exactly. And I believe Frito's principles live and I believe 80% of the people are trying to figure things out. The Gary Van Trucks, the Grant Cardones, the Tony Robbins, their exceptions, most people.

[00:10:34] Are struggling and I find it is more helpful to people to say, Hey, listen, I went through a big struggle and I'm still not where I wanna be yet. Sure. But when people don't have a faith, when you have bad days and we're all gonna have bad days, what do you fall back on? I don't get it. So I love knowing that I can go to my savior and say, I'm having a bad day today.

[00:10:58] And he goes, yeah, I know, I [00:11:00] see you. I see, I know what's going on. Just keep working. You'll get there. Okay. Earlier you mentioned that your coach called you and said you're quote, naturally productive. That was how you phrased it. So do you think that there are some people that are more naturally productive or is this, is productivity something that anyone can do or How do you view.

[00:11:22] I think anybody can be productive. Some people have a tougher journey to get there. If you were raised in a structured home like I was, you're probably naturally, you think yourself as naturally gifted as being productive. You're not born productive, but you are raised to be productive. I've met some people and some of 'em have been clients of mine who said, I don't get this whole productivity thing.

[00:11:45] I'm like, it's okay. We'll take baby steps. We'll get you. You just have to learn the fundamentals. Because what happens is when people come to me and they're like I wanna be more productive, and I'm like that's a vague word, and I have [00:12:00] to drill down and find out what does that mean for you?

[00:12:03] Because if I just say, Hey, Scott, are you productive? You're gonna what do you mean, mark? What? When you say productive, what do you mean? So we have to get on the same page to understand a lot of people are productive, but they're not productive in the right thing. So I post on LinkedIn all the time and I say, look it.

[00:12:19] People say just cuz you're busy doesn't mean you're being productive. I'm like that's true. You can be busy being productive, but just because you're busy doesn't mean you're productive. So there's two sides of the equation there. It's that, effective versus efficient, are you getting the right things done or are you getting a lot of things done? Yep. If you're getting a lot of the right things done, that's even better. yes. But unfortunately you could, you, some people just get a lot done and some people get the right things done and some people get a lot of the right things done.

[00:12:51] Scott Maderer: So how do you define

[00:12:52] Mark Struczewski: productivity for you? . I define it as getting the right things done when they need to get done, when they need to get done. So you've got [00:13:00] 12 things on your to-do list and we could talk about my opinions on to-do lists if you want. And 11 of them are really easy things, but they don't move the needle.

[00:13:11] But that 12 thing was the thing that you really need to do and you got 11 easy things done. I don't think you had a productive day cuz you got the Lebanese things. So it comes down to what is the right thing. And I know your audience is going well, what's the right thing? Here's how I tell people. You start with a why from your, why You create your goals and the activities to achieve your goals.

[00:13:35] Go on your plan. So are you moving toward your goals? If you are, you're working on the right things. If you're trying to write a. And you're endlessly scrolling on TikTok, that's probably not moving you towards your goals. So everyone's different, but a lot of people, they come to me and they think they want to become a better planner.

[00:13:57] And the first question I talked to 'em about, the first [00:14:00] thing I talked to 'em about is clarity. What is your why? I'm like no I hired you to talk about planning. I said, I understand. But why? Goals plan. You can't start plan goals. Why? It is to start with a why. Because if you don't have a why you don't have goals, what are you putting on your calendar?

[00:14:18] Scott Maderer: So what and by the way you're speaking my language. I like everything you're saying. With when a lot of folks. Feel overwhelmed and they feel stuck. They get into that stage where it's I'm just spinning my wheels I'm a hamster on a wheel.

[00:14:36] Those kinds of phrases come out of people's mouth. What is a big tip or what do you see as where they should start to start breaking down that overwhelm?

[00:14:47] Mark Struczewski: Funny thing, you used the word start because what I tell people to do who are overwhelmed is to stop. Stop to stop. Because you can't push a rope.

[00:14:56] Scott and I tell people when you're [00:15:00] overwhelmed, stop. But I got all these pro, I understand you have all these projects and tasks to do, but you need to stop. You need to stop, get up from your behind your computer. We spend endless hours behind our screens. Get up and walk. But if it's cold, what if it's cold?

[00:15:15] Grab a jacket. What if the training don't stand out in the rain? Go outside. Don't be on your devices. Don't think about anything. Just stop and be fully present. Maybe close your eyes, maybe take some deep breaths. I think people need to stop. We're always trying to I'm not doing the right thing.

[00:15:31] What do I gotta do? They heat going going, but if your car is out of oil you're not gonna be able to go too far before destroy the engine. So you've gotta stop. And I think people, when they think about being productive, they think about doing what. Sometimes being productive is not doing anything, but just stopping and just taking a break and letting your brain go, okay, let me sort things out and then we'll go back to work.

[00:15:57] That's why I'm a big fan of micro breaks, which are only five to [00:16:00] seven minutes and they're, they work wonder. . So what

[00:16:04] Scott Maderer: Once they've taken that break and they've taken that walk and they've reset their mind what's next?

[00:16:12] Mark Struczewski: Assess the situation. Okay? So you got overwhelmed, you took your break, you came back and okay, now what do I need to do next?

[00:16:20] Too many people are worried about they have to do 10 steps, 30 steps, 50 steps down the line. What do you have to do next? And work on. I think people are trying to embrace multitasking, which doesn't work. You just need to figure out the next thing to do. And what I see a lot of people do is they're working on a task, then they're thinking about the next meeting.

[00:16:43] They're thinking about what they have to do when they pick up the kids up. They gotta remember what they have to get the store and away from work and you're not fully present and you sit there staring at your screen, you. I got nothing cuz you, you, your mind is doing so many things. And that's why I think people have to get [00:17:00] back to the basics.

[00:17:01] Every time any sports league goes back from to start the new season, they go to training camp and they always go back to the basics. Even if you're a Tom Brady what do you have to do? You have to throw the ball. Tom Brady knows how to throw the ball. The blockers didn't What a block the punchers knew how to punt.

[00:17:17] But they go back to the basics. And I think people, and I don't know about you. People want to go for the advanced techniques. I said, let's master the basics first before we get to the master, before we get to the complicated stuff. And I also

[00:17:33] Scott Maderer: think people, it, we want the easy button, right? Yes.

[00:17:36] know, We want the staples easy button that wait, what's the app that will fix my time? What's the what's the magic tool that you can give me that will fix everything like you said, a lot of times it's wait, you're skipping step one through seven and trying to go to step 42.

[00:17:53] Let's go back to the beginning and slow down a little bit. It's this, go slow to go fast. The [00:18:00] Malcolm Gladwell's work on go slow to go fast sometimes. We speed up too soon. What? Another area that comes up in, in productivity conversation or that I hear folks talking about is this, the idea of intentionality versus reacting, and you were talking about it a little bit in your answer.

[00:18:21] I want to unpack that more of we have that tendency to just go, what's the next thing? What's the next what's on fire now? Let me go put that fire out. Okay now what's on fire? Let me go put that fire out. How do you help people change their behavior when it comes to being reactive versus proactive, or intentional versus reactive?

[00:18:40] Whatever language

[00:18:41] Mark Struczewski: you want to use. I always encourage people to be a pro, and if you look at the word proactive and productive, they start with the word pro reactive. Is never going to get you to your goal because you're not going forward. It's like you're driving down the road looking in your rear view mirror.[00:19:00]

[00:19:00] Oh, look at all the stuff I did yesterday and last week and last month. You have to be pro proactive to be productive. Now, what does that look like for you? Again, it goes back what I said, what is your why? Get clear on your why. Get clear on your goals, and then you put the right things on your calendar.

[00:19:16] So if you're sitting there and you get home at the end of the day and you. Man, I worked nine hours a day today, but what did I work on? And if you can't put your finger on, oh, I got the podcast on, I got a thousand words written for my book, or wrote a blog post, or I worked on a module for my course, you can't do that.

[00:19:36] Then you are probably reacting all day. You should be able to say, oh, I know these three things I got done today. And a lot of people, they don't know what they. They're exhausted. They worked all day, but they cannot tell you what I did today. And I find that very sad because they probably were putting out fires or in the old carnival game, I'd like to use [00:20:00] whack-a-mole.

[00:20:00] There's whacky moles all day, but that's not gonna move you forward. That's keeping you in place cuz you gotta sit there and whack the molds when you're not moving forward. And if you really wanna achieve ultimate success, you gotta be moving forward every. As

[00:20:14] Scott Maderer: part of that I saw a recent study that said that up to 60% of a employee's day at work is spent working on work.

[00:20:25] And what they mean by that is it's the endless search for. , where'd that document go? Or let me talk to Tom because I sent him an email yesterday and he hasn't answered me yet, so now I gotta go to Tom's office and so it's not actually working. It's working on getting the stuff that you need to work.

[00:20:43] Yeah. How do how do you view that? Problem that I think we're all familiar with. .

[00:20:48] Mark Struczewski: I alluded to earlier the infamous to-do list. I always tell people, don't trust your brain. Your brain has got so many things to do, like keeping you alive, so you gotta give it some [00:21:00] help. And so I tell people, when a thought pops in your head, you need to record it someplace.

[00:21:04] For most people, that's a to-do. Unfortunately, many people's to-do list turns into the Dead Sea over in Israel. that's where task and reminders go to die. And I've had clients come and they go, here's my to-do list. There's 150 things on there. What can I do? I said, delete 'em all because you're never gonna get to 'em.

[00:21:24] And some, I had one client, he had like to-dos on there for six months. Did you never gonna do 'em? The point is, I believe a to-do list is a temporary storage What I do and probably what you do, if something comes up, you bam, put it right in your calendar cuz what gets scheduled gets done. If you're not good at that yet, that's okay.

[00:21:42] Put it on your to-do list. But you have to go to your to-do list and go, okay, I gotta talk to Scott. Let me see. I gotta call Scott. When's a good time on my calendar? And then put it on your calendar. So many people. Get this overwhelmed because they keep putting so much stuff on their to-do list, and then they sit there and go, oh my gosh [00:22:00] I can't what?

[00:22:00] And they get locked up and they come to me and I'm like, okay, breathe. . Okay, . And so I really think the to-do list is a very powerful productivity tool, but people are, it's like having a hammer. Let me use this analogy. If you go buy the best hammer and you just put it in your toolbox what's the point of buying the hammer?

[00:22:18] To-do list is only temporary. You're supposed to do something with a to-do list. See, it's the action's right in the title. Scott. It's Tooo. . . Hey, it's right there. Yeah.

[00:22:32] Scott Maderer: What, how do you view the because the other thing I've seen is. Folks that'll have seven to-do lists. They have one for work and then they have one for home, and then they have one for church, and then they have the one for the, when they're gonna go to the grocery store and then they have the other how do you

[00:22:47] Mark Struczewski: view that?

[00:22:48] I think multiple lists are great. I a catchall list is pointless. I've got a to-do list for my for my podcast. So I have a new episode coming out every Monday and Thursday, [00:23:00] so I have a reminder that comes. Around 5:40 AM and it says, Hey, don't forget to post your new episode on your LinkedIn page for your podcast, just so I don't forget it, cuz it's not every day, it's Monday and Thursdays.

[00:23:13] So you can also use a to-do list as a reminder to do things, but they, these should be things that take you a minute or two. If you have to get on a call with Scott for 30 minutes, that doesn't go on your to-do list. That goes on your calendar. And so I think people don't know how to use the tools, so I like shopping at Whole Foods, not a sponsor of the show.

[00:23:33] But I will have a Whole Foods if you would like to

[00:23:35] Scott Maderer: be , you can reach out to me. I'll take it.

[00:23:40] Mark Struczewski: I'm sorry, , keep going. So I've got a whole food shopping list. So throughout the week, as I see I'm running low on. Mainly organic fruit and stuff like that. I put it on my list. So when I go to Whole Foods, I don't have to go, oh, what did I need?

[00:23:54] And then I wind up buying stuff I didn't need. So I think shopping list is good. I've got [00:24:00] for I some bills, I have auto pay, some bills I don't. So I have reminders. Hey, don't forget this. You have to pay this bill. Sometimes I have auto payments, but it's like a bigger payment and I had to remind, hey, don't forget the $700 payments coming out in three days.

[00:24:14] So that's that. Those reminders are okay. They make sure that they're $700 in the account, . Exactly. But I wouldn't put, I have one client you'll really appreciate this. He spent so much time beautifying his to-do list app. He had all kinds of emojis and colors and. How is that helping you?

[00:24:36] It helps me get organized. No, the fact you have 200 tasks on your to-do list, getting some of those off that's gonna help you. He's worried about what kind of app it should be, what's the best app? I'm like, look, it's a tool. It's a tool. The app is not going to magically make you more productive.

[00:24:55] And some people know how to use I, I swear some people know how to use the app [00:25:00] better than the developers do. They know every idiosyncrasy, and I'm like, and that's helping you clear, tough. I offered to do this. How? Most people. Are over complicating things. I always say complexity is the gateway to procrastination.

[00:25:17] If you wanna get things done, it's fine to use a tool, but don't get wrapped up in the tool. Get wrapped up in the doing and

[00:25:25] Scott Maderer: the results that you're getting. Yeah. So I've got a few questions that I'd like to ask all of my guests, but before I go there, is there anything else you'd like to share about the work that you do?

[00:25:34] Mark Struczewski: I will tell people I, I don't know. We don't know who's listening to this episode, obviously. There's, we wish we knew. We wish we could look into the future and do exactly who's listening, but that technology does not exist. I just want people to live their best life. You only get one shot at this, and if you're sitting in a job and you're listening to Scott and I talk and you're like [00:26:00] I'm not really fulfill.

[00:26:02] I I wanna do something else. Then begin to educate yourself on how you can do that other thing. You can go to YouTube, you can get books, you can take courses, you can learn. But don't just say I get perks. I get vacation, I get benefits. If you're not happy, I think you should be happy. I wake up every day.

[00:26:24] I love what I do, and no matter where

[00:26:26] you

[00:26:26] Mark Struczewski: are, as you're listening to this podcast right now, I wanna encourage, to go for your dreams. If you don't have a dream, here's an idea. Go for a long walk. Don't bring your phone. Or if you on a point, bring your phone, put on not disturb and just walk. And you'd be surprised when you get quiet.

[00:26:45] Are all these ideas that have been in your subconscious mind for years? Oh yeah. Oh my gosh, I forgot about that because everyone should be happy. Scott. Close. I like

[00:26:58] Scott Maderer: to ask all of my guests [00:27:00] this my, my brand is inspired stewardship, and use that word stewardship. And yet, kinda like we were talking earlier about productivity, and people use the word, but they mean different things.

[00:27:09] I've discovered people hear that word and mean different things by it. So when you hear the word stewardship, what does that

[00:27:15] Mark Struczewski: word mean to you? Two words that pop into my head is responsible ownership. We are all responsible for doing something with the life we. You are a steward of your life, and I see some people's lies that is all about binge watching Netflix while they're streaming on TikTok.

[00:27:38] I don't think you're being a good steward of your life if you're doing that. Now, if you that, if you're studying Netflix and TikTok, which I don't think you need to do that for hours on end, I could be wrong, but we are all stewards of our lives. And the people I see who are very successful, whether I know 'em personally or I [00:28:00] see 'em on social media or read their books, they have been really good stewards of their lives and I know people in my own family, distant family that have not done anything in their entire lives.

[00:28:11] As soon as they go on the government dull, they're on the government dull. They're not being good stewards of life. Cause I'm sure they had a gift that, that the world wanted from them. But instead they decided to just be lazy. So everyone's a steward of their life and you need to, the lister needs to sit back and go, how am I being a steward of my life?

[00:28:31] What grade old, high school grade, what I give myself A, B, C, D, F, incomplete? And then once you have that, Then figure out how you can become a better steward, cuz we can all be better steward of our. Mark, this

[00:28:44] Scott Maderer: is my favorite question that I get to ask everybody. Imagine for a minute I could invent this magical machine and I could pluck you from the chair where you are today and transport you into the future, maybe a hundred fifty, two hundred fifty years.

[00:28:58] And through the power of this machine, you were [00:29:00] able to look back and see your life and see all of the connections, all of the ripples, all of the impacts that you've left behind. What impact do you hope you've left on the.

[00:29:09] Mark Struczewski: I hope the impact I left in the world is positivity and that people can do whatever they, what's ever in their hearts to do.

[00:29:20] I hope I equip people with the knowledge and the information to go be the happiest person, the most content, and of course the most productive version of themselves. So

[00:29:34] Scott Maderer: what's coming next for you as you continue on this

[00:29:36] journey?

[00:29:37] Mark Struczewski: Every day's an adventure. I, right now I have a monthly membership, the podcast, well over 1200 episodes now, which it's crazy.

[00:29:46] I've been doing it five and a half years. I, my coach is omni about creating something, an academy, which is gonna be advanced training for me. I'm still a solopreneur. Someday in the very near future, I hope to hire [00:30:00] some VAs that can help me because doing all the stuff on my own is exhausted, but I love what I'm doing.

[00:30:06] I really love what I do. Whether it's a one-on-one client, whether it's group coaching, just cause that's what I said a few minutes ago. You have one life and you have to be a good steward of, and I hope that at the end of my life that I go, you know what I did good this life.

[00:30:26] You can find out

[00:30:27] Scott Maderer: more about Mark over@mrproductivity.com. Mark, anything else you'd like to share with the listener about that membership or your programs that you've got and where they can find out more

[00:30:37] Mark Struczewski: about that? I encourage people. Thank you for mentioning my website, mr productivity.com.

[00:30:42] Remember, Mr is all spelled out. M i s t e r. You can find out about my podcast, the Mr. Productivity Podcast. You can find out about my monthly membership, which is a sweet deal. I'll just say, so I do these masterclass every month. They're $97 each. But if you become a Mr if you become a productive life member, [00:31:00] you get all the masterclass and accountability for like a ridiculously low.

[00:31:05] And you get all the masterclass, which I said 97 times 12, you pay less than that for the entire membership. And if you just wanna find out what I'm doing, you can go to mr productivity.com/insider and join my email newsletter. That way you're always gonna know when the new episode drops or when I have a new promotion comes out, because I always let my email newsletters know, fir, subscribers know first.

[00:31:28] So if you, if I'm having a limited offer, And the email subscribers grab it all. It doesn't even get out to the public, so it's free. You just go to mr productivity.com/insider, sign up and get, become an insider.

[00:31:47] Scott Maderer: Thanks so much for listening to the Inspired Stewardship Podcast. As a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listen, but act on what you've [00:32:00] heard and find a way to live your calling. If you enjoyed this please do us a favor. Go over to inspired stewardship.com/itunes.

[00:32:13] Rate all one word, iTunes rate. It'll take you through how to leave a rating and review and how to make sure you're subscribed to the podcast so that you can get every episode as it comes out in. Until next time, invest your time, your talent, and your treasures. Develop your influence and impact the world.

In today's episode, I ask Mark about:

  • His journey to finding his calling as a productivity coach... 
  • How his faith connected to his journey...
  • Some of his best productivity tips...
  • and more.....

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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The people I see who are very successful… They have been really good stewards of their lives.  I know people who have not done anything in their lives, they aren’t being good stewards of their lives because they had a gift the world wanted from them. – Mark Struczewski

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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