July 3

Episode 127: Finding Your Way Out of the Malaise of Meaninglessness

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Invest In Others, Spiritual Foundations


Join us today for an episode about the way out of the malaise of meaninglessness...

Today's episode is focused on 2 Corinthians 5: 16-19 as a way out of the malaise of meaninglessness.

In this episode, I talk with you about the feeling that we all get from time to time about "why are we here" or "what's the point".  I use 2 Corinthians as an introduction to how to begin to get beyond this feeling and into the feeling of meaningfulness.  I also give you some specific actions you can take to begin to not just live a life of events but rather live a life of story and meaning. 

Join in on the Chat below.

In today's episode, I talk with you about:

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    2 Corinthians 5: 16-19...
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    The malaise of meaninglessness...
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    The thing you can do to change the feeling of meaninglessness.
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    and more.....

Reality is the leading cause of stress among those in touch with in. - Lily Tomlin

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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