September 8

Episode 1214: Scarcity Mindset

Impact the World, Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Stewardship of Talent


Join us today for an episode about the need to identify if you have a scarcity mindset...

Today's episode is focused on five signs you have a scarcity mindset...

In today’s episode about impacting the world through stewarding your talent, I talk with you about what a scarcity mindset is.  I talk about how this affects more than our money but also our time.  I also share five signs that you may have a scarcity mindset.

Join in on the Chat below.

Episode 1214: Scarcity Mindset

[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: Thanks for joining me on episode 1,214 of the inspired stewardship podcast.

[00:00:07] Dom Brightmon: I'm Dominique Dom Brightmon, and I challenge you to invest in yourself, invest in others, develop your influence and impact the world by using your time, your talent and your treasures to live out your calling. Having the ability to improve consistently over time is key. And one way to be inspired to do that is to listen to this.

[00:00:28] The inspired steward. Podcast with my good friend, Mr. S and M himself, the sensational and the magnificent Scott Maderer.

[00:00:38] Scott Maderer: But the truth is when you think of things as a scarce resource, you have a tendency to look for instant gratification. You have a tendency to spend more than you. Or to use more than you've got because you figure this is all I'm ever gonna get anyway. So I might as well just live in the moment. It's that Yolo [00:01:00] kind of expression taken to an extreme welcome.

[00:01:04] And thank you for joining us on the inspired stewardship podcast. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to. Then you must learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true calling in the inspired stewardship podcast, you will learn to invest in yourself, invest in others and develop your influence so that you can impact the world.

[00:01:30] In today's episode about impacting the world through stewarding your talent. I talk with you about what a scarcity mindset is. I talk about how this affects more than just our money, but also our time. And I share five signs that you may have a scarcity mindset. You've heard me talk about developing your talent.

[00:01:49] And one of the best ways to do that is through books. But if you're like most people today, it's hard to find the time to read. And that's why today's podcast is brought to you [00:02:00] by audible. Go to inspired to sign up and you can get a 30 day free trial. There's over 180,000 titles to choose from.

[00:02:13] And you can pick one and listen your way to developing your talents via. That's inspired to get your free trial and listen to great books the same way you're listening to this podcast. There are times that we all feel like we just don't have enough. We don't have enough money.

[00:02:34] We don't have enough time. We don't have enough energy. We don't have enough bandwidth, whatever it is. We use that language of not enough. Oftentimes we think about scarcity first in terms of money. But the truth is, I think often we have that mindset more around time even than we do about money, but it affects other things too.

[00:02:58] It can affect our views on [00:03:00] relationships, health, intelligence, judgment, willpower, all of these areas of our life, because it is a mindset. It's a view of how we look at the world. and scarcity is one that I think often gets deeply embedded in us. This idea that there's only so much quote pie in the world.

[00:03:25] And if somebody else gets a slice of pie, it means I can't get my slice. There's this feeling that gets in there of, there's never enough of anything to go around. It affects all areas of our life. It tends to get into our mindset and make us begin to look at things in a very competitive and a very often hoarding kind of way.

[00:03:50] We wanna hold on to everything that we have. We wanna not let others in because that's risky. It might cause us to lose [00:04:00] what little bit we already have there. Mindsets and symbols and signs that come up time and time again, that might show that you have that kind of mindset that you're looking at the world in a scarcity kind of point of view.

[00:04:20] The first one is I've talked before about the peas of permanent pervasive and personal that permanent mindset. This idea that when good things happen or when bad things happen, that's always the way it is. It is the way it is. It will always be this way. It's permanent. It it sticks there forever.

[00:04:44] And especially whenever you tend to view the negative things that way, when you tend to look at bad things as permanent, that is when we begin to take on this scarcity mindset, the truth is. Nothing is [00:05:00] truly permanent. Nothing lasts forever good or bad. It doesn't matter. There's nothing in this world that truly is 100% permanent and will last without any sort of input of energy without any sort of input in time that will last forever.

[00:05:19] just doesn't exist. The second mindset or symbol or thing that you may observe that shows that you're having that scarcity mindset is the language we use. I've talked before about how important it is to be very careful in the words that we use to describe the things we do. , but if you start using words, like I'm not smart enough, I don't have enough money.

[00:05:45] I can't do this. I don't have enough time. I'll have to go without, because they've got it. I can't you have those feelings and those languages around what others can and do and what you [00:06:00] can't do. That's what we would call a victim mindset often is a symbol of a scarcity mindset. By the way I'm not talking about having that come into your head from time to time.

[00:06:12] I'm not talking about having a bad day and maybe just being a little down for a moment that is perfectly normal. Everyone has those moments in time, from time to time I'm talking about when it becomes a pattern, when it becomes all of the time, that's the pervasive sort of part of the, what I call the three P's the third.

[00:06:37] Wouldn't you begin to find yourself envious or jealous of others. When you're constantly looking at what others have and wanting it yourself, would you feel like you don't get it? You don't deserve it, but others have all of the wins. All of the nice stuff in life. That feeling without having a feeling of [00:07:00] gratitude tends to lead to a scarcity mindset.

[00:07:04] The fourth, similar to that when you're not able or willing to be generous, when you find yourself constantly not giving to others, not serving others, not doing anything to help others, but it's all focused on what's in it for me. What can you get out of the situation whenever you find yourself with that mindset, it often comes from a scarcity mindset and last.

[00:07:33] Over indulgence. This one is ironic because you would think if you have a scarce mindset, you can't possibly over indulge. You can't use too much if you think there's not enough. But the truth is when you think of things as a scarce resource, you have a tendency. to look for instant gratification, you have a tendency to spend more than you [00:08:00] have or to use more than you've got because you figure this is all I'm ever gonna get anyway.

[00:08:06] So I might as well just live in the moment. It's that Yolo kind of expression taken to an extreme and all of these signs can lead to the idea that you have that mindset. That means. That you're not looking at the world as one of abundance, but rather one of scarcity, one where there's never enough to go around.

[00:08:31] And because it is a mindset, this is something that you can work on and you can change and you can reprogram in your life if you choose to. Thanks for listen.

[00:08:42] Thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship podcast, as a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listen, but act on what you've heard and find a way to live your. If you [00:09:00] like this episode on the stewardship of talent, you can go over to inspired and sign up for our five week series on the stewardship of talent.

[00:09:13] Or if you're in the us, you can text 4, 4, 2, 2, 2 talent tips. That's talent tips to 4 4 2, 2, 2, and get those tips until next time. Invest your. Your talent and your treasures develop your influence and impact the world.

In today's episode, I talk with you about:

  • What a scarcity mindset is...
  • How this affects more than our money but also our time...
  • Five signs that you may have a scarcity mindset...
  • and more.....

There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love; there's only scarcity of resolve to make it happen. - Wayne Dyer

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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