May 30

Episode 1141: Invest in Others – Interview with YouTuber, Podcaster, and speaker Sebastian Schug – Part 2

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Interview, Invest In Others


Join us today for Part 2 of the Interview with YouTuber, Podcaster, and Speaker,

Sebastian Schug...

This is Part 2 of the interview I had with YouTuber, Podcaster, and speaker Sebastian Schug.  

In this interview with Sebastian Schug I ask Sebastian about how he invests in others.  I also ask him what he things about helping others live their calling.  I also ask Sebastian about his advice on how to build a powerful network.

Join in on the Chat below.

Episode 1146: Develop Your Influence - Interview with YouTuber, Podcaster, and speaker Sebastian Schug – Part 3

[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: Thanks for joining us on episode 1,146 of the inspired stewardship podcast.

[00:00:06] Sebastian Schug: I do challenge you to invest in yourself. Yeah. I didn't challenge you to invest others in the future, even though that it is uncertain and the past may sometimes be Rocky, but in doing so, I'm hoping that it can develop an influence.

[00:00:23] I'm hoping that it can impact the world utilizing your time your time. And treasures to live out your calling, whatever they may be. It may not even be in the same creative avenue that I explained, but I'm hoping that it can be general enough to help you come to that conclusion. Having the ability to adapt with faith as your journey progresses is of course, key understanding that root of why you choose to do it in the first one.

[00:00:52] And employing this show one way to be inspired is to listen to inspired stewardship.

[00:00:59] [00:01:00] Most artists that they believe that art should be as an extension of themselves, whether that appeals to a greater purpose or a higher power or some societal gain, that's up to them. I can't speak for that, but remember why you did and don't let the, I was going to say negative perception deter you, but also no reception.

[00:01:23] Scott Maderer: Welcome and thank you for joining us on the inspired stewardship podcast. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to be, then you must learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true calling and the inspired stewardship podcast. We'll learn to invest in yourself, invest in others and develop your influence so that.

[00:01:47] Can impact the world

[00:01:49] and today's interview with Sebastian Shugg. I asked Sebastian about his definition of leadership. Also asked Sebastian about how to build your influence in today's world. And I [00:02:00] asked Sebastian about speaking and humor and how that builds influence one reason. I like to bring you great interviews. Like the one you're going to hear today is because of the past.

[00:02:11] In learning from others. Another great way to learn from others is through reading books. But if you're like most people today, you find it hard to find the time to sit down and read. And that's why today's podcast is brought to you by audible. Go to inspired to sign up and you can get a 30 day free trial.

[00:02:34] There's over 180,000 titles to choose from. And instead of reading, you can listen to your way to learn from some of the greatest minds out there. That's inspired to get your free trial and listen to great books the same way you're listening to this podcast. Sebastian Robert Shaw is an independent multimedia artists currently residing in suburban Burbank, [00:03:00] California.

[00:03:01] He holds a bachelor of arts and communication studies and political science, and currently spends his time narrating miscellaneous stories. He started out as a YouTuber back in 2013, and he has worked in podcasting Umer and public speaking. Welcome to the show, Sebastian.

[00:03:19] Sebastian Schug: Thank you so much for having me.

[00:03:22] Scott Maderer: So Sebastian, one thing that people think of as. Developing their influences being a leader in their field, being a leader of their company, being a leader, whatever. However, that is. And yet over the years, I've learned that leader leadership. These are words that we use all the time.

[00:03:41] And yet we often mean very different things when we say them. So how would you define the word leadership?

[00:03:48] Sebastian Schug: Leadership is not so much a title more so is a circle. Grab a bag of personality traits that I think others [00:04:00] hover to. And identify you back. I think that there's a stark contrast between people who self-proclaimed themselves as leaders and individuals who gravitate around an individual proclaiming that they are a leader.

[00:04:13] One of those, the ladder of which does not come with a substantial ego. And that's something that I did that I had been trying to avoid for the longest time. I'm not saying that it didn't rear its ugly head every now in that. To put it in my perspective, I never once considered myself a leader.

[00:04:33] I knew that I had leadership qualities, but it was something that other people would come and again, to toot my own horn, it's just how I viewed the world. People would come to me asking for advice or asking for certain types of mentorship, whether it be creative or otherwise. And it was in that moment where people.

[00:04:54] Understood and gave me that reputation of being a leader of [00:05:00] showing this potential in doing so. So it's carry on with me throughout my life where it's just, I'm not going to proclaim myself as being such. I know that it is important for. Individuals to have that anchor point, have that person have that thing in their life that assists them.

[00:05:22] If I am that person great. If not, I hope to learn more, has been my, my, my life motto because I know how important it is to be there for someone. But I also know the importance of being there for yourself and the willingness to know, and to learn more.

[00:05:39] Scott Maderer: So Sebastian you've got, we talked to the last couple of weeks about all of the history you've had with marketing and with publishing and narration and illustration and know, YouTube and all of these different channels where you've influence in different ways. Can you talk a little bit about how did [00:06:00] you actually how do you see those things as building your influence and how does that relate to how other people can build their own influence?

[00:06:08] Maybe not in the same way, but how does that relate to how others build.

[00:06:13] Sebastian Schug: So as an artist, as I as I said previously, there's, it's a two-pronged approach where one is the CRE creativity aspect of it. And the other aspect is marketing. The first facet of that is a hurdle that I think a lot of people struggle with initially, because, Hey, you could be in a position where you had this great idea, but you don't know how to put it on a page.

[00:06:40] Okay. That's something that unfortunately I can't help you with because that's just a big subjectivity argument. What you think is good. And what I think is good are two totally different goods. Now, on the flip side of that coin, there are individuals who have a product. They have something that they want people to know about.

[00:06:58] They have something that [00:07:00] I don't consider this as important, but that's again, just subjectivity. They have something that people that they want people to care about. And I say that, that doesn't so much apply to me because whether or not people care about a product of yours should no in no way deter you from continuing to do.

[00:07:21] There's that sort of expectation, expectational argument rearing its ugly head because a lot of people would rather think that their product being good, determines their level of cloud. You could say being an organist. Honestly I don't think that should be the case. I digress. I know a lot of people may think differently in marketing.

[00:07:43] That is the most difficult part. I have some tools and strategies and I'll just put it out as bluntly as I can of what's worked for me. It may not work for you, but I have found that in making a product, let's say you've made the [00:08:00] product. It's ready to be sold. Let's take books for example.

[00:08:03] Cause that's my field publish the book. It could be bad. I don't care. Publish the book. And then after that I start publishing more books, hop on forums, hop on social media, do what you have to do to promote it and keep doing that. It is a long and arduous process. I would say if there are other outlets for you to be creative in establishing that audience.

[00:08:29] Do so and do either as a promotion or do so because you happen to genuinely enjoy that media. Back then, for me, like I said, it was publishing books, but it was also YouTube. It wasn't being monetized. It was just an outlet for me to have another back then I considered it another notch in my belt, quote, unquote.

[00:08:47] However, I now know that's an unhealthy way of looking at it because YouTube has, it was, it's been such a creative outlet that I unfortunately took it for granted. It being. Because I [00:09:00] was so focused on it being monetized, I now have that new level of respect. I have grown as a person, but that platform that YouTube served as that sort of platform for me to Propel that bookmaking process.

[00:09:16] And I did that over and over. I made ad campaigns. I made videos talking about it. I made little captions here and there. I went on social media back when I used to have Facebook and Instagram and Twitter. I feel so old at the young age of 23, but I used to,

[00:09:33] Scott Maderer: I was going to say, you're not old, I'm only 30 years older

[00:09:36] Sebastian Schug: than you.

[00:09:37] But I used to again, go with that sort of reckless abandoned mentality where had a product post about it, whether or not people interacted with it. I don't care. It's in the ether. I feel good about posting it as opposed to me not posting it at all. Sometimes it would get it. Sometimes it would get a hit other times it would but that's okay.

[00:09:59] I [00:10:00] I think a lot of people would probably stop when they realized that no reception was being had. Don't have that mentor. Understand why you wanted to, and I know that's very much easier said than done, please. I

[00:10:16] Scott Maderer: just don't care whether other people care or not. Yeah. Go. Okay.

[00:10:19] Sebastian Schug: Because going into why that's important is understanding why you chose to be an artist, why you chose to create in the first place. It wasn't because other people told you or put a gun to your head or threatened you to do no most artists that they believe that art should be as an extension of themselves, whether that appeals to a greater purpose or a higher power or some societal gain, that's up to them.

[00:10:50] I can't speak for that, but remember why you did and don't let these. I was going to say negative section deter you, but also [00:11:00] no reception deter you as well. That's about the best advice that I can give, because at the end of the day, we're all just trying to find our own artistic intellect, our own space, and simply put, you're never going to find it.

[00:11:14] You just never do and again, thank you about your own journey When you have a community of seven, and then you have a community of 3000 it's both of those are valuable in good, in different ways, but it's it wasn't about the audience that made the audience come

[00:11:36] right now?

[00:11:37] Yeah, it was. I'd like to hope that it was a mix of personality on my part, because I, I. Generally feel that I'm not too standoffish. I know that there is a business that needs to be run. I know that there is a certain etiquette, but I also know that transparency with your fans or with your clientele, with your audience.

[00:11:58] However you want to put it [00:12:00] is. I would go so far as to say that a lot of individuals and I won't say it to my name, but a lot of individuals, a lot of YouTube channels or creators would put their audience on the back burner for the sake of money. Sure. Maybe that's their thing. Maybe their audience has come to expect that, that little level of of audience interaction but with me, I understand why that's important, especially for a small channel in comparison.

[00:12:28] I it's it's monumental because it's a spark and that spark could potentially grow. And I it's that's just been my personality where much, like my whole pragmatic approach of, I see a problem. I solve it. I see an audience or I see some one who wants to have a conversation or someone inquiring about something.

[00:12:50] I want to answer it. I want to assist in any way that.

[00:12:52] Scott Maderer: One of the things I think you've talked a lot about narration, of course you do the YouTube the [00:13:00] audio stories and the various things through that. And you've done other forms of speaking. What that's an area that a lot of people are terrified by the idea of putting their voice out into the world.

[00:13:12] Yeah, podcasting, whatever, so how, what advice would you have to folks that maybe know this is something that they need to be doing? But there they've got that fear or that, that worry about doing putting their voice out into the public.

[00:13:29] Sebastian Schug: I think for voice it's the biggest threshold for people to cross and you bring up a good point.

[00:13:35] I'll say it again. Numerous times before on other podcasts public speaking is the, I think the number one fear above dying. Yeah. You'd rather

[00:13:46] Scott Maderer: be

[00:13:47] Sebastian Schug: in the casket rather be in the casket, the one giving the eulogy. But with speaking, I think it, and this is my opinion on it. You can either take it or leave it speaking is that [00:14:00] one threshold, that sort of final frontier that really connects the artists.

[00:14:05] From the person. And what I mean by that is this say you have an individual who is very prominent online. They create content that you happen to enjoy. And in an abstract sort of way, you only know this person through their content what they produce. In my case, it's something that people heard mine, my voice, but people.

[00:14:30] Saw what I looked like now, it doesn't take long to do a quick Google search and type in my name. And you can see bunch of results of projects that I made in the past. And as well as different interviews and photos of me that people can identify a name, a face. But in speaking, say I didn't create content that involves me speaking.

[00:14:52] It's very difficult for people to find the human behind that. And with speaking with someone who can [00:15:00] either get on stage or get behind a microphone or just speak in general to what's the word that audience, I think it establishes that bridge between the person and the artist.

[00:15:14] I think if someone could get behind the camera or get behind a microphone. Yeah. Establish who they are, what they're doing and why they're doing it. I think it creates more of a sense of validity. It creates more of a trust in the artist and audience relationship. And really it does create that confidence building ironically, because it's very hard to get up on stage and speak.

[00:15:40] But once you get going. You're unstoppable. I feel at least that's how it's been for me, where if you're confident in the topic whether or not you look at the audience as being in their underwear, I guess it's like a strategy or however you find ways to make yourself more comfortable on stage and in a way separate [00:16:00] yourself from the audience in order to build up your confidence in speaking and doing so do what you need to do.

[00:16:06] Once that snowballs, once you get that confidence you're retroactively unstoppable. My personal advice in doing so is to and I've said this before, how much I had my gripe about college ever since Ever since the pandemic and we switched to virtual again, it's very abstract being on a zoom call as opposed to being in person, but for the amount of speech classes, for the amount of communication classes that I've taken in college, those have probably been my favorite classes to take because repetition doesn't make perfection, but it does make experience.

[00:16:44] So if I can extend that. Suggestion and taking a class in doing so, or if either you don't have the time and money to do practice, talk to yourself in the mirror. Talk to yourself behind the microphone. Talk to [00:17:00] your family, your friends really start to come out of your own shell when it comes to expressions.

[00:17:04] Right now I'm expressing behind the camera. Talking this week, but you can't see me. I'm hoping you can find the, just stipulations of my hands and the nonverbal expressions or cues in my face while I'm speaking, because I hope to be as expressive as possible in order to further understand my point, but that I digressed it really is that practice.

[00:17:31] Okay. That establishes that bridge know as an artist, as a person, has someone who can get up on stage and be like, yes I can do that.

[00:17:41] Scott Maderer: And even finding opportunities to speak for free one of the pieces of advice I've given people is almost every rotary club, lions club, chamber of commerce whatever they want speakers now, they're not going to pay you, but, or at least not initially.

[00:17:59] That [00:18:00] doesn't mean you can't go deliver a speech. If your topic fits into that audience you do have to find an audience where it fits, but there's almost always an organization out there. That's looking for a speaker to come talk on, whatever it is you want to talk about. And that just gives you more time to bat.

[00:18:17] So to speak,

[00:18:19] Sebastian Schug: there you go. Yeah. And start small you don't have to go into the lion's den and speak in front of a bunch of people. Just know that in being an artist in establishing your popularity and in growing that you're essentially going to have to do that. Anyway, if you have content that people enjoy and are going to gravitate towards, because much like the whole seven to 3000 comparison.

[00:18:43] In my regard, you can look at it as speaking in front of 2, 3, 5, 10, a hundred thousand people potentially. Then what, then you're going to have to learn how to speak in front of an audience. So hopefully you can [00:19:00] garner that practice. But in the meantime,

[00:19:03] Scott Maderer: yeah, using the podcast when I first started out and there was my mother was downloading it and and not every week all the way up to the point of 3,000.

[00:19:16] Downloads that was 30 or 40 people to several hundred or several thousand it's natural but it's also natural to now go, oh, I've only got X and somebody else has more and yet that means I'm reaching that many people every week. So I wanted to talk a little bit about one other thing.

[00:19:37] I know from talking to you before that you, when you were starting out, one of the roads you went down was the idea of comedy, a sec, satire, sarcasm, and then you changed direction. Why did you go down that road? Why did you change direction and [00:20:00] how do you think. Plays into this idea of influence and audience.

[00:20:07] Sebastian Schug: So comedy, yeah. That was a short-lived experience for me. It's I would like to say, and again, subjectivity argument. I'd like to say that I still find myself humorous. I often crack jokes, whether it be at. Other's expense or certain societal issues it's expense I guess that's where the S the satirical element falls into play with comedy.

[00:20:35] For me, it was very much the way to bridge the gap. Not only between my artwork and my audience, or should I say my now established audience, but a way to bridge the mold between like personality traits a lot of people would. Probably go on record to say that a funny person is entertaining.

[00:20:56] No, duh I'm going to watch this guy's content [00:21:00] because it's entertaining. And I wanted to learn to not only learn more about the comedian I don't consider myself a comedian putting it in that perspective, but follow up on this content in my life I've had.

[00:21:14] Serious events happen to me. I won't go into the specifics I think when it comes down to how one processes that severity again, there's really no telling what one can do when they're in a state of. Maybe depression, maybe anxiety. I don't know. I was I think too young to self diagnose in that regard, but comedy for me, much like other individuals was a means of escape, but it was also a means of processing the world around me.

[00:21:48] It wasn't so much to scapegoat so much as it was to. Look at things, not so much in the light, but to understand what things were for what they were, even if they were [00:22:00] crappy and to find the humor in that, to find the humor in say a man around me like humans in general. In doing so and growing up, I think everyone finds that phase of nihilism or through the world around me.

[00:22:20] Sucks kind of mentality. I never so much had that phase so much as I had, I took it one step further and was like, oh, the world around me sucks. But it's. It's not Barron, it's not, no man's land there. Isn't a quantum of solace of hope in the world. I looked at that and I looked at the faults of the world and I was like, yeah, no, that's hilarious.

[00:22:48] And I think people should fix themselves kind of thing. Various. I wouldn't say you get testicle with me of doing so. Cause I was just a dumb teenager, but I think a lot of teenagers share that same, regardless of [00:23:00] dissonance having

[00:23:01] Scott Maderer: taught teenagers for 16 years. Yeah.

[00:23:04] Sebastian Schug: But with bullets, satire and comedy, I was very much ah In trance by particular offers, one of which being mark Twain is a very prominent figure in my life.

[00:23:17] Not only for the fact that I I've read his books, I've even now I'm still grappling with them, understanding what they mean, because obviously written in a different time. And I would go so far as to say that you can't get away with what he did or what he said now. And I think it's that regard that I I, more or less respect because it was a sign of the times.

[00:23:43] And even still to this day, people still making like truisms or like connections or correlations to it. I think that's where his work shines the brightest, but on a more personal. I found out at a very young age that, [00:24:00] and I'm hoping this is true. I w I had a lot of time to internalize this as well.

[00:24:08] I've just had to take my father's word for it for many years, because again, I was told this as a kid and it wasn't until fairly recently as an adult that I was like, oh, really? But apparently I am a descendant. I don't know how many levels, how many layers of secondary, third cousins. I am a of mark Twain.

[00:24:30] It's not something that I like to attribute. It is, but it's not something that I like to gloat about rather. But I would say that if serendipity or karma or any kind of instrument of the universe exists it is very kind of telling. It was a and I like to consider myself one.

[00:24:51] I definitely don't like to consider myself on the same playing field as him, because he is a man past his point of [00:25:00] no return and he made it work for him and I'm still living and I'm I'm on podcasts making satirical jokes or I'm on YouTube making satirical content or stories. Two different ballgames.

[00:25:13] But that comedy was something that I really grappled with as a teenager. And as a young adult, really in understanding the world around me. And that was like I said before that was how I learned to process the world comedy in regards to your question about how it would affect influence.

[00:25:32] I think it's very much I'm speaking as if it was a lost cause, but I know it isn't how the world has changed is what I'm getting at. I don't think certain barometers or measurements of comedy would really hold up now as it probably would have 20, 30 years ago. Maybe that's just a Testament to how the world is changing, or maybe if maybe people have gotten somewhat soft.

[00:25:58] I don't know, but I [00:26:00] can't be the judge, jury and executioner regarding that. I'd like to believe that people can still make jokes in certain company. I'd also like to believe that people. Can't internalize and compartmentalize every single aspect of someone, of something someone says on Twitter and then ruin their whole career for it.

[00:26:22] I'd like to believe that isn't the case, even though we see more and more instances of that and that sucks. It really does that someone can just be shot down for some off-colored comment that wasn't even made to the off color, but it's someone else's interpretation of study.

[00:26:38] That lens, that person to go up in flames. So

[00:26:41] Scott Maderer: And Twitter is actually a great example because the problem with Twitter is you've lost all context because it's such a. And F femoral you don't usually see a tweet in there in the larger context. It's separate from

[00:26:57] Sebastian Schug: that. Yeah.

[00:26:59] There's no room for [00:27:00] context. There's no room for subtext. Even though people are going to interpret subtexts a lot differently and that'll bite you in the ass in some way, shape or form. Yeah. So that's just unfortunate. Unfortunately I really don't know how to answer that second part of the question, because I don't know how the world will change tomorrow, where it'll either make my statements obsolete or people will utilize me as their next scapegoat.

[00:27:26] So all I'll leave that one out in the open.

[00:27:29] Scott Maderer: Fair enough. Yeah I do think satire and sarcasm are valid ways of talking about the world. Again some of my favorite comedians are very sarcastic satirical point out the absurdity of the world and make you laugh about it.

[00:27:52] And I do think it's a way sometimes because it's a closet way of making us recognize. Things that are true [00:28:00] about us, but see them because it's brought to us through Umer, we'll hear it in a way that if I just walked up to you and said, Hey, you're being a jerk, you would push back. But by coming at it through sour, satire and sarcasm, sometimes we'll hear it in a way that we wouldn't at the same time.

[00:28:19] I think. A form of comedy that, that society often attacks the

[00:28:24] Sebastian Schug: prophet. No. Yeah. It's I think for a lot of creators who are delve into satire, it's either one way or the other, it's going to be difficult. A it's going to be difficult in establishing your audience because if you happen to take a facet of satire, which is like dark humor looking at the world around you and then.

[00:28:46] Doubling down on the jokes in a very, how do I put this nicely, but humorously negative

[00:28:53] Scott Maderer: way

[00:28:55] Sebastian Schug: in a dark way. You end up potentially alienating a large majority of your [00:29:00] audience. Now if your audience enjoys that content. Okay you've just established that audience around that and really, I guess the contrast would be if you made antidote.

[00:29:12] For instance, that would be the opposite, but financially speaking corporations, despise satire buys, dark humor. Of course it's by the book. I think personally, if I can go on a little tirade for a minute, I think corporations are very tone, deaf and understanding humor, and you can really look to ironically corporate Twitter.

[00:29:38] For an example of that, some corporations get it, some like to push. Yeah. I was going to say what these Wendy's is

[00:29:46] Scott Maderer: a great example of one that actually goes up. We're going to mess

[00:29:49] Sebastian Schug: with Wendy's essentially douses, the the building and kerosene, and then just lights it up and sits back and watches, but that is their [00:30:00] brand identity alongside making food.

[00:30:05] And I think a lot of businesses would be very hesitant pursuing that. Especially if they're a new company where, you know, pushing the envelope is something that I don't know, because you end up getting on a teeter-totter as an artist being like if I want sponsorships, I have to make this content, but it's not content that I particularly enjoy.

[00:30:23] So am I really doing this for the content? Or am I doing this for a paycheck? And I think suffice to say, I think a lot of people would be stumped at that crossroads. Yeah. And again, this really is, it's something new when it comes to comedy it's different today, but it's not new. And what I mean by that is I think of people like Linnie Bruce Gallagher George Carlin all of which had much of that dark, sarcastic satirical that was their brand.

[00:30:54] Scott Maderer: And because of that, there were people that loved them. And then they also. Yeah, lots [00:31:00] of there, there were venues where they were never going to appear.

[00:31:03] Sebastian Schug: Yeah, I was going to say George Carlin, I think is probably one of the examples that I gravitate towards the most because while I don't do standup in the traditional sense that he does if that man was in the air force, that is probably I'm not dissing any of the other branches here.

[00:31:20] Speaking from my own perspective as well, the air force pretty put together in a sense where, you know, attention to detail is essentially their motto. So you end up having this. You ended up seeing someone like Bob Ross was also in the air force being put together in the manner that he is.

[00:31:41] And then you see George Carlin up on stage and be like, wait a minute. You're telling me that if this guy flew planes, that this guy was a one. I think you could probably attest in some military terminology I don't know, but like a grunt of a [00:32:00] product of the system and he threw me on an airman.

[00:32:04] Yeah, no, I should know that because being any three myself but it's one of those things where. What is it being so put together and then having him be out on stage? I wouldn't say breaking out of his shell because only he would know that, but it's night and day with him.

[00:32:20] Scott Maderer: But I think it's also probably part of what gave him that ability because part of his whole Ubur was pointing out the absurdity. In the details that we all saw, but none of us paid attention

[00:32:31] Sebastian Schug: to exactly

[00:32:33] Scott Maderer: the whole idea of when you're driving down the road and someone passes, you they're there and they're an idiot because they're going faster than you.

[00:32:41] And if someone's going slower than you, then you know, they're a moron because now they're blocking trap, and it's wait a minute. It's

[00:32:48] Sebastian Schug: a very, it's a very fine line of looking at the world around you because you expect the rest of the world to be on your. You expect the rest of the world, but like adhere to your standards, which is very.

[00:32:59] [00:33:00] I would say, I'm not sure if it would, if it'd be nihilistic or bigoted or one of those, but I'm sure that there's a box that you can put yourself in that just wouldn't be good to an outsider looking in. Satire does that, but I think if you can find that audience and find an audience that is not accepts your humor, but also understands why those jokes need to be made in today's society.

[00:33:25] You can really have a ball. You just got to spend a lot of your time looking.

[00:33:29] Scott Maderer: You can follow Sebastian on YouTube as sea bass official, or find him over on his He's also active on LinkedIn as Sebastian R Shugg. That's spelled S C H U G, and I'll have links to all of that over in the show notes as well. Sebastian, is there anything else you'd like to share with us?

[00:33:52] Sebastian Schug: Yes. Scott, my friend, I just wanted to take this time and say that's thank [00:34:00] you very much for having me.

[00:34:01] Scott Maderer: Thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship podcast as a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively. But act on what you've heard and find a way to live your calling. If you enjoyed this episode please do us a favor. Go over to inspired rate.

[00:34:29] All one word. ITunes rate, it'll take you through how to leave a rating and review and how to make sure you're subscribed to the podcast so that you can get every episode as it comes out in your feed until next time, invest your time, your talent and your treasures. Develop your influence and impact the world.

In today's episode, I ask Sebastian about:

  • How he invests in others...
  • What he things about helping others live their calling...
  • His advice on how to build a powerful network...
  • and more.....

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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I’m not perfect as a business owner or individual.  At the same time I don’t try to be because I know mistakes are going to happen regardless. – Sebastian Schug

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You can connect with Sebastian using the resources below:

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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