May 2

Episode 1121: Invest in Others – Interview with Visionary Life coach, Motivational Speaker, and Author Genesis Amaris Kemp – Part 2

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Interview, Invest In Others


Join us today for Part 2 of the Interview with Genesis Amaris Kemp author of Chocolate Drop in Corporate America...

This is Part 2 of the interview I had with coach, podcast host, and author Genesis Amaris Kemp.  

In today’s interview with Genesis Amaris Kemp, I ask Genesis about her top tips for someone who feels stuck in their corporate job.  I also ask her about what advice she has for those who want to mentor or help others.  Genesis also shares why she is so passionate about diversity.  

Join in on the Chat below.

Episode 1121: Invest in Others - Interview with Visionary Life coach, Motivational Speaker, and Author Genesis Amaris Kemp – Part 2

[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: Thanks for joining us on episode 1,121 of the inspired stewardship podcast.

[00:00:08] Genesis Amaris Kemp: Hey, I'm Genesis Amaris Kemp. Can I challenge you to invest in yourself? Yes. Yourself, invest in others. Why? Because when we invest in others, we're able to help them grow and we're able to see the fruits of our labor. Develop your infant.

[00:00:26] What ways can you be influenced and impact the world by using your time, your talent and your treasures to live out your calling? Each one of us was created for a purpose. Having the ability to speak up for yourself is key. And one way to be inspired to do that is to listen to this, that inspired stewardship podcast with my friend Scott Maderer.

[00:00:53] understanding that every single person is different. And that's okay. So the way that I'd may talk to [00:01:00] you, Scott May be different than how I talk to Sally or how I talk to Monique, because you're bringing something new to the forefront and I can't tell you, oh this worked for Monique. I don't know why it's not working for you because you're not the same exact versus.

[00:01:16] Scott Maderer: Welcome and thank you for joining us on the inspired stewardship podcasts. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to be, then you must learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true. And the inspired stewardship podcast, we'll learn to invest in yourself, invest in others and develop your influence so that you can impact the world.

[00:01:43] In today's interview with Genesis Ameris Kemp. I asked Genesis about her top tips for someone who feels stuck in their corporate job. I also asked her about what advice she has for those who want to mentor or invest in others. And Genesis also shares why you, she is so [00:02:00] passionate about diversity. One reason I like to bring you great interviews.

[00:02:05] Like the one you're going to hear today is because of the power in learning from. Another great way to learn from others is through reading books. But if you're like most people today, you find it hard to find the time to sit down and read. And that's why today's podcast is brought to you by audible. Go to inspired to sign up and you can get a 30 day free trial.

[00:02:31] There's over 180,000 titles to choose from. And instead of reading, you can listen your way to learn from some of the greatest minds out there. That's inspired to get your free trial and listen to great books. The same way you're listening to this podcast. Genesis Ramirez camp is a creative content writer, Arthur self-development advocate, visionary inclusion and diversity enthused.[00:03:00]

[00:03:00] Firecracker and a force to be reckoned with Genesis is a woman who will do great things that empower others to speak up for themselves. Yes, it may be challenging and yes, it may hurt, but in the long run, she desires to encourage others to help those who may not have a voice. She is a trailblazer who wants others to live out their dreams, goals, and bills.

[00:03:21] If it takes writing her book chocolate drop in corporate America from the pit to the palace to accomplish those tasks, then so be it, we've all been given an excellent purpose in life and it's up to us to walk it out and live. Victoriously Genesis has been featured on four dozen plus podcasts magazines, and then decided to finally start her own podcast gyms with Genesis Ameris, Kemp.

[00:03:44] Welcome to the show, Jenna.

[00:03:46] Genesis Amaris Kemp: Thank you for having me

[00:03:47] Scott Maderer: Scott. So Genesis last week we talked some about developing ourselves and some about your journey. Let's turn our attention this week and talk about investing in others. [00:04:00] What are some of the best ways that you've found as you're working with people or for you yourself, out of your own experience of actually developing and investing in others?

[00:04:12] Genesis Amaris Kemp: Listen. Are you listening attentively to what they're saying? And are you listening so you can learn where they're coming from so they can feel like they're being heard and they feel like they matter to you because people can sense when you aren't really listening to that. And they all say, oh man, I'm just another box for her to check off.

[00:04:34] Or I'm just another form of payment or whatever the case may be on. Mother thing is asking questions. And whenever you are working with somebody, it's so important to ask questions, not questions that are surface level questions, but questions that allow us to go deeper beyond the surface, because it's no more time to think at the surface level, but we need to go scuba diving because whenever you go scuba diving [00:05:00] and you dig deep, you're uncovering the things that have been rooted in them so long that they buried it, that they no longer want to talk about because.

[00:05:09] It's tied to emotions that are causing. And if you don't uncover the things that are causing you pain that are causing you to feel a certain way, you're not going to be able to fully tap into your optimal mindset. And we all need to be in a mindset that is optimistic, a mindset that is conducive for us.

[00:05:31] Not. Survive or thrive, but to do both, I don't like to just do one or the other. So by the end, thrive me, compliment each other and she'll work together. Another thing is I have to understand what was your background? Like, how were you raised? Because that tells a lot about a person, because sometimes. We were raised in a certain environment and we never know how those environments articulate and carry over [00:06:00] with us, into our adulthood and light.

[00:06:02] And then you wonder why am I doing this? Why am I thinking this way? Are there any emotional baggage's? Are there any mental bondages? Are there any stipulations that you held on for so long that it became a part of who you are? Who you want it to be, but it was just a product of where you were brought out of.

[00:06:24] Does that make sense? That, and then another thing that I really like to focus on when I'm, whenever I'm working with somebody is understanding that every single person is different. And that's okay. So the way that I'd may talk to you, Scott May be different than how I talk to Sally or how I talk to Monique, because you're bringing something new to the forefront and I can't tell you, oh this worked for Monique.

[00:06:51] I don't know why it's not working for you because you're not the same exact person. Get you to wipe the slate clean and come to me, open-hearted [00:07:00] ready to receive. And also having you put in the work because it becomes a partnership. If you are not putting in the work, then you're not going to be able to see the results because.

[00:07:11] That stuff out all day long until I'm black and blue, but y'all, I am chocolate and melanated. So it will take me a while to get black and blue, but

[00:07:20] Scott Maderer: it can happen

[00:07:21] Genesis Amaris Kemp: if you are not picking up what I'm putting down, then what is the point of even working together,

[00:07:28] Scott Maderer: right? Yeah. That's the, one of the phrases that I've used with other coaches is you don't want to push.

[00:07:34] Yeah. It's easier to pull that it is to push. So w I'll work with you, but you gotta be doing something to you. We're not going to push a rope. So when we talked last week about how you had gotten into the corporate job really worked your way up, but still felt.

[00:07:55] That really wasn't where you needed to be. For various reasons and [00:08:00] yes, there was a layoff, but even before that, you were starting to feel that if you had a chance to talk to someone right now who heard that and is thinking themselves I'm stuck in this corporate job, I'm really not sure if this is where I belong.

[00:08:14] What would you tell them?

[00:08:15] Genesis Amaris Kemp: I would ask them, have there been any signs or have you had any guts feelings that cause you to feel as if where you are, is not where you're supposed to be? Because our body speaks to us and we have different situations that happen. Like maybe your performance ranking goes from an a, to a B without any explanation, maybe.

[00:08:42] Whenever you pull into the parking garage, like you get a headache or you feel like a pit in your stomach, or you start to roll your eyes and you don't even realize that you're doing those things, but you were fine before you pulled up into the parking lot or. I like to say, where I worked from was like a [00:09:00] compound before I pulled into the compound, I was fine until I got there.

[00:09:04] Then it was like something in my body changed. And it was because my body was telling me it's time to move and the universe, or some people say God or whatnot was already telling me your season here is up. But I got comfortable and complacent that sometimes when you get comfortable or complacent, Adore we'll shut because it's time for you to move a, you chose not to move when you were instructed to another thing is if you're working for that corporation and that things are starting to change, and those changes do not align with your morals, your values and your characteristics, and it's causing you to feel as if you are.

[00:09:48] Going to be able to do your job effectively and efficiently because a corporation wants you to do something else. And that does not align with your values. That is a [00:10:00] sign that it's time for you to reevaluate and look into doing something else. There are many organizations out there and where you are right now is not the only source of income.

[00:10:14] There are options. Another thing would be. For example, some people were working for, or for organizations whenever the pandemic first hit and they were forced to take a salary cut because the organization was not doing good. So we all know that we have certain. Things to take care of our family bills mortgages, whatever the case may be, that you're financially obligated to.

[00:10:42] If you took that pay cut and you knew that you were not happy, you were not meant to stay there. You could have either create your own table, pulled up your own seat. You could have chose to go to another employer who values you for what you bring to the table. They [00:11:00] see that. You're able to be an asset, not a liability.

[00:11:04] And they're able to think about how you can stay with the corporation for longevity. There's so many other things and I'll use me. For example, when I went to work in the chemical plant. I knew that it was the height of racism. The chemical plant was just like the good old boys club. I felt like I was coming out of a movie that was right in the time of segregation.

[00:11:33] I felt like I was just stuck. Like to somebody's shoe, like a piece of gum. Because when I first walked in there, people were looking at me like, like they never saw a chocolate drop before, or they never saw a woman. Dressed to the nines or what not. And I never worked in the chemical plant, so I didn't know that you could go in [00:12:00] there with jeans and a t-shirt or just put on your FRCs.

[00:12:04] And for those of you that's flame retardant clothing. And I was like, okay, I had all my night's trouser, my cute blazer, my heels, my head. That, all of that. And when I was 16, I was like, oh my gosh, I'm overdressed. But no one told me that.

[00:12:20] Scott Maderer: Yeah, of course they never do.

[00:12:23] Genesis Amaris Kemp: Or whenever you have a meeting and the meeting gets changed or canceled, no one told me the meeting time change or it was canceled.

[00:12:32] So I was like, there was a little subtle clues that you're not welcome here. Why don't you just go back to where you came in? That's another thing that will cause you to feel as if. They want you to necessarily not be seen or not be heard or that your place is not there. So I gave a few examples. So if any of those examples resonated with you, take that into [00:13:00] consideration.

[00:13:00] And how people address you matters too, because if somebody doesn't even take it into consideration, how to accurately say and pronounce your name, that is so disrespectful to me because I take my time to learn people's names, whether they were a direct report or whether they were in direct report, I can't help what your mother and father named you, but what I can do.

[00:13:27] Properly asks you how to pronounce your name. Even if I get it wrong once or twice, I always tell people, please let me know the accurate pronunciation of your name because your name is a part of your branch. Your name is what makes you a, you mentioned your name. Is so vital. And if I just say, oh, Scott, your last name looks hard to pronounce.

[00:13:49] I'll just call you Scott M. That is so disrespectful. Could you're not even taking the time to say Mader or ask Scott, Hey Scott, what is your last name? Can you help me [00:14:00] say it again or whatnot? You're like Scott M. And that shows that person. They're not a priority.

[00:14:05] Scott Maderer: Yeah. And just for reference, I was a school teacher, so it's hymns fine.

[00:14:08] I was called much worse. So why why have you found this passion? And I think you've actually just alluded to some of it, but I want you to spell it out for us. Why do you have this passionate about diversity, equity and income?

[00:14:25] Genesis Amaris Kemp: One, I am first-generation American. My dad was from Curacao, so right off the tip of Venezuela.

[00:14:32] So I'm Afro Latina and my mom is Caribbean. She is from the west Indies. So Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. So see you, my parents. Yeah. Thank you. Seeing my parents come to America, have to work twice as hard to provide a better way of life for their family. Not that there weren't resources where they came from.

[00:14:55] Their parents came over here. My grandpa came over here. He was in oil and gas [00:15:00] and he wanted to show his kids a different way. And just being a part of a family that is multicultural and diverse. Like for example, my sister's kids are half white. My brother's kids are half Indian. My other, my older brother, his daughter is truly African-American.

[00:15:19] Her mother is from Africa. And to have my family seem like they UN nations air quotes and to have my nieces and nephews share stories about when they're being teased or bullying. That affects me because I was bullied in high school and I went through a depression early on. But had I not fallen in love with someone important and who is that person?

[00:15:44] That person was me. I had to love me for who I was and see myself as a masterpiece and see myself the way that God created me to be and not what the world wanted me to be or what society said. Then that led to me, really being [00:16:00] more vocal about my stance about diversity, equity and inclusion, because you can't help who your parents are.

[00:16:06] You can't help where you were born into, but you sure can change the way that people perceive you by walking and talking different and not acting like a robot or being a carbon copy. Do you see that a lot today? Because we live in a microwave society where people just want to put things in hit 30 seconds and think it's done when it's not done, or they just want to slap a bandaid on a situation.

[00:16:33] And. And that's not the case. So those are some of my personal reasons why I'm very passionate about diversity, equity and inclusion. Plus let's not forget about equality because it takes all of us coming together to really move the trajectory. And then what I went through professionally, that's another thing I was underpaid for so long.

[00:16:55] Up until 2020, whenever I spoke out in the supply [00:17:00] chain vice-president meeting, and one week later I got a $20,000 salary increase and my cl level bumped up from a 15 to 22. So I was paid. Three and a half to four years substantially lower than my colleagues, but yet I was running meetings for C-suite executives.

[00:17:21] I was traveling to Ultimo Springs, which is a city outside of Orlando representing the company. I had Emeril Al status. I had a corporate. The next card. I had all the things from the outside looking in, but I wasn't happy. And they did not put any respect on my check if that makes sense.

[00:17:44] Scott Maderer: Yeah. And I I've worked, like I said, I've worked in upper management and corporate and I have seen situations where.

[00:17:51] There's two different people doing the exact same job, but one of them has paid significantly less than the other. It's one of the reasons that companies don't like employees talking about their [00:18:00] salary cause then you'll find out somebody else's making and be like, wait, what, how are they making that?

[00:18:06] I do the same job that they do. Why am I getting half of what they make? Yeah. Cause I like our company had a policy that you weren't supposed to talk about your salary and I'm like, That's interesting. But of course I was in a position where I saw everybody's that was below me. So I kinda knew what the patterns were.

[00:18:22] So it's so

[00:18:23] Genesis Amaris Kemp: funny. Yeah. I want to chime in there really quick because I did not necessarily know what the salaries were, but there was one time. I was in charge to lead a global trade regulations, compliance meeting. And my supervisor's boss at the time put on the screen a pictogram of what the starting cl levels were in the group.

[00:18:45] And at the time I was a 15 and he said, our group started at ACL 22 and above. And I'm like, yeah, So I'm in the meeting sitting back

[00:18:55] Scott Maderer: and I'm thinking that's wrong.

[00:18:58] Genesis Amaris Kemp: And I'm like, where's my CLL. [00:19:00] So that was the mic drop right there. And that's whenever

[00:19:04] Scott Maderer: I started. I brought the question in your mind of wait a minute.

[00:19:08] That means probably everybody else in the room was the 22 and that's why they put it.

[00:19:13] Genesis Amaris Kemp: And I had a four year, four year degree, all my previous oil and gas experience. So it was like a slap in the face. And that was another part of how the book was birthed to

[00:19:24] Scott Maderer: well, and again it's not that everyone should necessarily be paid exactly the same.

[00:19:31] There, there are reasons why people can legitimately be paid different amounts in the same position, but there's a big difference between you said it was an increase of 20,000. Yeah. That's where we're not talking little difference. We're talking that's a lot. There better be a really good reason if it's that different is what I'm saying.

[00:19:52] And it certainly doesn't sound like there was let's close out with this. One of the questions that I like to ask [00:20:00] different people, because it's something that comes up a lot. When you're talking to someone and you're sharing with them one of the things you need to do is work with others, help others develop others, these sorts of things.

[00:20:12] Most of the pushback that I get. But I'm not ready. I'm not in a position. I don't know enough. I'm not good enough, whatever, to be able to mentor or help or pour into others. What advice would you have for somebody that is maybe feeling they need to start reaching out and helping others, but feels unprepared.

[00:20:33] Feels like they're not they don't know enough. They're not good enough, whatever it is.

[00:20:36] Genesis Amaris Kemp: What is your lane of expertise? What do your family members or friends always come to you for? And that will elude to you knowing a sense of what your purpose is and calling is because you're already helping people in those areas.

[00:20:53] So you're already confident enough to pour out in that specific area. Number two, [00:21:00] why do you feel as if you aren't good enough? Is that your mindset? Because your mind can definitely be a battlefield. And there is a book by Joyce Meyer called the battlefield of the mind because we battled good thoughts versus bad thoughts, evil versus good lack versus abundance, fear versus faith and all of those things.

[00:21:27] Those are just some examples. So ask yourself, where are these thoughts stemming from? Why am I allowing these thoughts to take root? And if I don't say anything or help, how am I hurting this person? If I know that I have the tools and resources to help them unlock some of their destiny, another thing is.

[00:21:50] See yourself, the way that you want to be perceived, not the way that the world sees you. And if you need to go and stand in front of the [00:22:00] mirror and recite all the incredible things about yourself and call it, mirror work, do it and put a power post together while you're saying yes. And what does that look like?

[00:22:10] Here's an example. I am Genesis a Maurice Kent. I am strong. I am healthy. I am whole, I am well, I'm a subject matter expert. When it comes to mindset hacks, I am an overcomer. I did climb that corporate ladder. I went through trials and tribulations, but now those tests became my testimony. I am gifted in the area that I am in and I am able to help people unlock their destiny assignment and walk out their full and highest.

[00:22:41] Potential as well as purpose. And then you put dot, so resign all the things that you are and that's going on in your wheelhouse. And the more you recite it, you're going to start to believe it. And you're going to have the confidence to walk into it because sometimes people can [00:23:00] see when you are timid and when you are not secured in the area.

[00:23:04] And that's external, but internal, you already know what to do. So you have to do the work in order to pull up and pop. And my pop means prepared on purpose. We always go through preparation. That preparation always leads to our purpose. It may not always be fun and pretty, but in the end it's well worth it.

[00:23:28] Scott Maderer: And just for reference as. We were doing the mirror work and Genesis was saying that she actually put her hands on her hips. And for the listeners, you probably heard the voice change because it does cause you opened yourself up, you've lifted your diaphragm, so your voice changed. And that's when she talks about a power pose, she was actually putting her hands on her hip and it was the Superman pose.

[00:23:53] The here I am to save the day. But believe it or not psychologically neurochemically and this, that actually [00:24:00] changes the neurobiology in our brain too. It's important to realize that

[00:24:04] Genesis Amaris Kemp: yeah.

[00:24:06] Scott Maderer: You can follow Genesis on Facebook or Instagram is as Genesis Mrs. Kim. She's also over on YouTube as her podcast with Jim's with Genesis Mrs. Kim, or you can find her at her website, which is at beacon. AI Genesis, Mrs. Kemp chorus I'll have links to all of that over the show notes. So it's easy to find Genesis.

[00:24:29] Is there anything else that you'd like to share with the listener?

[00:24:32] Genesis Amaris Kemp: Yes. I want to leave them with a powerful and profound quote from my book chocolate drop a corporate America from the pit to the palace. And here is. Stop waiting for someone to co-sign your dreams. Start running with passion in time, the right people who genuinely care and want to support you will fall [00:25:00] into place.

[00:25:01] That's one quote and then the other one that's right underneath it says let's continue to encourage one another, to be the best version of ourselves that we possibly can take a break from all the hustle and bustle. Get in tune with your inner self meditate and release stress by working out, listening to music or unplugging from the everyday madness in this.

[00:25:28] Scott Maderer: Thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship podcast, as a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listen, but act on what you've heard and find a way to live your calling. If you enjoy this episode. Please do us a favor. Go over to inspired rate.

[00:25:56] All one word iTunes rate. [00:26:00] It'll take you through how to leave a rating and review and how to make sure you're subscribed to the podcast so that you can get every episode as it comes out in your feed until next time investor. Your talent and your treasures develop your influence and impact the world.

In today's episode, I ask Genesis about:

  • Her top tips for someone who feels stuck in their corporate job...
  • What advice she has for those who want to mentor or help others...
  • Why she is so passionate about diversity...
  • and more.....

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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Understanding that every single person is different and that’s ok.  – Genesis Amaris Kemp

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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