January 24

Episode 1051: Impact the World – Interview with NLP specialist and coach Gemma Bailey – Part 4

Impact the World, Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Interview


Join us today for Part 4 of the Interview with NLP specialist and coach Gemma Bailey...

This is Part 4  of the interview I had with Coach, NLP specialist, and business owner Gemma Bailey.  

In today’s interview with Gemma Baily, she shares more about the work she does with alternative therapies.  Gemma also shares the top principles that she feels help you make an impact.  Gemma and I also talk about her legacy and what’s coming next.

Join in on the Chat below.

Episode 1051: Impact the World - Interview with NLP specialist and coach Gemma Bailey – Part 4

[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: Thanks for joining us on episode 1050, one of the inspired stewardship podcast.

[00:00:07] Gemma Bailey: I'm Gemma Bailey. I challenge you to invest in yourself, invest in others, develop your influence and impact the world. You can do this by using your time, your talent and your treasures to live out your calling, having the ability to succeed.

[00:00:22] No matter what circumstances you find yourself in is key on one way to be inspired to do that is to listen to this. The inspired stewardship podcast with my friend, Scott Mader.

[00:00:36] we do make a conscious effort to make the sessions as foreign as possible, so that they're going to want to come back for the next session. Anyway, I and the mum sent me this email back that said she had gone back into school and was teaching the techniques to her cloth. And she had taught the techniques to her teacher, her class teacher.

[00:00:59] Scott Maderer: [00:01:00] Welcome. And thank you for joining us on the inspired stewardship podcast. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to. Then you must learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true calling and the inspired stewardship podcast to learn, to invest in yourself, invest in others and develop your influence so that you can impact the world.

[00:01:26] And today's interview with Jim, a Bailey. She shares more about the work she does with alternative therapies. Gemma also shares the top principles that she feels help you make an impact. And Gemma and I also talk about her legacy and what's coming next for her on this journey. One reason I like to bring you great interviews.

[00:01:46] Like the one you're going to hear today is because of the power in learning from. Another great way to learn from others is through reading books. But if you're like most people today, you find it hard to find the [00:02:00] time to sit down and read. And that's why today's podcast is brought to you by audible. Go to inspired stewardship.com/audible to sign up and you can get a 30 day free trial.

[00:02:13] There's over 180,000 titles to choose from. And instead of reading, you can listen your way to learn from some of the greatest minds out there. That's inspired stewardship.com/audible to get your free trial and listen to great books the same way you're listening to this podcast. Gemma Bailey is the director of people building a personal and professional development company, specializing in NLP, training, hypnosis and coaching.

[00:02:43] She is the creator and franchisor for NLP, for kids, a company that teaches practitioners how to help children, families, and schools with mild to moderate mental health issues. She owns a highest. Therapy company called the hypnotherapy in NLP [00:03:00] clinic is an international speaker, an Arthur, a YouTuber, and a director for a nonprofit organization called superheroes.

[00:03:10] Welcome to the show,

[00:03:11] Gemma Bailey: Gemma, thank you so much for having me.

[00:03:14] Scott Maderer: So Jim, over the last several weeks, we've been talking a lot about some of the work you do in, in, in LP and NLP with kids. So how is the work that you are doing in alternative therapies and working within LP? How do you see that impacting the world?

[00:03:33] Gemma Bailey: I think. It's really easy to take the work that myself or the franchisees in NLP for kids do on a kind of case by case basis.

[00:03:46] And to say here is one child, I helped them with their phobia and now they can walk through the park and not be scared of dogs or whatever it might be. And to, in a way it's easy to [00:04:00] minimize it and go, yep. That was a good job. Well done. Actually what I think we need to get better. Is thinking about the long-term ramifications of that work that we do, because when you make a change or you help someone else to make a change like that's now someone who has a calmer experience when they're with their family.

[00:04:25] So now we've got parents, we've got siblings, we've got aunts, uncles, grandparents, we're maybe going to end up having a more positive interaction with that child or that young person. We've now got a young person who's going to grow up and possibly have children of their own and not pass on a fear of phobia and anxiety, a low confidence problem.

[00:04:47] When you start thinking about the ripple effect of these things and what that does and sometimes we're lucky that we get reminded. So I actually had [00:05:00] a client who I saw back in the summer who had all sorts of different anxieties going on and. In the work that I did with her we actually worked together for quite a few weeks and I gave a lots of different strategies.

[00:05:16] And particularly when we went work with children and young people, we do make a conscious effort to make the sessions as fun as possible. Say that they're going to want to come back for the next session. Anyway, I. Chased up with a mom a few months after the work had wrapped up just to see how she was getting on.

[00:05:34] And the mum sent me this email back that said she had gone back into school and was teaching the techniques to her classmates. And she had taught the techniques to her teacher, her class teacher. And I think we can't underestimate the ripple effect. That the work can have. It's very easy to just look at each client in isolation and to not [00:06:00] consider the fact that there are other people around them who are positively affected by the changes that.

[00:06:08] That one person and the generations that will come from that one person later on down the line as that child grows and develops, maybe has children of their own that are not going to go on and develop those same sorts of fears and anxieties and phobias that they once had. I also have older adult clients that I coach as well through people building.

[00:06:31] And so there, I'm mainly working with people who are entrepreneurs, who. Frazzled and become burned out which is an experience that I myself know about. So I feel very well qualified to teach in that area. And in that area of work these are people that are already out there moving and shaking and making a difference in the world.

[00:06:55] But have maybe reached a point where they're thinking that they need [00:07:00] to call it a day or they've reached a point where they're thinking that they can't grow anymore. And so the impact of getting people past those hurdles is in a way it could be seen as. Significant because they're going to go back and work with their teams in a different way.

[00:07:17] Now they might put new things in front of their customers that they'd never thought about before. And they're going to show up as very different people in their businesses, in their personal life. So I think it's really easy to say I'm just focusing on this one person. I'm working with this one person that's here in front of me, but there's always going to be like dropping the pebble in the pond.

[00:07:41] These kinds of outer rings that end up being positively affected to.

[00:07:45] Scott Maderer: So if someone's hearing that and thinking about the work that they do, what are some tips that you would give folks? No matter what they do, if they want to make an impact on the world, what are some ideas, some principles. [00:08:00] Resources that you can give

[00:08:02] Gemma Bailey: us for them.

[00:08:03] So in NLP, we have a really simple model and it's in a way it's not a standalone model. It's something that we usually incorporate into other aspects of the work that we do. But we talk about ecology. And so if you can imagine three circles. Each is inside of the other, in the inner circle. It says you on the next circle, it says others.

[00:08:27] And on the circle beyond that, it says the greater good. And so very often when we are coaching. We'll talk to them about the impact of what they are doing, or maybe something new that they're deciding. Ecology comes up a lot when we talk about goal setting and things that people want to do, and we're helping them to study the consequences of those actions on what that will do, not just for them, but for the world beyond.

[00:08:54] And the important thing is that if something is ecologically, We could [00:09:00] almost give it three techs. It's going to be good for you. It's going to be good for others. And it works for the greater good. If we don't get three techs, maybe we get a couple of crosses or one cross in there, somewhere along the lines.

[00:09:13] It doesn't mean that you can't still do that thing or that you're not already doing it successfully. But it might have a limited shelf life. There might come a point where actually that thing will expire and it won't continue to work in the same way anymore. So if someone is thinking about maybe taking some massive action in their life right now, they would start by asking themselves, would this be good for me?

[00:09:40] And if the answer is, yes, we've got the first tick. If they then say, would this thing be good for others? They get another tick, then that's also a great step. And then if they ask themselves, does this benefit the greater good in some way, then we get another tick there too. And that's when we've got something that is [00:10:00] really well formed because it marries up nicely where they call it.

[00:10:05] So I would always encourage people to run that process through their heads. And just think about all of the different areas of your own life. If you were to split your life up into say eight different sections, maybe you've got your career. Maybe you've got your family.

[00:10:23] Maybe you've got friends, maybe you've got finances, health, and fitness, anything that you're doing or anything that you do with anyone else. Think about the impact of those actions on specific areas of life. Sometimes when we decide to take some action, do something new, set up a goal, we might notice that's going to have really positive ramifications for all areas of our life.

[00:10:52] But sometimes it might not if you want to set up a new business that might take some time away from being around [00:11:00] family and friends, so those areas might suffer. So then you have to consider. All right let's not just think about the impact. Let's also think about. Because maybe having a short term negative impact on those other areas of my life might lead to a really positive impact further on down the line.

[00:11:22] If I stop that new business idea that I had bubbling away in the back of my mind, it might mean. My social life suffers, but then once I become financially more stable, I'll be able to pay for my friends to come on holiday with me. And that will be amazing. Wouldn't it be great to get to that kind of a level?

[00:11:42] And then you see that actually sometimes what we're doing is making compromises. So it doesn't mean that you completely go without, but it might mean that you go without, for a period of time. And sometimes when we change. It does affect other people in a negative [00:12:00] way. And so you have to consider those consequences to if you're in a romantic relationship and they've got used to you being a certain way, and then you go, actually I'm going to lose 20 pounds and I'm going to dye my hair red and I'm going to become this brand new person.

[00:12:16] And that's a good thing because you're evolving. You need the other person to evolve with. In order for that relationship to sustain in the same way you have to grow together. So think about the consequences that these sorts of actions might have. And if you're okay with that before you jump in and start taking them.

[00:12:39] Scott Maderer: So Jeremy. I could invent a machine that could grab you from where you are today and transport you into the far future, maybe a hundred to 150 years. And you were able to look back on your whole life. What impact do you hope you've left behind in the

[00:12:55] Gemma Bailey: world? Ooh, I would like to [00:13:00] think that there would still be.

[00:13:02] A cluster of people that are using the principles of NLP for kids, and that we are still. Influencing mental health in places like education, which is something that I'm really passionate about. And making sure that we don't just focus on academic intelligence, but we're focused on emotional intelligence as well.

[00:13:29] So I'd like to see that I would have not just made headway in that area, but that, that impact has been long lasting and continue. I would like for resources that I've created to still be helping people. And I think that's possible An email from someone a couple of days ago. And they'd found an email from me that I'd sent [00:14:00] five years ago and it had an offer of some CDs on there.

[00:14:05] And he sent me the email and said, these CDs look great, but I think I might be five years too late. And I think that there is stuff that. I would hope doesn't just go down the internet plug hole and disappear it's still there and is a valuable resource for people moving forward.

[00:14:25] If they require some assistance with their mental health or their wellbeing, there's maybe a YouTube channel that still exists or some podcasts that are out there or some hypnosis downloads, you are a couple of books or something like that, that people will still refer to and still find those help.

[00:14:45] Scott Maderer: So what's coming next for you, as you continue on this journey to living after call and making an impact on the world, what's in the road.

[00:14:54] Gemma Bailey: So there's, I guess there's always at least three roadmaps running. So with [00:15:00] an LP for kids, the focus there is to continue to grow, but more importantly, nurture the franchise team that we have there.

[00:15:09] Getting them even more comfortable with delivery outside of their immediate community and into the wider world. I think we can definitely be capitalizing on that more in the future. We've got a program which is coming up for children and young people who experience anxiety and depression, and that one's going to be completely online.

[00:15:35] It's going to be a video series. And that has been funded by my nonprofit company superheroes. So CB heroes is great because we're able to access different funding streams from a variety of different charities. And then when we have children or families, Or even adults who can't afford to access our paid for services, [00:16:00] we're able to still provide them with the services and make sure that the practitioners get paid.

[00:16:05] And so superhero says funded this online program for overcoming anxiety and depression for children and young people. And I'm also going to be working with a university to. The success that brings about for them in changing and improving their anxiety and depression levels. So I'm hoping that there will be almost some evidence that we can bring to the psychological services to say, actually, NLP for kids really does make a difference.

[00:16:38] And this is something that perhaps some of our mental health services should be looking to refer to. With people building, there's some really big stuff happening there. I've run the people building podcast for several years now. I paused it for a while. I came back to it a couple of years later.

[00:16:59] And [00:17:00] there is a YouTube channel that kind of runs alongside that as well. The podcast is a big focus for me now. And I think it's just such a, just as you do it's a lovely way to get really. Quality content out there for people to listen to and to feel like you are giving back and to yeah, just educate people and help them get to the next level.

[00:17:26] Like I rely on podcasts so much for my own personal development. So I love the fact that I'm able to come on shows like this and produce my own show that offers those same sorts of resources for people. And as I mentioned, I have the coaching program. For people building, which is specifically for entrepreneurs who are looking to overcome or avoid burnout.

[00:17:50] And that's a coaching program, which takes place online. And I'm looking to grow that because I think that burnout is a kind of an [00:18:00] understated, mental health issue that I would like to get some focus on too. So yeah, those are like my three big ongoing projects at the moment.

[00:18:08] Scott Maderer: You can follow Gemma on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook as at people building. And she's active over on YouTube as well. If you start for people building, she has a website@peoplebuilding.co.uk. Of course she's also active on LinkedIn is Gemma Bailey. I'll have links to all of this over in the show notes as well for everybody.

[00:18:32] Jim, is there anything else that you'd like to share with the listener?

[00:18:35] Gemma Bailey: I would absolutely encourage people to get onto the people building podcast, which you can find via all of the major podcasting outlets. We have a series of hypnosis audios as well which if you're into self-hypnosis with.

[00:18:51] Massive suite of different subject areas that you can explore. Those were available via iTunes. They're also available on the people building [00:19:00] website and all of our training these days is done remotely. So it's partially via videos that you initially work through. And complete assessments around and then the rest of it is live, but online.

[00:19:15] So both for the work that I do with NLP, for kids and with people building that is now accessible the world over. And so if anyone's interested in the kind of work that I do and is interested in gaining a qualification for themselves, definitely hop on over to either NLP for kids.org or people building, which is people building.co.uk.

[00:19:35] Scott Maderer: Thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship podcast, as a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listen, but act on what you've heard and find a way to live your calling. If you enjoy this episode. Please do us a favor. Go over to inspired [00:20:00] stewardship.com/itunes rate.

[00:20:03] All one word iTunes rate. It'll take you through how to leave a rating and review and how to make sure you're subscribed to the podcast so that you can get every episode as it comes out in your. Until next time, invest your time, your talent and your treasures. Develop your influence and impact the world.

In today's episode, I ask Gemma about:

  • The work she does with alternative therapies...
  • The top principles that she feels help you make an impact...
  • Her legacy and what’s coming next...
  • and more.....

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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The mom sent me an email back and said that she had gone back into school and was teaching the techniques to her classmates and her teacher.- Gemma Bailey

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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