December 13

Episode 1021: Invest in Others – Interview with author and coach Rob Riopel – Part 2

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Interview, Invest In Others


Join us today for Part 2 of the Interview with author and coach Rob Riopel, author of Success Left A Clue...

This is Part 2 of the interview I had with speaker, coach, and author Rob Riopel.  

In today’s interview with Rob Riopel, I ask Rob about why sometimes it seems like those with less knowledge and experience actually succeed more. I also ask him to talk about overcoming overwhelm.  Rob also shares his new book about unlocking the keys to success and the six key steps to achieving success.

Join in on the Chat below.

Episode 1021: Invest in Others - Interview with author and coach Rob Riopel – Part 2

[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: Thanks for joining us on episode 1021 of the inspired stewardship podcast.

[00:00:07] Rob Riopel: I'm Robert Raymond, real Pell, and I challenge you to invest in yourself, invest in others and develop your influence and impact the world by using your time, your talent and your treasures to live out your. Having the ability to do improve consistently over time is key.

[00:00:26] And one of the ways to be inspired to do that is to listen to this, the inspired stewardship podcast with my friend, Scott.

[00:00:34] and a lot of people go Robert, I'm already busy. I'm already burnt out. And they think that again, being busy is the way they give value, but it's about learning to be able to work smarter instead of that harder. And most people are already hard workers. So I want them to understand that if you just redirect the energy in little ways, it doesn't even have to be huge changes.

[00:00:55] You can actually be more. Which will allow you to have a greater life because you're helping other [00:01:00] people have greater life.

[00:01:01] Scott Maderer: Welcome. And thank you for joining us on the inspired stewardship podcasts. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to be, then you must learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true calling in the inspired stewardship podcast.

[00:01:18] We'll learn to invest in yourself, invest in others and develop your infant. So that you can impact the world.

[00:01:27] And today's interview with Rob real Pell. I asked Rob about why sometimes it seems like those with less knowledge and experience actually succeed more than us. I also asked him to talk about overcoming overwhelm and Rob also shares some information about his new book, about unlocking the keys to success and shares the six key steps to achieving success.

[00:01:51] One reason I like to bring you great interviews, like the one you're going to hear today. It's because of the power in learning from others. [00:02:00] Another great way to learn from others is through reading books. But if you're like most people today, you find it hard to find the time to sit down and read. And that's why today's podcast is brought to you by audible.

[00:02:13] Go to inspired to sign up and you can get a 30 day free trial. There's over 180,000 titles to choose from. And instead of reading, you can listen your way to learn from some of the greatest minds out there. That's inspired to get your free trial and listen to great books the same way you're listening to this podcast.

[00:02:40] Robert Raymond real Pell is an international best-selling author app designer, entrepreneur and trainer, who has spent the past 18 plus years traveling around the world, sharing his passion. He has also shared the stage with and trained many of the top trainers and thought leaders in the world. [00:03:00] Robert draws on his journey from humble beginnings to financial freedom at the age of 32 to inspire individuals into tapping into their greatness, realizing that he is not the only person that struggles Robert's clues, open individuals up to the possibilities that lie within them.

[00:03:17] Welcome to the show,

[00:03:18] Rob Riopel: Rob. Hey, thanks God. Glad to be here.

[00:03:20] Scott Maderer: Why is it that we see these situations time and again, where somebody who seems to have less knowledge, less experience, less skill, less, whatever. And yet they're more successful or they have more money or they appear at least externally to, to have that success that may be somebody else who has more experience doesn't get.

[00:03:44] What creates that dichotomy?

[00:03:46] Rob Riopel: It's the simple thing of who's being seen as an authority versus who's not, and authority doesn't mean you have more knowledge or experience. It just means that's how you're perceived. And especially with social media [00:04:00] today. So there's specific things that people can do to be seen as an authority and actually allow themselves.

[00:04:06] Cause I'm a big believer instead of chasing. I like it when my clients are looking for me. And that's an example of the difference between being the authority and not being an authority. So that's the big difference right there. So

[00:04:20] Scott Maderer: what are some of those things that people can do to build that perception of it?

[00:04:25] Rob Riopel: Look there's a ton of things, but here's what I want people to understand. Cause I'm writing a new book called the authority key right now, and I'm going to have the practical things that you can do. Things like, okay. Host a podcast like you as an example, Scott, because you have a podcast that elevates the your authority in this arena and in your skills as a coach because people go, oh, if he's got a podcast, he must be an authority writing.

[00:04:51] That elevates as that. So there's all these practical things that you can do. But what I really focus on what most people don't realize is there's one thing [00:05:00] to create the success. It's a totally different thing to hold on to it, maintain it. And so I do the book does a deeper dive in who are you as the person that not only can get to the authority position, but how do you now maintain it without imploding?

[00:05:16] You know that again, that currency of fame, without all of a sudden it destroying your. And yeah, there's a lot of practical things. Writing a book, hosting a podcast, being a guest on podcasts, having social proof. Who stages have you been on? Are you a speaker? That's another big one. And so I work with people on that, but again, who are you as a person that can handle it?

[00:05:36] Scott Maderer: So last week, we talked a little bit about chaos and how it's natural to our life. And you also talked about the different between being busy and being productive. So when people are doing the things that they need to do, why do people get overwhelmed and what can they actually do to overcome that sense of.

[00:05:59] Rob Riopel: [00:06:00] Yeah. And here's what I've noticed is that here we are, as a person and picture, I want people who are just listening to visualize, I've got my hand up in the air and it's this is. And then also we have this big dream, this big goal, what we want to achieve. And my other hand is a higher in the air.

[00:06:17] And what happens is we are here, we're here where we are now, but our mind goes a thousand steps ahead of ourselves trying to figure out what's it gonna look like? What do I need to do? How long should it take? What is it? What's my direction. What's and we try to figure out everything. No one. We get overwhelmed.

[00:06:37] We have a million, what if scenarios running through our mind? And so we're a thousand steps ahead of us. And I love the saying that says the quote that says one step in the right direction is worth a thousand years of thinking about it. And so to overcome overwhelm what I suggest people do and Scott you, and I'll do it [00:07:00] right now.

[00:07:00] Go ahead and take a nice deep breath in.

[00:07:01] Take a deep breath in and just come back to being present. And I loved this is why meditation is important because you can only breathe in the present. And so when you're feeling yourself overwhelmed, just give yourself some quiet space, take a couple deep breaths, come back to being present and ask yourself a simple question.

[00:07:20] What is one step I can take right now to move in the direction? I want to go and keep it simple. Simple is the key not I got to do that note. What's one step I can do right now. So let's say as an example, to become an authority, someone says, I want to write about. Great. What's one thing I can do right now to move in that direction.

[00:07:43] While I've never written a book. And Scott, I will let you know, and your listeners know, I talk to myself a lot and that's totally okay. It's getting a little you might want to get a little concerned if you start arguing with yourself and then you actually go to social media and put a post on social media where you want people to [00:08:00] answer the question, to settle an argument between your two selves.

[00:08:03] Just saying that's when you know, maybe you talk a little. But going back to it and yes, I do have a warped sense of humor just in case your audience is going. What the heck is that all about? So when you come back and say, what's one step, if I want to write a book, okay. I've never written a book before.

[00:08:19] What, how, where do I start? Okay. Why don't I Google? How to write a book? That's one step, something that's doable in that moment. And you Google it. The moment you go. Then you have to acknowledge yourself, celebrate like nicely done. Great job. You took one step, take a deep breath and then ask yourself what's my next step.

[00:08:41] And if you come back to doing that one step at a time, you'll find that, Hey, you're not as overwhelmed B. You actually get more productive, which means you get to your dreams quicker.

[00:08:51] Scott Maderer: So you talked earlier about the new book that you're working on. And I know from the way [00:09:00] you were talking about it, that it sounds like it's a lot about some of the relationships we have with ourselves, as well as with others as part of the. That that core of the book. Can you share a little bit more about what's coming?

[00:09:14] What are you working on? What is what's the core premise, so people know to keep an eye out for it when it comes out?

[00:09:21] Rob Riopel: Yeah. With the book, because it is about being the authority, I'm a huge believer in the universal principle that you will be paid in direct proportion to the value you bring.

[00:09:32] And so I'm all about how can I help people give more value? And a lot of people go Robert, I'm already busy. I'm already burnt out. And they think that again, being busy is the way they give value, but it's about learning to be able to work smarter instead of that harder. And most people are already hard work.

[00:09:49] So I want them to understand that if you just redirect the energy in little ways, it doesn't even have to be huge changes. You can actually be more effective, which will allow you to have a greater life because you're helping [00:10:00] other people have greater lives. And it doesn't have to be on a big scale.

[00:10:03] Like what I've been blessed to do. It could just be, what if I could help one person overcome something that's held them back in life. That's as easy as it can be. And a lot of the times that one person you start. Is the person sitting in your seat right now, you start with you so that you, again, you cannot give what you don't have.

[00:10:23] As we were saying last week, you have to be able to model, show live what you want to help other people do. And if you do that, that, so the book, that's a big premise on it. And as you step up into the authority or position, you'll be actually amazed at how many people will be attracted to your center.

[00:10:44] How, if you're in business, how many people will want to do business with you, people, and I'm always blown away. This is the main reason I'm writing this Scott, because one of the greatest beliefs, I I believe that the greatest gift people can give this planet is to be themselves, [00:11:00] whatever that looks like, because when you're yourself, one of two things is happening.

[00:11:05] Either people are gonna like you for who you are, or they're not. And if they like you for you, who you are, that's awesome. If they don't like you for who you are. That's awesome. Because how much time and coming from personal experience, do we spend energy-wise, time-wise trying to please people and get them to like us to be different.

[00:11:26] So people like us. And now if you don't, you're not worrying about that. This is where it comes into being an authority. If it's like world, here's who I am and I'm not, I can't be anybody else. And if that resonates with you. Great. I'd love to do business with you. If it doesn't then I'm sorry. We don't need to do business and people get into the lack mentality of, oh my goodness.

[00:11:48] But Robert, I need customers. I can't turn people away until you do. You won't get the true customers that really appreciate your work. And those are the people that will then [00:12:00] become your raving fans. And I'm talking in any kind of business, any kind of job, even my niece has example was messaging me the other day and she, cause we're coming up for a camping trip in a couple of weeks with family.

[00:12:12] And she's I'm really upset. My boss gave me a week off and now he's saying, oh, I've decided I still need you to work the weekend. She goes, but we're out of town and she doesn't. She's 31, but she's never wanted, needed to drive. And she goes, they treat me like dirt. I'm thinking of quitting and I simply send her a message back.

[00:12:31] And I said, remember what I taught you at one of the trainings you teach others how to treat you so own your amazingness, not an ego, not an arrogance, but just be you because if you don't stand up for you, no one else will. And that little reminder. I have a feeling, I know what will happen. So she's worked for six years with this company and they don't respect her because she hasn't been respecting herself.

[00:12:56] And that little reminder, I hope helps her remember too. She's amazing. [00:13:00] And these are the tough decisions. Sometimes people have to own, if someone's giving you a hard time, it's because you've given them permission to treat you like that. And so being an authority is owning your greatness with confidence, not arrogance.

[00:13:15] Scott Maderer: So one of the other ideas that I've heard you talk about is the six steps to success idea and that everyone needs to go through these six steps to really succeed in their life. Can you break down what those six steps are a little bit for the.

[00:13:34] Rob Riopel: Yeah, absolutely. I'm going to break it down.

[00:13:37] That's my best rapper impersonation. Oh, good. I got a smile from you. God, I'm. I'm a happy man already. It comes right from my book.

[00:13:45] Scott Maderer: Success for the listeners that aren't seeing you, Robert does not look like a rapper, so

[00:13:50] Rob Riopel: no not at all. In my book, success left include, these are the six life-changing habits to achieving the life of your dreams.

[00:13:57] Step number. Dream, but not [00:14:00] just dream big as children, anything and everything was possible. I know I could be a truck driver one day, an astronaut next day, a doctor, a lawyer, whatever it is what's possible. But as we grow up, society teaches us to be realistic. You don't have the right education.

[00:14:16] You weren't born in the right family, whatever it is. And so we start to limit our dreams. So it's about giving yourself permission. To actually start dreaming big again. And I love amazing friend Les brown who wrote the forward for my book. He said, I love his saying that says the problem is not that we set our goals too high and we miss them.

[00:14:39] The problem is we set them too low and we hit them. And so when you're dreaming big, not all of them are going to necessarily come true, but I'll tell you a lot of mine. Don't Scott a lot. Do not come. Or at least in the way I think they should. That's something else, but I'm way ahead of the people that never dream at all.

[00:14:58] So that's what I want people to [00:15:00] understand. Second step, find a mentor or someone in. Going back to that mentorship coaches so critical. I don't care who you are, unless you're an Elon Musk or a Jeff Bezos, chances are whatever you want to accomplish. Someone else has done it before you. And even those two gentlemen, they never got to where they were without great mentors in their life.

[00:15:22] People showing them what to do things the correct way, what to avoid some of the greatest lessons come from what didn't work. So have a mentor model. Now this one comes in two parts. Not only it is about who can I be mentored by? Who can I model? You also have to ask yourself this question, who can I be a mentor to?

[00:15:43] But Robert Scott, I haven't accomplished what you two have accomplished. I can't mentor people. Sure. You can look at the tough times you've gone through in your life. And what have you been able to get through and then ask yourself who maybe is going through the same thing that if I help them, they get through it easier with less.[00:16:00]

[00:16:00] By being a mentor to other people, right? From the beginning, giving back right from the beginning that enriches your life. Plus you'll also notice because it comes down to three keys and I know we'll probably talk about this at the end, but three keys to have success is learn, do teach. When you learn something, the moment you do it, you get it on a deeper level.

[00:16:23] And then when you teach. It goes to a whole new level. So being a mentor is you giving back and teaching from your life experiences. Step number three, you can have the dreams in the world. You can even have the greatest mentors in the world, but you have to take action in all my travels around the world.

[00:16:43] That's probably the number one mistake I see. Most people take that do not succeed is they don't take it out. Remember one step in the right direction, worth a thousand years and thinking about it. So you've got to take action, even if you're uncertain, even if you don't feel like it, [00:17:00] this is why it's important to surround yourself with amazing growth minded people, the ones that are willing to kick you in the ass when you're not taking action and you can be so that's.

[00:17:11] Now step number four. It's interesting on this one, and I'm always going to tell people on this is, do you not let the simplicity of what I'm going through these steps with you quickly on do not let the simplicity fool you? When I wrote this book, success left a clue. I could have put all the science, all the quantum physics, all the research behind it and made it very technical and made it about a thousand pages.

[00:17:35] You would have probably most people will read the first three or four pages and went well, too boring for me and over my head and they wouldn't have read anymore. I broke it down and made it simple so people can do it. But sometimes the mind goes, it can't be that simple and that's becomes your block.

[00:17:52] You can have the greatest dreams in the world, greatest mentors and even take action and have success. But step number four is why people get [00:18:00] sabotaged. They forget to do this, and that is to celebrate your success. Celebrate your successes. And when I say celebrate it, doesn't have to be like going out, having a party, buying a new vehicle, going on a holiday.

[00:18:13] Sometimes it could just be a simple pat on the back yes. Great job. You did that anchoring in with a fist pump. Oh, I got it. I did it every morning. I start my day with my success journal. I wake up and I write down at least five successes from the day before. And over the years, it's morphed from just being a success journal is now success and or gratitude journal.

[00:18:40] Who, and what am I grateful for? See by celebrating this in your life, you're attracting great energy to you, law of attraction at its best right there. And so I start my day by celebrating, which allows me then to be set up for more amazing day. And I hope that makes sense to people and. Step number [00:19:00] five is a direct result of you doing step number four, direct number step number five, believe in yourself.

[00:19:09] And again, I'm not talking about ego. I'm not talking about arrogance. Oh, I'm the greatest in the world. None of you can touch me. I'm just to me. No, it's just here's why I am. Yes. And what happens is, and I, again, probably the biggest issue of notice all over the world. It doesn't matter what culture, what.

[00:19:28] Probably the biggest obstacle I see that people have hit around the world low self-esteem, even the people that seem so confident. A lot of times they're overcompensating for that inner low self esteem and self doubt that goes inside. And I will tell you, and I will be the first to admit self doubt is still the one thing I battle with on a day to day.

[00:19:52] Basis and people have a hard time believing that while Robert you've been on stage in front of thousands of people around the world with some of the greatest thought leaders. [00:20:00] Yeah. And the question keeps coming up in my mind, who am I, that I'm able to do this. And this is where again, having those great, amazing people in your life I'll before I go into the final step, I'll give you an something that changed my life.

[00:20:15] A paradigm shift I got last year. 'cause I used to teach people and I used to be a big believer of surrounding yourself with like-minded people. I thought that was one of the critical things to success. A mentor of mine last year, put into a whole new kind of perspective. He says, basically, if you're surrounded by like-minded people that are complainer's, you're going to be a complainer.

[00:20:37] Cause you're like, He said, what you want to do is you want to surround yourself with growth minded people. And the difference is a growth minded person. Yep. They're going to be the one that's there to pick you up when you stumble. They're the B going to be your greatest cheerleading squad when you're doing well, but they're also going to be the people that are willing to have those tough conversations with you when it's needed.

[00:20:59] And [00:21:00] I'll tell you that paradigm shift. And I started noticing who are the growth minded people. And I started realizing that there were some people that need. Going back to what we talked about in the last episode with the unclutter, some of those people in my life where maybe people that were just like minded, but they were complainers or this is always wrong, that's always wrong.

[00:21:22] And it was time to let them go and just focus on the people that are the ones that are willing to grow with me in that growth mindset. So belief in yourself is critical because number step number six, The most simplest one of all six steps. Repeat the first five steps, because what will happen is when you set your dreams big, you find a mentor, someone to model you take action.

[00:21:47] You celebrate your success is going to elevate your belief in yourself, which allows you to set bigger dreams, have bigger mentors, greater actions, greater celebrations, greater belief in yourself, and it becomes a beautiful perpetual.[00:22:00]

[00:22:00] Scott Maderer: So you can follow Robert on Twitter as Rob rocks 69, or find him on his website over at success, left a He's also active on LinkedIn as real training, and you can find him on Facebook as the Robert Rio Pell. Of course I'll have links to all of that over in the show notes as well. Robert, is there anything else you'd like to share with.

[00:22:28] Rob Riopel: Yeah. Scott, you were so gracious to have me on as a guest. What I would love to do for your listeners, because remember the currency of time to me, one of the most valuable commodities we have is our time. And the fact that you've taken your time to interview me. But more importantly, is your listeners have taken their valuable time to listen.

[00:22:48] What I'd love to do as a gift from us to them is my first book international best-selling book success left a clue is if they go to Robert real, just my [00:23:00] They're actually going to be able to download the full digital version, not just a couple chapters, but the full digital version of success left a clue as our gift to them.

[00:23:09] And I will say it does come with a caveat. I did not write this book for people to read it, put it on the shelf and make it shelf help. That's not why I wrote it. Remember, step number three in the book is take action. So all the way through the book, it's a workbook. I have action steps. And so what I'm going to ask people to do is if you download the book, do the action steps.

[00:23:30] I promise you, you do it will change your life and law because I know people are creatures of habit. It'll even say in different chapters. Did you do the last action step, if not stop reading right now, go back. Do the action step and then start reading again because I know people are creatures of habit and I'd love to have them as a that for them to have that as a gift from the two of us, for taking their value.

[00:23:55] Scott Maderer: That is an awesome gift. And of course, I'll drop a link to that as well over in the show notes. So [00:24:00] folks can find it easy, but I encourage you to download the book and read it, but even more take action on what's in the book.

[00:24:08] Thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship podcast, as a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listen, but act on what you've heard and find a way to live your calling. If you enjoy this episode. Please do us a favor. Go over to inspired rate.

[00:24:37] All one word iTunes rate. It'll take you through how to leave a rating and review and how to make sure you're subscribed to the podcast so that you can get every episode as it comes out in your feed until next time, invest your time. Your talent and your treasures develop your influence and impact [00:25:00] the world.

In today's episode, I ask Rob about:

  • Why sometimes it seems like those with less knowledge and experience actually succeed more...
  • Him to talk about overcoming overwhelm...
  • His new book about unlocking the keys to success and the six key steps to achieving success...
  • and more.....

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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Most people are already hard workers, so I want them to understand to redirect the energy to be more effective.  This will allow you to have a greater life because you are helping other have a greater life. - Rob Riopel

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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