December 6

Episode 1016: Invest in Yourself – Interview with author and coach Rob Riopel– Part 1

Inspired Stewardship Podcast, Interview, Invest In Yourself


Join us today for Part 1 of the Interview with author and coach Rob Riopel, author of Success Left A Clue...

This is Part 1 of the interview I had with speaker, coach, and author Rob Riopel.  

In today’s interview with Rob Riopel, I ask Rob how he went from deeply in debt to financially independent.  I also ask Rob about the four currencies of life.  Rob also shares the four phases that we all go through and several resources to help you invest in yourself.

Join in on the Chat below.

Episode 1016: Invest in Yourself - Interview with author and coach Rob Riopel– Part 1

[00:00:00] Scott Maderer: Thanks for joining us on episode 1016 of the inspired stewardship podcast.

[00:00:07] Rob Riopel: I'm Robert Raymond, real Pell, and I challenge you to invest in yourself, invest in others and develop your influence and impact the world by using your time, your talent and your treasures to live out your. Having the ability to improve consistently over time is key.

[00:00:26] And one of the ways to be inspired to do that is to listen to this, the inspired stewardship podcast with my friend, Scott Mader.

[00:00:35] Have you ever noticed that life can be going really, really well? And it's all of a sudden, like life hits you upside the head and chaos answers your. And so people, when chaos enters, they get really resistant. They get upset, they get tense. But if people understand that chaos is actually natural. And so with life as human beings, we were meant to evolve.

[00:00:58] That's why.

[00:00:59] Scott Maderer: [00:01:00] Welcome and thank you for joining us on the inspired stewardship podcasts. If you truly desire to become the person who God wants you to be, then you must learn to use your time, your talent and your treasures for your true calling in the inspired stewardship podcast. We'll learn to invest in yourself, invest in others and develop your influence so that.

[00:01:23] Can impact the work

[00:01:25] and today's interview with Rob real Pell. I asked Rob how he went from deeply in debt to financially independent. I also asked Rob about the four currencies of life, and Rob also shares the four phases that we all go through and share several resources that you can use to help invest in yourself. One reason I like to bring you great interviews.

[00:01:50] Like the one you're going to hear today is because of the power in learning from others. Another great way to learn from others is through reading books. But if [00:02:00] you're like most people today, you find it hard to find the time to sit down and read. And that's why today's podcast is brought to you by audible.

[00:02:08] Go to inspired to sign up and you can get a 30 day free trial. There's over 180,000 titles to choose from. And instead of reading, you can listen your way to learn from some of the greatest minds out there. That's inspired to get your free trial and listen to great books the same way you're listening to this podcast.

[00:02:36] Robert Raymond real Pell is an international best-selling author app designer, entrepreneur and trainer, who has spent the past 18 plus years traveling around the world, sharing his passion. He has also shared the stage with and trained many of the top trainers and thought leaders in the world. Robert draws on his journey from humble beginnings to financial freedom at the age of [00:03:00] 32 to inspire individuals into tapping into their greatness, realizing that he is not the only person that struggles Roberts clues, open individuals up to the possibilities that lie within them.

[00:03:12] Welcome to the show, Rob.

[00:03:14] Rob Riopel: Hey, thanks Scott. Glad to be here.

[00:03:16] Scott Maderer: So Robert I've had the opportunity to talk to you a little bit before we started recording and looked at your book and some of your other resources, and I was really intrigued by the story that you shared with me, of being a business owner, being deeply in debt struggling financially to now being a speaker or a coach, a, an Arthur, and how you did that transition from.

[00:03:43] To financially independent. Could you share a little bit about that journey with.

[00:03:49] Rob Riopel: Yeah, absolutely. And I'm glad I can look back and laugh at it now because back then it was one of the most stressful times. I don't know if your listeners have ever experienced financial [00:04:00] stress, but to me, it's probably the worst stress out there.

[00:04:02] My wife and I were dominance pizza franchisee for eight years at the time. And as we had started making more money, our spending habits got us spending more money than we were earning. And because of that, all of a sudden we find ourselves over $150,000. Impersonal debt and stressed out beyond belief.

[00:04:20] And that's how actually it's. At that time, we were introduced to personal development. Something. I had been very closed to Scott. I had, it's I don't need this stuff. I remember a day, my brother-in-law came home and he's Hey, I picked up these cassette tapes that came in the mail today from this guy named Tony Robbins.

[00:04:36] We should listen to them and I'm like, you go listen to him. I don't need that stuff. And of course, necessity is the mother of all in all. All of a sudden here we are deep in debt and we get my wife and I were given tickets to a three hour evening preview of a personal development talk. And the only reason we showed up is because they were $39 each.

[00:04:57] And thank goodness, my mind would not let me [00:05:00] waste that money. And we showed up, we walk in not really wanting to be there by the time three hours was done. We were just like blown away, run into the back, signing up for a three-day weekend. Going, this is amazing. If we did this in three hours, what could we do in three days?

[00:05:14] And we went to the three-day event and we learned, first of all, why we're handling money the way we were to understand why we were in debt? Where did the programming come from? But more importantly, it's got, we were taught to take responsibility for our debt, quit blaming others because I was good at going well, I invested with this company.

[00:05:34] I gave them my money and they lost it. It's there. And it's no, who gave him the money? That is the first step in that sentence. But my mind skipped right over that. So taking responsibility and then we learned some specific skills to get out of debt if we wanted to. And my wife and I, when we left that three days, we did something that unfortunately only 3% of people in north America.

[00:05:56] We actually put into practice and took action on what we [00:06:00] had learned. Most people just put it would've been like, oh, that was a great weekend, changed my life. And then they do nothing with it. But because of, and I probably would've done the same thing, but we are so stressed out. I knew we had to do something and because we put it into practice, next thing we go from being over $150,000 in personal debt to actually retired completely financially.

[00:06:22] Nine months later at the age of 32. And I was like, wow, that worked. If this information gave us that result, what would more learning do? And for the next two and a half years, we dove into learn from as many people as we could, because once we open that box, I didn't want to just learn one way. I didn't want to just learn from one person.

[00:06:41] I wanted to learn from as many masters as I could. And doing that, I found my passion was to teach. And it here's how it started. Scott is at, and I'd love for your listeners to get this. I didn't have this big dream of traveling around inspiring people all over the world. It started with, if I could help one [00:07:00] person, one person do what my wife and I had been able to accomplish, go from being in debt to financial freedom and make it all worthwhile.

[00:07:07] And because of that first step. For the last 18 and a half plus years, I have been blessed to travel all over the world. I've personally taught over half a million people, how to create the life of their dreams, create financial freedom and own who they are and all their grades. And so that's the short, long, short version of the journey.

[00:07:27] Okay.

[00:07:28] Scott Maderer: So that they, yeah. Perfect. Thank you so much for sharing it. And I wanted to follow up on a couple of things. First off, especially for males financial stress is one it's one of the leading cause of male suicide. It's one of the leading cause of heart attacks other things like that.

[00:07:46] So I think that recognition that, especially for you, that it was a. Yeah, the worst stress you've ever had is how you described it. Of course it's not that it's not bad for women or the wives and all of that. It's [00:08:00] just different. So you mentioned also that you took action.

[00:08:04] One of the expressions that we use on in the show and my coaching clients here at enlisters here it is, it's a process, not an event. And sometimes for a lot of people, those weekend events, that's one of the problems with them is it's an event. They go to it. It's a one-time thing. Three weeks later, they're right back to where they used to be.

[00:08:22] So what was it that helped you take action on what you had learned that weekend?

[00:08:28] Rob Riopel: Yeah the training they identified that action is important. And one of the things that we had decided to continue our education with was a coaching. This is why I love coaches. I love, and I believe you have to have coaches is critical because with the coaching program, we ended up with having accountability partners and it was a 10 minute call.

[00:08:49] Every week we set up the time. It was like, what were you goals last week? What did you get accomplished? What didn't you get accomplished? And there was no blame or shame around it. If you didn't get [00:09:00] something accomplished, that was the beautiful part. It was just, I'm here to hold you accountable. And if my accountability partner noticed there's something that a couple of weeks in a row, I wasn't doing what I said I was going to do.

[00:09:11] It was like, okay, how can I support you? It wasn't. What the heck, man, what the hell you doing? They weren't there to, again, blame or shame. And because of that accountability here's what I've learned in the, over the years, we will do more for other people than we'll do for ourselves. And so being, because I made a commitment to someone else, then staying accountable was much easier.

[00:09:34] And having those accountability calls and they got boring, I will tell you they got boring and that's why most people stop. And it's you've got to be willing. If you want to have success, you have to be willing to do the ugly behind the scenes, boring monotonous day-to-day activities that give you the security and the foundation to really be able to not only get success, but then hold on to it.

[00:09:58] Scott Maderer: One of the [00:10:00] terms that you talk about is how there are four currencies. In life. Would you expand on what you mean by that and what those four currencies?

[00:10:11] Rob Riopel: Absolutely. The first currency is the one that probably everybody thinks about when you say currency and that is the currency of money. And what I've learned in my research is that if you have too much money in your life, that's something called affluenza.

[00:10:24] If you have too little money, it's called poverty. And what I've noticed is that we all have a zone Scott and a zone of where I'll go back to my Domino's pizza. If my wife and I were making less than $40,000 a year. That was poverty to me. I that's where the stress would kick in how we paying the bills.

[00:10:42] Oh my God. What's going to happen. The affluenza was about a hundred thousand. And what affluenza is when you hit the affluenza stage, you start doing stupid things with your money, like investing without doing your due diligence. Oh, that sounds like a great investment. How much do you need? Okay, I'll just write you a check.[00:11:00]

[00:11:00] Or I use the example of a gentleman in UAE. Yeah, here's this print he decides he wants when the 83 80 airplanes get built and come out the two Decker airplanes, he decides to buy one for his own private party. Plane spends a billion dollars to buy the plane a hundred million to re renovate it. I don't know about you, but I could think of a lot better things to do $1.1 billion.

[00:11:24] And so that's a affluenza. And so what happens is when people are within their own zone and everybody's zone is different. I want people to understand that and your zone will change as you change. So when you're in your zone, your life is a lot better flowing for currency, the currency of money. But when you go out of it, that's when you see things go wonky.

[00:11:46] Now, today, as an example, back in my Domino's pizza day, 40,000 was poverty in my mind, a hundred thousand was actually. Today because I've grown. And I like my lifestyle. I want to be clear about that. It's not, you have to [00:12:00] feel guilty about having a nicer lifestyle. You have to, it has to be something that you like you enjoy, so you want to maintain.

[00:12:07] So my poverty level today is about 200,000 a year because I like my lifestyle. My affluenza lifestyle is if I'm making more than a million a year right now, then that's when I started noticing I do strange things. So that's the currency of. The second currency is one that we all have the exact same amount of which is a currency of time, too much time on your.

[00:12:30] Boredom too little stress. And it always amazes me when we hit this pandemic, how many people, when they were locked down at home, they're going, I'm bored. I got nothing to do. And I'm like, come over here. I'll give you lots to do because I became more busy when I all would lock down at home.

[00:12:48] Versus when I was flying 200,000 miles a year. So on the currency of time is how are you using your time? Most people's got, they ended up getting strict. Because let me ask it like this. [00:13:00] Have you ever had people say to you, I've got no time. I'm busy with, between my family, my business, my job. Where am I going to find the time?

[00:13:06] I've noticed people are good at being busy. They're not necessarily good at being productive and there's a big difference. And so I utilize like today I live off my calendar on my phone. I live by. And I there's specific ways I use it. And I put in the second thing on my phone, I put in something called focus time, because one hour of actually putting down and being focused without distractions, I can be busier than six hours of being busy.

[00:13:33] I can get more done. And so I actually free up time that way. So the currency of time, very important to understand you can't buy more. You don't have more or less than anybody else. It's what are you doing? The third currency is the currency of fame. Now this is an interesting one because especially.

[00:13:52] Social media today. Everybody wants their 15 minutes of fame. How can I get my tech talk to go viral? [00:14:00] How can I what stupid thing can I do? And these challenges that come up, people, a lot of them do it just to get the viral fame. And we've all watched fame. Either people can handle it or they can't.

[00:14:13] Why is it the fame destroyed so many lives while it's because people start believing. There who society tells them they are. And as an example, you get someone who hits it as an actor, an actress, they hit it big and they do one movie. That's their breakout role. All of a sudden they can't handle everything that's coming at them because they think they have to be someone different.

[00:14:34] They've now got an entourage. They've got people telling them what to do. They've got all this money that they have to spend to keep things going. Even though they're making maybe millions, they're spending millions to keep it up and it gets tiring. And so I love an interview that I saw a year ago.

[00:14:50] Where a person was interviewing Jennifer Lopez and they said, Jennifer, you look, you're a powerhouse in the industry, singer actress, dancer, businesswoman, [00:15:00] but you're also a powerhouse with family. How do you keep the two separate? And she said I'm just. But when I'm on set, when I'm doing business, I'm, J-Lo, that's my persona.

[00:15:11] That's my brand. When I'm at home, I'm just Jennifer to family. That's it I'm the same person, but it's which persona min. And she keeps them separate. And to me, that changed my life, Scott, because when I'm on the road training in front of thousands of people, my brand is I'm Robert, Raymond real pill. I have assistants taken care of everything, but when I come home, I'm just Robert and my wife and I have a running joke.

[00:15:38] I get home from a trip overseas and she'll go, honey, you're home now. No more assistance. Go and take out the garbage. And I love that because that keeps me back. And like this weekend, we're headed out for a family reunion and we're going to be camping with family and sitting around a fire, just enjoying life.

[00:15:56] You imagine me going into that ego and going, Hey, don't you guys know who I [00:16:00] am? I'm Robert, someone go get my beer, someone get me my dish out my food. Yeah, my brothers and my sister. They would thump me real quick and remind me that I'm not. So it's a fame is something. Understanding the different parts of where your life are, but being you within it, don't try and be someone else.

[00:16:18] If that makes sense. And then the fourth currency is the one I love to put a lot of my attention to right now is the currency of experience. When we talk about why people get overwhelmed is because they're so far in the future, trying to figure everything out, all the, what if scenarios or they're caught up in the past?

[00:16:36] This happened to me that had. Because of this, my life is ruined and they forget to be present. How many people miss the day-to-day quality of time with your family instead of quantity it's got, have you ever been having a conversation with someone? And even though you're there physically together, you can tell their mind is somewhere else, a million miles away.

[00:16:56] And when it comes to business and success, sometimes it's [00:17:00] been me by the way, too. And that's exactly it. Look, we all do. So it's the question of how do you be more present? Because when it comes to success, people think their family is going to pay the price. But if you understand that your family like I guess the easiest way to say it's like this, if I'm on the other side of the world, an agreement I have with my wife is no matter, even if I've been 12, 13, 14 hours on stage.

[00:17:25] Even if it's a 14 hour time zone difference. When, before I go to bed, my wife and I get on FaceTime. I love that technology allows us to see each other. And even if we only have a five minute call because I'm drained because I'm burnt out, whatever that five minutes is five minutes of being present with.

[00:17:45] And one of the ways if one of us is drifting there's many times where I start falling asleep, I'll be so dead on my feet. I'll be like talking to her and I'll start falling asleep. And instead of getting mad at each other, we simply say to the other person, come back to [00:18:00] me. And that's a reminder that, okay, I'm here because the more we can practice being present, the more we will actually experience life.

[00:18:09] And when you start to truly experience. That's when you're truly living life. So those are the four currencies in another

[00:18:18] Scott Maderer: well. And one of the things I love about that is I actually talk and coach and work with people on money and productivity and stewardship is the brand time, talent and treasures.

[00:18:28] And the joke that I tell everyone, that's not really a joke is people come to me for help with money and time. The real truth is I only coach on. Because at the end of the day, the way you handle your money and the way you handle your time is about how you handle yourself. And again, I see the same thing showing up here in the four currencies it's yes, there they're four different currencies, but they really all connect because a lot of it has to do with you and how you are integral

[00:18:54] Rob Riopel: to yourself.

[00:18:55] You take yourself with you wherever you go. Yeah.

[00:18:58] Scott Maderer: That's a good thing and a [00:19:00] bad thing depending on the day of the week. So it's part of that. You also talk about these four phases of life that people go through throughout their life. Can you talk a little bit about and unpack what you mean by the four phase?

[00:19:14] Rob Riopel: Yeah. Have you ever noticed that life can be going really well? And as all of a sudden, like life hits you upside the head and chaos answers your life. And so people, when chaos enters, they get really resistant. They get upset, they get tense, but if people understand that chaos is actually now.

[00:19:32] And so with life as human beings, we were meant to evolve. That's why we're here. And so the four phases life or what we go through consistently in our day to day activities. And I love to keep things simple. I'm going to do my best Forrest Gump in person. I'm not a smart man. And I know I just slaughtered that, but I use that as a reminder because I like to keep things simple because I don't want to have to try and be smart.

[00:19:59] And I love [00:20:00] using acronyms for that. So I use the acronym open for the four phases. The O stands for the observation phase. This is the time when you're in this phase and there's specific ways you can tell when you're in a phase or not. But when you're in this phase, this is the time to create. What would, I love my life to look like?

[00:20:20] What would the, this is where meditation is a time to take for meditation. I'm huge on vision boards. I love vision boards create vision boards during this time is not the time to figure out how am I going to do it? What do I need to do is just what would I absolutely love? And for your listeners that cannot see me, I am aerodynamic.

[00:20:38] So picture me, is this genie in front of you saying I'm going to grant you whatever wish you want, as long as you're clear on. What would you like? So really envision what you'd like in your life during that observation phase. The second phase is the P stands for pamper. And what's interesting about this phase is this is the one, especially entrepreneurs.

[00:20:58] They don't think [00:21:00] they can do, or they don't believe it's important or that they don't have time for it. And the pamper phase is all about you taking time for you and two things to understand in this phase, be creative. And be selfish. And the reason I say that is because you cannot give what you do not have.

[00:21:20] So people, especially who want to help others. And again, guilty on this majorly. I, when I was first four and a half years training, I was training so much. I was only at home on average two days a month. That's it. And I got burnt out. And I ended up having to go through two back surgeries because I wasn't taking care of myself.

[00:21:42] I was giving, giving, giving, forgetting to take care of me. And so the pamper phase, when you're in this phase, this is the time to book or go on a vacation. This is the time to get a massage manicure. Pedicure. If you have hair, maybe get a haircut. This is the time to take care of you read a [00:22:00] book. If you love to read, take 10 minutes to just sit down and take some deep breaths and become present.

[00:22:05] And the reason why. Get creative as, because you may not, you may be going, but I don't have time for this. And so going back to my scheduling in wealth and in money, they say, through number one, pay yourself first. And that's incredible. That's an important and critical for wealth. So my question is if paying yourself first and money's important, why wouldn't you pay yourself first in time?

[00:22:31] So my wife and I, the first thing we put on our calendars, when we sit down to go over our calendars, the first thing before anything else that goes on our calendar is pamper pieces. Balance pieces, time for each other time for ourselves. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you heard that right time for yourself.

[00:22:49] Time for family health. Those are the things that go on first instead of trying to fit them on later, when often is you're so busy, so I don't have timeframe thing. So our [00:23:00] pamper pieces go on first, then our focus pieces go on second. And the reason I say get creative is because as an example, people used to ask me all the time, Scott, they go, okay, Robert you're flying on average 200,000 miles a year around the world, BC before COVID of course they go, why would you do that?

[00:23:18] Why would you get on a 10 hour, 12 hour? First one is because I love to meet people in all these different countries. I love that, but the second reason is being selfish. That's the selfish part. The moment I step on the plane and sit in my seat. That's my time. I don't do work. I don't connect to the internet.

[00:23:37] I read because I love to read. I watch movies because I love to watch movies. I get a little. Eat some good food, drink some great wine because I know the moment I land the next three to five days, I'm onstage for up to 12 hours a day or more. So if I don't take care of me, how can I truly be taking care of my students when it's time to be present with them?

[00:23:58] So in that pamper [00:24:00] phase, get creative and be selfish to take care of yourself and you'll find then you're a better service and more present with other people. Third phase the E stands for the energy. And this is the phase. This is meetings, bookings, emails. What did it ever do for being productive that you need to get done?

[00:24:21] And so when you're in the energy phase, again, this is why the pamper phase is so important because now I can put in and I'll give you an example my day today, because of some things going on with my wife's health, I've cleared my schedule for the next week, but today I had a commitment to you. So I'm keeping.

[00:24:42] And tonight at 11:00 PM, my time I start a six hour training for my students in the Philippines. So I'll go from 11:00 PM to 5:00 AM. I'll get up and I'll do it again on Saturday. And so when I'm in my energy phase, I can put in an 18 hour, day [00:25:00] of productivity at the end of the date. Am I tired? Yes, but am I burnt out and wasted?

[00:25:07] No. Because I took care of the pamper phase. This is why they're also critical. And I hope your listeners are getting that. And then the end phase. And now I'll tell you, Scott, I got to admit to this. I had to get creative and is not the first letter of the word for the fourth phase. It's the second letter.

[00:25:25] I couldn't come up with a word that started with ed and I wanted the acronym open. So that's why, and it is the, what I call the uncluttered. And the unclutter is another way of saying chaos. Chaos will enter your lives late and gentlemen, you have no control over it. However you can volunteer. And yes, you heard me correct on that.

[00:25:46] You can actually volunteer for Katie. So that when chaos does enter your life, it doesn't hit you so hard. And by volunteering, this is allowing you to embrace chaos because chaos is natural. When you go into the unclutter phase and I'll tell you why I named it [00:26:00] that in a moment, this is the time to actually destroy something.

[00:26:05] You have to be willing to courageously destroy something. And this is something that's not working in your life. So as an example, and it may sound harsh. But I've got to be I'm known for being real with people. There's times when a business or personal relationship just is not working in the chaos phase, unclutter phase.

[00:26:25] That's the time to let that and that relationship. This is the time to maybe if you want a new vehicle, it may be years of starting to break down. The repairs are costing a lot. It's leaving you stranded while until you let go of the old vehicle, you can't get the new. So in this phase, you gotta be willing to let go of something.

[00:26:42] Good to get something great. And let go of something great to get something phenomenal. And the reason I call it unclutter is because this is how you can cooperate with chaos. As an example, Scott, have you ever walked to your refrigerator, opened it up and went, Ooh, [00:27:00] maybe I should clean this out. There's something in there.

[00:27:02] That's just been in there too. And so you unclutter your refrigerator, maybe you clean out your closet. Maybe I come into my office every couple of weeks. I cleaned my office. I straightened up paperwork. I don't need, I shred it or throw it away. I unclutter my life. And by doing that's showing the universe, God, whatever higher power you go by that you're willing to cooperate because if you've ever.

[00:27:28] When life comes and slaps you upside the head. If you don't get the lesson, what does it do? It hits you again, it hits you again and harder. So this is why you, how you can cooperate by being willing. And I love a friend of mine and he says this. He says, instead of being willing to live life, courageously allow life to live.

[00:27:53] You. And when you embrace chaos and you're willing to unclutter your life, that allows you then to go back into the [00:28:00] observation phase again, because we are meant to evolve and now we can have bigger dreams and go, what do I really want? And we'll go through the cycle again. And yeah, and I think these can even play out on different levels too.

[00:28:14] Scott Maderer: They can play out across years. Yes. Play across the first 35 minutes of your

[00:28:21] Rob Riopel: day. And that's it. That's exactly it. And what people, when they fully understand it, your business can be in one phase while your personal relationships in another, your health is in another and you have no control when you enter or exit.

[00:28:34] I want people to understand that. And yeah, some cycles for parts of your life will be going through several times a day, but some, yeah, all of a sudden you're in the unclutter phase. It seems like for weeks. And you're like, what are you

[00:28:46] Scott Maderer: resisting? Yeah, you, yeah. And usually it is our own resistance to, so if you had a chance to sit down with the listers and share some resources [00:29:00] or some tips It doesn't have to be a physical resource that they can use to have some of this self-development that you're talking about, that you've been studying for so long.

[00:29:11] What are some of the resources or tips that you would share?

[00:29:15] Rob Riopel: Yeah. I have a little, since you have for two or three, I'll give you three. I have a saying that I say 3, 2, 1, rich, which was actually one of the original titles of my book. Success left a clue. When I was thinking of it in contemplating and the 3, 2, 1 is actually a countdown to creating wealth in all areas.

[00:29:32] Not just money. I'm a big believer. We're holistic. So the three have at least three coaches in your life and you're like three coaches. What do you mean? Three coaches might be a business coach, a health coach, a relationship coach, a life coach coaches are critical because they see what you're not seeing.

[00:29:54] They can hold you accountable. So that's one resource have at least two mentors in your life. [00:30:00] Now the difference between a mentor. And this is just my perspective on this, Scott. This is not the right way or whatever. This is just my perspective difference between a mentor and a coach. To me, the coach is the one we'll hold you accountable, ask you the questions, draw out of you.

[00:30:14] What is it? You really want a mentor, someone who's accomplished what you want to accomplish. And they're there to just say do this. If you want to get. Follow this track. They're not going to sit there and coddle you. And how are you doing? I know you're struggling or they're just going to sit there and if you want, it does what you need to do.

[00:30:32] So I have two mentors and then be part of, at least one mastermind to me, masterminds are absolutely Gamechangers because as Einstein says, you can't solve a problem with that same mind that created. So 1925 and one of his first books and pulling in hill coined the phrase mastermind group. And then in 1937, when he released thinking grow rich, he expounded on it.

[00:30:56] And I love the fact that like in school we learned that one [00:31:00] plus one equals two, but in a mastermind situation, one plus one equals 11. Because when you're now sharing ideas with other people, often it triggers ideas in your mind, things that you may not have thought of, which then triggers something in them.

[00:31:14] So three coaches, two mentors be part of at least one mastermind. Those are three things that for me, changed my life and I've seen it change so many others when they follow that.

[00:31:24] Scott Maderer: So you could follow Robert on Twitter. Rob rocks 69 or find him on his website over at success, left a He's also active on LinkedIn as real training, and you can find him on Facebook as the Robert Rio PEL of course I'll have links to all of that over in the show notes as well. Robert, is there anything else you'd like to share with.

[00:31:52] Rob Riopel: Yeah. Scott, you were so gracious to have me on as a guest. What I would love to do for your listeners, because remember the [00:32:00] currency of time to me, one of the most valuable commodities we have is our time. And the fact that you've taken your time to interview me and be here, but more importantly, is your listeners have taken their valuable time to listen.

[00:32:12] What I'd love to do as a gift from Austin. Is my first book international best-selling book success left a clue is if they go to Robert real, just my They're actually going to be able to download the full digital version, not just a couple of chapters, but the full digital version of success left a clue as our gift to them.

[00:32:33] And I will say it does come with a caveat. I did not write this book for people to read it, put it on the shelf and make it shelf help. That's not why I wrote it. Remember, step number three in the book is take action. So all the way through the book, it's a workbook. I have action steps. And so what I'm going to ask people to do is if you download the book, do the action steps.

[00:32:54] I promise you, you do it will change your life and law because I know people are creatures [00:33:00] of habit. It'll even say in different chapters. Did you do the last action step, if not stop reading right now, go back. Do the action step and then start reading again because I know people are creatures of habit and I'd love to have them as a that for them to have that as a gift from the two of us, for taking their valuable.

[00:33:19] That

[00:33:19] Scott Maderer: is an awesome gift. And of course, I'll drop a link to that as well over in the show notes. So folks can find it easy, but I encourage you to download the book and read it, but even more take action on what's in the book as well.

[00:33:33] Thanks so much for listening to the inspired stewardship podcast, as a subscriber and listener, we challenge you to not just sit back and passively listen, but act on what you've heard and find a way to live your calling. If you enjoy this episode. Please do us a favor. Go over to inspired [00:34:00] rate.

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In today's episode, I ask Rob about:

  • How he went from deeply in debt to financially independent...
  • The four currencies of life...
  • The four phases that we all go through and several resources to help you invest in yourself...
  • and more.....

Some of the Resources recommended in this episode: 

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Have you ever noticed that life can be going really well, then life hits you up beside the head and chaos enters your life? When Chaos enters people get really resistant but if people understand that chaos is really natural. - Rob Riopel

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About the author 


Helping people to be better Stewards of God's gifts. Because Stewardship is about more than money.

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